laugh A guy was driving when a policeman pulled him
over. He rolled down his window and said to the officer,
"Is there a problem, Officer?"
"No problem at all. I just
observed your safe driving and am pleased to award you a
$5,000 Safe Driver Award. Congratulations. What do you
think you’re going to do with the money?"
He thought for a minute and said,
"Well, I guess I’ll go get that drivers’
The lady sitting in the passenger seat
said to the policeman, "Oh, don’t pay attention
to him - he’s a smart-aleck when he’s drunk and
The guy from the back seat said,
"I TOLD you guys we wouldn’t get far in a
stolen car!"
At that moment, there was a knock from
the trunk and a muffled voice said, "Are we over the
border yet?"
"The answer to this last question
will determine whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey
Mouse a cat or a dog?"
"Do you have any
ID?"--- "About what?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Burglars entered the Stout-Parke
foundry last Sunday night, but as they secured no booty,
nothing was said about it and the fact became known to
but few.
An entrance to the building was
effected by prying off the padlock fastening of the front
door. The bull dog which stays in the building at night
showed up the next morning with one eye very black and
much swollen, and it is supposed he interposed, very
forceful opposition when the unwelcome guests attempted
to go inside, and that the "eye in mourning"
was the mark of the fray.
Nothing was missed from either the
office or shop, which fact may be due to the presence of
the dog.
It will be remembered that that was the
same night that the offices at the Viernow quarry and
Thomas lumber yard were entered.
Today's Feature Team Policing
The Carthage Police Department
will begin its Team Policing project this week.
This project is one that embraces the model of
Community Oriented Policing, a 21st Century
concept where law enforcement works with the
community to solve problems, reduce crime and the
fear of crime.
By partnering with the
community in this project the police department
hopes to see an improvement in an area that has
been identified as having an increase in crimes
such as assaults, thefts, property damage and
peace disturbance. The area where officers will
be making contact at every residence includes
residences from Chestnut to Budlong and Clinton
to River.
The two officers working on
this project are Ptl. Ben Vogt and Ptl. Chad
Harris. These officers will be working this
assignment along with responding to calls for
service in their assigned area. They will begin
making contact with residents in the target area
this week.
Officers will make every effort
to work with the citizens to resolve many types
of problems, including ordinance and nuisance
violations, and some problems that are not
usually handled by law enforcement.
Just Jake
I’ve never stocked a
root cellar myself. My grandparents used
theirs on a regular basis.
It was located just out the
kitchen door and I can remember goin’ in
as a kid and seein’ all those potatoes
stacked in bins. Only taters I’d ever
seen came in sacks.
I’m sure there were
other stocks of goods in the cellar, but all
I remember is all those tater eyes
It wasn’t a place we
were allowed to play, and I didn’t much
care at the time. We were much more content
just yellin’ down the vent pipe and
rollin’ down the earth slope that formed
the roof.
As far as I can remember
there was never a lock on the door. I suppose
there wasn’t much fear of tater
snatchers back then.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Carthage Printing |
ART NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
As promised, I will begin today
previewing the show plans for 2011 here at Hyde
House Gallery of artCentral. Our exhibition
schedule for this year is back to the usual
number of showings as prior to our anniversary
year, but still proves to be an exciting lineup.
To begin, we will open on Feburary 25th with work
of Brenda Sageng of Carthage. Brenda is primarily
a painter, and her oil and mixed media painting
triptych style formatted work, was first award
winner last year in the Annual Membership Show.
Brenda had a painting receive the Boylan awarded
Underwriter’s Award the year prior in the
same exhibition, and is a rising star in the area
arts. We look forward to her opening show and
what it will hold! The second presentation will
open April 1st and will feature work by Dianne
Baum, a well known area artist living in Crane,
MO. Dianne shows her work in many area venues
including the Joplin artwalk, the Springfield
artwalk, and was recently the featured artist at
FRESH in Springfield and written up with a
lengthy article with pictures in the
Weekend Edition". She too
is an area rising star. Third will be a group
show of work from the Missouri Colored Pencil
Society, and will no doubt feature beautiful work
from quite a number of Missouri artists not seen
here before. Next, our Annual Membership Show and
barbeque picnic opening June 24th, which always
proves to be an interesting and exciting
exhibition. Following that will be an exhibition
by Midwest Gathering of the Artists artist
Raymond Popp, Willow Springs, MO. Raymond will
bring his beautiful works here the week prior to
the MGA show, and we look forward to featuring
him prior to his appearance in that venue with
those other artists. Following that will be a
joint exhibition of work by artists Becky
Golubski, Pierce City, and Crystal Manning, Carl
Junction. These women will display both colored
pencil and pastel works October 7-23rd. Our final
exhibition of the year will feature oil painter
Teresa Rankin who currently resides in Carthage,
bringing to us current work by this prolific
artist, who was alsofeatured in 2009 with great
response. I know we have something for everybody
in 2011, and look forward to YOUR visit to our
gallery this year!
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.