laugh The doorbell rang, and the lady of the house
discovered a workman, complete with tool chest, on the
front door. "Lady," he announced,
"I’m the piano tuner." The lady exclaimed,
"Why, I didn’t send for a piano tuner."
The man replied, "I know, but our neighbors
An eight-year-old kid says to his dad,
"When I grow up, I want to be a musician."
The dad says, "I am sorry --
can’t have it both ways."
How does a guitar player make a million
He starts out with eight million.
One day the bass player hid one of the
drummer’s sticks.
The drummer said, "finally! After
being a drummer for so long, now I am a conductor!"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
An Art Department Installed.
Madame Swope has taken a position with
the Campbell-Wright Mercantile Co., and has charge of
their art department. She entered upon her duties this
morning. Their middle show window contains some beautiful
specimens of her work today.
Blasting in an Excavation.
The parties who are excavating for the
Elk’s club house put off two blasts yesterday —
one during the morning and one about two o’clock in
the afternoon. They resounded with a roar on the square.
Leveling Electric Line Track.
The section men on the electric line
have been busy all day on South Main street raising low
places in the rails and tamping them up to make the track
run smoother.
Today's Feature Flanigan Files
Anti-Stinch Legislation
Representative Tom Flanigan
(R-127) filed a bill this week regarding odor
emissions from recycling companies that convert
animal parts into petroleum. The legislation
proposed focuses on air and water pollution, and
penalizing said companies for exceeding limits in
Under the provision of this
bill, companies in persistent violation will
forfeit any permits issued by the governing
department. "Persistent violation" will
refer to any such recycling company to be found
in violation at least six times during any
twelve-month period or at least twelve times
during any thirty-six-month period. Proposed
penalties for violating the bill will result in a
fine of no less than ten thousand dollars and no
more than thirty thousand dollars for each day
the violation continues to occur.
Rep. Flanigan serves as the
Appropriations - Health, Mental Health &
Social Services Committee Chair and in addition
to his duties as a member of the House Budget
committee. He represents the 127th Legislative
District, encompassing Carthage, Carl Junction,
and rural Jasper County.
Just Jake
Havin’ an older
brother was a handy thing. He broke ground
and established precedents that made me the
natural beneficiary.
He fought the battle of
bein’ allowed to put baby moon hubcaps
on the family car long before I was behind
the wheel. Seems there were some weeks when
they were on only durin’ the weekend,
but eventually they became standard equipment
along with the dice hangin’ from the
I can’t remember if
baby moons were still in style by the time I
was drivin’, but the ability to make
minor adjustments to the vehicle was
My brother soon discovered
that decal in the window of the woodpecker
with a cigar in its mouth was the absolute
limit to his freedom to decorate. I was
careful to avoid pushin’ that idea any
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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ART NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
Well, a new year is here, and
new possibilities for artCenral! Hyde House
Gallery enjoyed a bit higher profile in 2010 as
we were celebrating a landmark anniversary, and
more first timers passed through our doors, but
now as we ease back into a normal schedule (and
my board of directors breathe a sigh of relief!)
we can assess where we are and where we want to
be. January is a quiet month at the gallery,
where the only activity is cleaning and a bit of
painting, but not in the business office, as I
will be beginning to create the mailing for the
Annual Membership Drive for artCentral. In the
past five years I have set apart this time to
attempt to gain new members from our large guest
list as well as the names from the various guest
book pages from 2010, and we have done well,
maintaining a slow but steady increase in our
membership. We currently boast well over 200
memberships, many of which reflect couples and
whole families! Sadly, we lose a few members each
year due to death, moving, and other issues.
Still, many of our members maintain their
memberships from long distances, and we
appreciate that loyality and interest. I hope to
increase our numbers again this year, and if you
are one who has spoken kindly of artCentral and
our activities to me I hope you will join our
active membership list in this new year. Letters
will go out at the end of the month, and February
is the month we hope to hear from many of you
with positive responses! It is still possible to
have a single membership for only 15.00 if you
are a senior or a student. Individual memberships
are only 25.00 for one year, and families 35.00.
Our benefits are many, and include a quarterly
newsletter, the first of which is scheduled to go
out this month as well. Come join with us, and
become a part of the only fine art organization
in Carthage. I do not think you will be
disappointed! Next week I will tell you a bit
about our schedule for 2011 in the two galleries.
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