The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 Volume XX, Number 31
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. The Carthage
Crisis Center Presents A Free Furniture and Appliance
Distribution for Tornado Survivors and other Needy
Families At 9 AM on Saturday August 6, 2011 at 100 Main
Did Ya Know?.. The American
Legion & Auxiliary, Post 9, of Carthage are accepting
donations for a rummage sale to be held August 27 &
28. Jerry Chapman 417-423-0096, D Murphey 417-359-6161
laugh Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a
The bartender asks, "Olive or
A young man of 18 years becomes a monk
in a monastery that requires a vow of silence. He can
only speak 2 words every 5 years. At the end of year 5
the head monk calls the kid in and says "My boy you
now can say 2 words."
The kid replies "food
Five more years go by and the head monk
says "You may now say 2 words."
The boy says "bed hard".
At the end of the next 5 years the head
monk calls the boy in and says "You may now say 2
The kid says "I quit".
The head monk replies "I’m
not surprised, all you’ve done is gripe ever since
you got here".
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Generous Officer.
Cora Davis the young man whom
"Col." Fred Blair distinguished himself by
overtaking on a bicycle at Joplin and holding until the
officer arrived was brought up today to serve a jail
sentence by Constable Winters. In token of his
appreciation of "Col." Blairs’ services
the generous officer gave him a dime.
A Laurence Holme
The Laurence Holme company gave a very
satisfactory production of "The Smugglers" to a
large house last night. The Light Guard orchestra was
present and furnished excellent music. Mr. John
D’Ormond, who is well known here, was seen in a
leading role and was greeted with applause. Tonight the
company will present "The Brand of Cain." They
carry a vast amount of special scenery for the three
Today's Feature Nominations for
Grand Marshal to be Accepted.
Nominations are currently being
accepted for the 45th Annual Maple Leaf Festival
Grand Marshal. Nomination forms may be picked up
at the Chamber office, 402 S Garrison, Carthage,
or those interested can call 417-358-2373 to have
them faxed or e-mailed. Nominations must be
submitted on the official form.
Deadline for accepting
nominations is 5 p.m. on August 19th. This
deadline is for actual receipt of nomination form
at the Chamber office.
"Being chosen to be Maple
Leaf Festival Grand Marshal is a tremendous
honor," said Jeanine Poe, Chairperson of the
45th Annual Maple Leaf Festival Committee.
"The Maple Leaf committee receives a number
of nominations of highly respected citizens who
have made significant contributions to the
community each year. Be specific and detailed
when you nominate a potential Grand Marshal so
the committee has the information to choose the
best nominee for this year’s festival."
For information, contact Mary
Jo at 417-358-2373 or
County Jail Count
183 August 1,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
Ever keep bumpin’ into
the same person over and over again? I
don’t mean a friend or acquaintance, but
a complete stranger.
Sometimes it’s out on
the interstate. Ya pass a car and later in
the trip, ya pull out from gettin’ gas
and there that same car is. Ya end up
passin’ again and somewhere down the
road, here he comes, passin’ you. Then
slows for some reason so ya pass ‘em
It happens in the grocery
store some too. Ya stop and let someone pass
by, and a couple a rows down, ya almost run
into ‘em for the second or third time.
It just seems that two
random folks are for some reason on the same
wave link or somethin.’ The only way
I’ve found to get around the situation
is to break the rhythm of whatever it is
you’re doin’. Pull off the side of
the road or stop and get a can a pop. There
are some things ya just can’t fight.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue,
Most Back Pain
Stops on Its Own
78-year-old, semiretired man. I am very active
and look a lot younger. I work part-time as a
truck driver delivering auto parts to garages.
Now I am out of work because of pain in my lower
back. The pain runs down to my foot. I have been
diagnosed with sciatica. My doctor sent me for an
MRI, and it showed a bulging disk. What is the
best remedy? I use ice packs, heating packs and
hot packs. I am on crutches to take pressure off
my leg. Would surgery help? -- J.S.
ANSWER: Back pain is one of the
leading problems that send people to doctors.
Most cases of back pain go away on their own,
even if they’re due to things like a bulging
(also called herniated or ruptured) disk. Even
though your back hurts, you can be as active as
your pain allows. Don’t sit for prolonged
periods; sitting puts more pressure on your back
than does standing or walking. Sleep on your side
with a pillow between your knees. Continue with
heat, cold or alternating heat and cold,
whichever gives you the most pain relief. Tylenol
or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine
(Aleve, Advil, Motrin, etc.) can make you more
If the pain doesn’t let up
in six weeks, you have chronic back pain.
Sciatica is pain that travels from the back down
the leg to the foot. It comes from pressure on
the sciatic nerve. In your case, the pressure
most likely comes from your bulging back disk.
Back disks are cartilage pads placed between
adjacent backbones to absorb the shock those
bones take from our walking, bending and pushing.
The disk has a tough outer ring. Gelatinous
material makes up the inner core. If there’s
a break in the outer ring, the inner core pushes
through -- a bulging, herniated or ruptured disk,
whichever term you want to use.
If sciatica doesn’t
resolve on its own, a doctor can inject the back
with cortisone to reduce inflammation. That can
relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. The
procedure is called an epidural.
Surgeons, aided by a
microscope, can remove the bulge through small
incisions, about an inch long. This technique is
called a microdiskectomy and usually is quite
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