laugh My first job was working in an orange juice
factory, but I got canned, ...couldn’t concentrate.
Then I worked in the woods as a
lumberjack, but I just couldn’t hack it, so they
gave me the ax.
After that I tried to be a tailor, but
I just wasn’t suited for it ... mainly because it
was a so-so job.
Next I tried working in a muffler
factory but that was too exhausting.
Then I tried to be a chef -- figured it
would add a little spice to my life, but I just
didn’t have the time.
I attempted to be a deli worker, but
any way I sliced it, I couldn’t cut the mustard.
My best job was being a musician, but
eventually I found I wasn’t noteworthy.
I studied a long time to become a
doctor, but I didn’t have any patience.
I became a professional fisherman, but
discovered that I couldn’t live on my net income.
I managed to get a good job working for
a pool maintenance company, but the work was just too
So then I got a job in a workout
center, but they said I wasn’t fit for the job.
After many years of trying to find
steady work I finally got a job as a historian until I
realized there was no future in it.
My last job was working at Starbucks,
but I had to quit because it was always the same old
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Gunsmith Accidentally
Shoots Customer.
Miss Love took a revolver which she
keeps at home for defense against tramps, etc. to E.
Farmer, the gunsmith on East Fourth street to have it
repaired. The revolver is a cheap one of 38 caliber and
was rusty from disuse, so that she could not open it and
she brought it in loaded because she could not eject the
When she handed the weapon to Mr.
Farmer he raised the hammer, turning the barrel away from
the young lady. He did not observe that she later stepped
around in range of the weapon. Mr. Farmer had glanced at
the chambers of the weapon to see if it was loaded before
raising the hammer, but the bullets had been cut off and
did not show.
The hammer had been broken and, as Mr.
Farmer was examining it, it slipped from under his thumb.
A cartridge was discharged and the bullet passed through
the sleeve of Miss Love’s dress and wounded her left
arm near the shoulder. She at first thought that the
bullet had merely grazed her arm and started on to the
store to begin her duties, but by the time she reached
her destination the pain in her arm became intense and
she accompanied by Mrs. Damon and Miss Sheffield,
hastened to Dr. Brooks’ office, where the hurt was
The bullet entered her left arm near
the shoulder. It ploughed through the flesh and came out
about two inches in the rear of the point where it
entered. Miss Love was taken to her home and will be able
to attend to her duties as usual in a week if all goes
Today's Feature 3rd Annual Fall
Just two weeks remain to
purchase a chance to be the winner at Carthage
Fair Acres YMCA 3rd Annual Fall Ball. The event
will be held at the Carthage Municipal Golf
Course on Saturday, August 19th.
Tickets may be purchased from
one of the Y Board members or at the Y’s
front desk at a cost of $5 for one, 3 golf balls
for $10, or 6 for $20. There will also be a
Chipping & Putting contest from Noon - 6:00
p.m., Dinner (Hot Dogs/Chips/Drink) at 5:00 p.m.
& the Ball Drop at 7:00 p.m.
The person who has his/her golf
ball go in the bottom of cup or the closest to
the cup in the event that no ball makes it into
the cup, will win $1,000 cash. The event will
also be giving away a Gas BBQ Grill as a prize
for the drop & $300 in additional hole
prizes. All proceeds benefit the YMCA’s
Scholarship Fund.
The following Y Board Members
have tickets for sale: Travis Almandinger, Bill
Phelps, Dr. Mark Baker, Catie Platt, Chuck
Bryant, Danny Ross, Tom Carlton, Patrick Scott,
Cheryl Calhoon, GA Flesher, Nancy Frerer, Jacque
Sappington, Steve Wilson, John Nicholas or Joe
County Jail Count
181 August 3,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I was always taught to not
make judgements based on what other might
think. Just look at the situation and do what
ya felt was right.
That kind of thinkin’
works pretty well for those ever’day
type decisions, let’s ya be an
independent thinker of sorts. Let’s say
ya question conventional wisdom.
I have often wondered , as
I passed through other communities, why
people live there. Not that I think they
shouldn’t, there must be some good
I’ve come to the
conclusion that folks live in a community
‘cause there are common base values. In
other words, ever’one thinks along a
similar line. Ya don’t have ta worry
what a neighbor thinks, ‘cause ya
already know. People live in communities so
they can share basic values. ‘Course
they still like ta gossip ‘bout those
who don’t.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
Sad to say, once our artCamp is
over, I know summer is ending and fall not too
far behind. With things as dry as they are, and
our yards and gardens overgrown with all the
"stuff" that we do not want, (why is it
that the wild growth is so darn hardy?) I
won’t be sorry to see that first killing
frost! I am assessing the records and statistics
of our recent camp, and writing the summary
reports to our various donors, and it is a good
record. I had eight teachers this year, the most
ever! This is good, as it keeps things more
interesting for the kids I think, especially
those that come every year. I plan next year to
rotate the basic 101 classes around so that some
of the other teachers have a shot at teaching
these skills in "their personal
way"—always more beneficial in art I
think. We were pleased to end the year with 58
students participating in 186 places in the 29
classes. Don’t forget, student work left can
be picked up inside the Pottery House 24 hours a
day during the month of August, including some
lunchboxes left behind! The Hyde House will not
be active in August while we take a short
vacation and in early fall and begin again with a
new exhibition. I am cleaning the entire house
now in preparation for a contracted wedding which
will occur here on the 10th of September, and are
pleased to have been chosen by that couple for
their wedding and reception. I continue to find
those who do not realize we are available for
rental. Hyde House and the property is a perfect
place for your baby shower, bridal shower, small
wedding receptions and weddings both inside and
outside. We have good outside floodlighting, the
parking allows 15 cars to park for meetings or
showers, and allows for circular driving in and
out. Our rates are very reasonable and include a
full kitchen and some nice serving pieces and
tableware. Call us for more information and I can
email or mail to you our contract information.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.