laugh At a party an elderly lady was bemoaning the
behavior of the youth of today.
"Look at the girl over
there," she complained. "I don’t know what
young girls are coming to! She’s wearing boy’s
jeans, a boy’s shirt, and that haircut is so boyish
– you wouldn’t know she was a girl at all,
would you?"
"Well, as it happens, I
would," came the reply, "because she is my
"Oh dear," said the old lady
embarrassed, "I’m so sorry – I didn’t
know you were her father."
"I’m not, I’m her
The old man approached a young stranger
in the post office and asked, "Sir, would you
address this postcard for me?" The man gladly did
so, and then offered to write a short note for the old
fellow. Finally the stranger asked, "Now, is there
anything else I can do for you?" The old man thought
a moment and said, "Yes, at the end could you add,
Please excuse the sloppy handwriting."
You’re unique, just
like everyone else.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The inter-urban train came in early
this morning from the west on the Frisco, but did not go
back. The rapidly rising water soon made it impossible
for trains safely to navigate it.
Someone this morning about 10
o’clock waded out on the Frisco track from the depot
to dry land to the west and found the lowest point
knee-deep under water, which would put out the fires in
any engine. It was also found that the current had washed
the railroad embankment and weakened it until it was
unsafe for trains.
Center creek is high is proportion but
is not over the electric line grade and cars ran as usual
today. The Missouri Pacific grade at Carthage is too high
to be affected.
Houses in the river bottom between the
river and Kendricktown are flooded and loom up on the
surface if the expanse of water like anchored house
Today's Feature Sales Tax Vote
Feb. 8.
Voters will be asked to vote on
the continuation of the half-cent capital
improvement tax on Feburary 8 with the following
ballot language:
"Shall the City of
Carthage continue to impose a sales tax of one
half (½) of one percent (1%) for the purpose of
funding capital improvements which may include
the retirement of debt under previously
authorized bonded indebtedness?"
The official language does not
specifically refer to the original intent of the
tax as approved by voters. According to the City
audit: "On December 1, 1996, the City of
Carthage issued the remaining $6,000,000 of
voter-authorized revenue bonds as its Public
Entity Bonds. The Public Entity Bonds of the City
of Carthage ("Carthage") are
voter-approved revenue bonds secured by the
revenues of its combined waterworks and sewerage
system and a voter-approved one-half cent capital
improvement sales tax, which is subject to annual
appropriation by the City."
Although the tax will end in
2012, the bond is not schedule to be retired
until 2016.
Just Jake
I’ve never been in a
greased pig catchin’ contest, but
I’ve heard tell by those who know there
is a trick to greased pig catchin’.
Most inexperienced will try
to grab a hold a the pigs body and carry it.
The trick, I’m told, is to grab the hind
legs of the critter and pick it up that way.
I’m guessin’ the pig knuckles give
ya a little extra grip.
‘Course this advice
assumes that at some time or another ya
actually get close enough ta reach the hind
legs in the first place, and ya don’t
mind lookin’ at a pigs rear end as ya
cross the finish line.
I personally look at pig
catchin’ in much the same way I look at
professional football, strictly as a
spectator sport for me. I don’t think I
wanna be on the field with a three hundred
pound linebacker either.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
ART NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
As I write this, tonight is the
annual Chamber of Commerce membership banquet at
Memorial Hall, and it always promises to be a
night of good food, nice folks, and lots of
surprises. For a number of years there has been
included in the agenda of prize winners and
honorees, an Artist of the Year Award, due to a
suggestion made long ago by Sandy Higgins who at
that time was involved in her own gallery
"Imagine" downtown in addition to
directing the Midwest Gathering of the Artists.
Through the years a number of artists and
"art associated individuals" have
received this nice prize, and this year’s
award will be presented by last year’s
winner Don Knost. Don won for 2009 on the basis
of his strong work in local arts both with
Midwest Gathering as well as long time membership
on the board of directors of artCentral, the last
several years as our President. Tonight the award
goes back to a practicing artist who lives
locally between Avilla and Reeds, Rachel Wilson.
You may remember that it was Rachel who virtually
came out of the shadows one year ago last spring
with her horse sculpture entry into the Annual
Membership Show, won first award and much acclaim
from all who saw her unique piece. Due to the
publicity received from that show, an article
that appeared in the Springfield NEWSLEADER was
picked up by the AP wire service and was
reprinted in many states and countries around the
world--- the rest is history. Rachel Wilson, a
fine painter as well as wood worker, has since
had her work purchased by many collectors from
far away, and she tells me that only two of her
original dozen plus horses made that year still
are in the state of Missouri! One sits in the
garden here at Hyde House for all to enjoy, a
gift from Rachel with her appreciation for that
first show here at artCentral, and her quick rise
to great success and notoriety--- Rachel, we
congratulate you as a most deserving artist of
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.