laugh An Israeli doctor says: "Medicine in my
country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of
one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work
in 6 weeks." A British doctor says: "That is
nothing; we can take a lung out of one person, put it in
another, and have him looking for work in 4 weeks."
A Canadian doctor says: "In my country, medicine is
so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one
person, put it in another, and have them both looking for
work in 2 weeks." A Nigerian doctor, not to be
outdone, says: "You guys are way behind...... We
just took a man with NO brain, made him President, and
now the whole country is looking for work.
"I believe we are on an
irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy -
but that could change."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 5/22/89
A candidate for city council was doing
some door-to-door campaigning, and things were going
pretty well, he thought, till he came to the house of a
grouchy-looking fellow. After the candidate’s little
speech, the fellow said, "Vote for you? Why I’d
rather vote for the Devil!"
"I understand," said the
candidate, "but in case your friend is not running,
may I count on your support?"
Nominated for quote of the year is the
statement made by Texas Congressman Dick Armey when
asked: "If you had been in President Clinton’s
place, would you have resigned?"
Armey responded: "If I were in the
President’s place, I would not have gotten a chance
to resign. I would be laying in a pool of my own blood,
looking up and listening to Mrs. Armey saying, "How
do I reload this damn thing?"
Is there another word for synonym?
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Stonemasons All Busy.
"There is more work for
stonemasons now in progress in Carthage," said a
local stone contractor last night, "than I ever knew
at this time of year before. There is not only lots of
building going on, but many new stone walks are being
laid. There will be plenty of work for stonemasons in
Carthage all through the winter, which is unsual for any
at Whist.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Leach entertained
at whist last night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gowdy,
who have lately arrived in the city and are stopping at
the Arlington hotel.
The guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Milt
Davison, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meehan, Miss Leona Dodwell,
Mrs. Gowdy’s sister, Miss Adell Reece, John Emerson
and Leigh Dodwell.
Today's Feature Council Race
Gains Momentem.
City Hall reports that six
individuals have filed for three of the six
available seats for City Council. Wards 1,2, and
3 are still not represented.
Ward 1 No one yet
Ward 2 No one yet
Ward 3 No one yet
Ward 4 Two Openings (2 year and
1 Year)
2 year term opening
Bill Welch
302 Euclid
Dan Rife
1841 Wynnwood
1 year term opening
John Cooper
1333 Hafner Ct
Lee Carlson
721 Euclid Blvd
Ward 5
2 year term opening
Adam David Givens
1722 Hillcrest
Ed Hardesty
118 Wiggins
Just Jake
My mom used ta relay fond
memories of roller skatin’ as a kid.
The small town that I grew
up in had maybe four or five blocks of
sidewalks. Didn’t do much sidewalk
skatin’. Ya can’t roller skate on a
gravel road either (or in a buffalo herd
I’m told.)
As kids, we did always have
a bicycle. This form of recreation and
transportation did fit in to the
community’s rural character. We of
course didn’t limit our experience to
merely makin’ idle trips to the drug
store soda fountain, we sought adventure.
Concrete blocks with a two
by twelve made one of the initial tests of
courage. Later we would ride up one side of a
teeter-totter and down the other side. I
never got the hang of ridin’ a bike on a
railroad rail, but then, it wasn’t far
to fall.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
By Samantha Mazzotta
Caulking Basics
Q: I feel kind of like an idiot
for asking, but how do you use a caulking gun? I
want to touch up the corners around my tub, but
I’ve never used or even seen one of these.
Is there a certain type of caulk to use? -- Ma in
A: That’s not a dumb
question at all -- selecting and using the right
tool for the job is important.
A caulking gun is a really
convenient tool for dispensing caulk. You
don’t have to use one -- caulk can be
applied by hand or with a putty knife -- but the
caulking gun is fairly precise and generally less
messy than other methods.
Because you’re sealing the
corners of your bathtub, you need a caulk
that’s water resistant and also adheres well
to the tub and wall. Latex caulk formulated
specifically for bathroom use is the best
all-around choice.
To re-caulk around the tub,
first remove the old caulk. Silicone caulk is
soft and rubbery and can be cut with a knife, so
you can use a sharp blade to carefully slice the
caulk away from surfaces. Latex caulk is hard and
can’t be cut with a knife, plus it tends to
crumble after deteriorating. To make removing
latex caulk easier, borrow a heat gun and use it
on its lowest setting to just soften the caulk,
then scrape away with a putty knife or other
tool. Wipe the cleaned area with denatured
alcohol to remove soap scum, then spray some mold
and mildew remover. Let the area dry overnight.
Finally, you can use your new
caulking gun! Unwrap that sucker as well as one
of the cartridges of caulk you purchased along
with it. Cut open the tip of the cartridge at a
45-degree angle (this helps in application), then
use a nail to puncture the seal inside the tip.
Put the cartridge into the cradle with the tip
sticking through the front. Push the plunger
forward as far as possible, then turn the handle
to face downward, which engages the trigger.
Pointing the tip at a spare
sheet of paper, pull the trigger a few times
until a consistent flow is established. Then,
apply caulk to the tub corners by holding the gun
at a 45-degree angle and right in the crack
between tub and wall. Use a putty knife or index
card to wipe away excess and press the caulk into
the crack. Let dry for at least 24 hours before
using the tub.
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