The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, February 7, 2011 Volume XIX, Number 157
did ya
Did Ya Know?...There will be a
Red Cross Blood Drive hosted at the Nazarene Church in
Carthage Thursday, Feb. 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2000 Grand.
Did Ya Know?...Stone’s
Throw Dinner Theatre 796 S. Stone Lane will have the
Special Valentine’s Day Performance Monday, February
14. Two One Act Plays, admission $25.00. Includes dinner
and special Valentine treats. Call for reservations
laugh The science graduate asks, "Why does it
work?" The engineering graduate asks, "How does
it work?" The accounting graduate asks, "How
much does it cost?" The liberal arts graduate asks,
"Would you like fries with that?"
Three immigrants to the U. S. were just
mastering the language. One was telling the others about
the difficulty they were having in attempting to start a
family. He said, "I think my wife must be
impregnable." The second said," that’s not
the right word, she is inconceivable". To which the
third replied, "You are both wrong she is
Did you ever notice? When you put the
two words "The" and "IRS" together it
spells "THEIRS"?
I can’t get enough minimalism.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Some Confusing
Conditions in Regard to Names of Localities.
"I find a bad mix-up in regard to
the names of places down in this country," said a
new comer this morning. "There is Galena township in
this county, but the town of Galena is across the line
over in Kansas. Next to Galena township is Joplin
township, but the city of Joplin is over in Galena
township, leaving Webb City and Carterville to monopolize
Joplin township. There is a Jasper township, but the city
of Jasper is not in it, and there is a school house
called the Jasper school house, which is not in either
one; all three are located in Jasper county to cause a
further confusion of names. Marion township, in which
Carthage is located, has only one township between it and
another Marion township to the south in Newton county.
Then there is Kansas City located in Missouri. I
don’t know what all I shall run across yet in the
way of peculiar combinations, but I have found enough
already to confuse me wherever I go."
Today's Feature Tax Amnesty
Program Proposed.
State Representative Tom
Flannigan has filed a tax amnesty bill he says
will help increase state revenue. Under the
provisions of this bill, delinquent tax payers
can avoid penalties and interest while settling
their debt with the state.
"In tough economic times,
cutting errant taxpayers a break is a quick way
to put a dent in the budget deficit" said
Flannigan. "Attracted by the absence of
penalties and interest, those formerly avoiding
tax payment will generate new revenues when they
pay their back taxes. Many of these folks have
long wanted to settle their bill, but were
overwhelmed with penalties and interest. Current
estimates from the Department of Revenue project
revenue increases to be upwards of $70
Flannigan has also introduced
legislation that focuses on companies that
recycle animal parts into petroleum. The bill
enforces penalties for exceeding limitations in
air and water pollution. Penalties for violating
the proposed standards would result in a fine of
no less than ten thousand dollars and no more
than thirty thousand dollars for each day the
violation continues to occur.
Just Jake
My grandad had onea those
hearin’ aids that he carried in his
pocket. A wire ran up and hung from his ear.
The theory in the family
was that when he didn’t wanna listen he
just shut the thing off. At least that was
what grandma used ta think.
Like most advances in
technology, grandad found a higher use, that
was not usin’ the technology except as a
The "computer is
down" excuse always brings the question
of whether there is a technology problem or
if there is actually a more human default.
Cell phones are
becomin’ a handy excuse for not
talkin’ to someone. If ya don’t
want to be bothered, ya turn the thing off.
I’m guessin’ Grandad woulda had
onea those too.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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By Samantha Mazzotta
Thaw Frozen Pipes
the Right Way
Q: I recently read an article
where a resident’s attempt to thaw frozen
pipes using a small blowtorch led to a fire that
burned out four apartments. Can you remind
readers that there are other methods to address
frozen pipes and that extreme methods like using
a blowtorch should be undertaken only by a
licensed plumber? -- Jesse L., Minneapolis
A: Thank you for the reminder,
Jesse! A blowtorch is a very unsafe method for
thawing frozen pipes for exactly the reason
described above. There are other methods to try.
First, prevention: Keep an eye
on weather forecasts. When a freeze warning is
issued, make sure that at least one tap at the
highest or farthest part of the house from the
water main is left dripping.
Next, quick action: Monitor the
dripping tap throughout the freeze; if the drip
slows, turn the tap to a running stream and begin
searching for cold spots in the pipe. The
likeliest places for frozen pipes are in sections
of pipe located next to uninsulated walls or in
uninsulated parts of the home. Run your hand
along the pipe, looking for sections that are
noticeably colder than the rest.
Safe thawing: Hot towels laid
over a freezing or frozen section of pipe is a
safe and fairly effective method of thawing
pipes. Have a helper heat water in the kitchen --
not to boiling, just comfortably warm -- and
bring the pot of water to you. Using several
towels in succession, dip a towel in the water,
wring it out slightly, and wrap it around the
freezing section. When the towel gets cold,
repeat the process with a new towel. Have your
helper keep bringing you water.
If you’re working in an
area with access to a standard electrical outlet,
you have additional options. Setting up an
electric kettle will allow you to keep hot water
close at hand as you work. Or, instead of the wet
thawing method, you can use a hair dryer, holding
it close to the pipe (be sure there is no
standing water around, however -- if the pipe has
burst or water is leaking from elsewhere,
don’t bring electric appliances into the
picture). A space heater can warm the entire
space -- again, keep it away from standing water,
as well as from combustible objects like cloth.
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