laugh A woman confided to her girlfriend, "My
ex-husband wants to marry me again."
The friend said, "How
The woman replied, "Not really. I
think he’s after the money I married him for.
After a series of disastrous holes, the
strictly amateur golfer in an effort to smother his rage
laughed hollowly and said to his caddie:
"This golf is a funny game."
"It’s not supposed to
be," said the boy gravely.
"Congress passed a law allowing
teachers to strip-search students. What could possibly go
wrong there?!"
--Jay Leno
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Geo. Graves, of River Street, Had His
Skull Broken by a Falling Drill.
Geo. Graves, of River street, this
city, was at work in the Pleasant Valley mine this
morning when a steel drill fell, striking him a glancing
blow on top of the head. A four-inch gash was cut, and
the outer table of the skull was fractured.
The miner was removed to his home,
where Dr. Carter dressed the wound, taking five stitches
in the scalp. The depression in the skull was probably
three-fourths of an inch deep. The doctor pronounces the
man badly hurt, but thinks the wound not fatal.
Manager Hamilton of the Grand Opera is
negotiating with the agent for "A Telephone
Girl," with a view to bringing that attraction here
about New Year. He hardly hopes to be successful,
Today's Feature From the Police
12/5/2011 @ 11:50 a.m., a
Sheriff’s Deputy was traveling west bound on
State Highway 171, just west of the Oak Street
exit, when a vehicle passed him at an excessive
speed. Deputy activated emergency lights and
siren; the vehicle continued west bound. As the
pursuit continued, the Deputy was able to make
out the license plate and radioed it in to
dispatch. The vehicle checked back to Alec C.
Doubet, 17 of Carthage. Deputy lost site of the
vehicle south bound on State Highway 249.
At approximately 3:00 p.m.,
another Deputy recognized Doubet’s vehicle
and attempted to initiate a traffic stop on him
at CR 170 and Jayhawk Road. Doubet, reversed away
from the Deputy, and then rammed the front of the
Deputy’s patrol vehicle with his vehicle.
Doubet failed to yield to the emergency lights
and sirens, causing the Deputy to pursue him.
Doubet attempted twice more to ram the
Deputy’s patrol vehicle. During the third
attempt Doubet forced the patrol vehicle into the
oncoming lane of traffic and almost off the
overpass. Doubet then drove Northbound in the
Southbound lane of travel on 71 Hwy at speeds
above 100 mph. At 3:22 p.m., the pursuit was
terminated and other agencies were notified to
watch for him.
At 4:45 p.m., the Jasper County
Sheriff’s Office was notified by Carthage
Police Department they had arrested Doubet inside
the city of Carthage. Carthage Police Officers
had been in a pursuit with Doubet just minutes
before the first Sheriff’s Deputy’s
Paperwork has been submitted to
the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for
consideration of charges for: Resisting Arrest by
flight (2 counts), First Degree Assault on Law
Enforcement Officer and Careless and Imprudent
County Jail Count
169 December 6,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
There is a reassurance in
the seasonal changes. Knowledge gained from
experience of former winter weather is
sometimes forgotten unfortunately. But,
lessons will be repeated for those who
don’t take advantage of past experience.
I turned on my wipers
yesterday mornin’ to clear the light
snow from the windshield. They hung for a
moment, then swiped across the glass. The
lesson was obvious. Part of my wiper blade
stayed attached to the ice as the wiper
ripped a chunk of the rubber. I’ve seen
that before, I though to myself as I mumbled
a few words of wisdom I’d learned in
other similar experiences.
You might not teach an old
dog new tricks, but ya gotta keep
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
JoAnn Derson
• This one bears repeating
for all holiday gatherings -- and, really, any
gathering throughout the year. When using plastic
cups for drinks, put out a marker so that guests
can mark their cup before filling. Less cups
means less waste, and it’s easy to tell
whose cup is whose.
• "This might not be
a tip, but I think it’s pretty important.
When you don’t have a home phone line, as so
many people don’t these days, make sure you
have an extra cell-phone battery and that both
batteries are charged ahead of bad weather. Also,
for those who do have home phone service, make
sure you have a regular, non-battery phone, one
that is not cordless and that does not plug into
anything. When the power goes out, you want to be
prepared." -- T.T. in Michigan
• "I know of two ways
to clean the glass doors on the fireplace. One is
to mix a paste of ash and water and a tiny bit of
dishwashing liquid, and use that to scrub soot
off. The other is those white ‘magic
eraser’ sponges. Make sure you test a little
spot, though, because if you have etched glass
doors, the sponges can mess them up
sometimes." -- H.Z. in Vermont
• "I use bar soap in
the bath, but I like to tuck the boxes into my
drawers after I open a fresh bar of soap. They
smell so good and fresh, and last a surprisingly
long time as drawer fresheners." -- K.S. in
• "Here’s how to
get more space in the fridge if you have some
dishes that are covered in plastic: Lay
chopsticks or kebab sticks across the lip of the
dishes, then stack them. This works so well for
us that we keep several chopsticks right in the
fridge for this purpose." -- C.B. in
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Publishing. All rights reserved.