The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 Volume XX, Number 27
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. The Carthage
Crisis Center Presents A Free Furniture and Appliance
Distribution for Tornado Survivors and other Needy
Families At 9 AM on Saturday August 6, 2011 at 100 Main
Did Ya Know?..The City of
Carthage will be spraying for mosquitoes Monday, July 25
through Friday, July 29. Areas will be sprayed between
the hours of 8 p.m. and midnight the day of garbage
laugh A priest, a doctor, and a professional golfer
were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of
GOLFER: What’s with these guys? We
have been waiting for 15 minutes!
DOCTOR: I don’t know but I’ve
never seen such ineptitude!
PRIEST: Hey, here comes the
greenskeeper. Let’s have a word with him. Say
George, what’s with that group ahead of us?
They’re rather slow aren’t they?
GEORGE: Oh yes. That’s a group of
blind firefighters. They lost their sight while saving
our clubhouse last year. So we let them play here anytime
free of charge.
PRIEST: That’s so sad. I think I
will say a special prayer for them tonight.
DOCTOR: Good idea. And I’m going
to contact my ophthalmologist buddy and see if
there’s anything he can do for them.
GOLFER: Why can’t these guys play
at night?
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Fell 145 Feet.
Ben Dixon, a miner in the Perkins mine
tract, fell 145 feet to the bottom of the shaft and did
not break a bone. His hips and spine are seriously
injured by the shock and it is feared he has internal
injuries that will prove fatal. This is the fourth
accident he has had of this kind, once falling 200 feet,
another time 80 feet and again while in a Colorado silver
mine, went down an incline on an escaped car. The last
had the most serious results, as his skull was fractured
and his leg and collar bone broken.
a ‘Possum in Town.
Joe Hall, salesman at the Hatch
clothing store, last evening caught and killed a
‘possum in front of J.A. Mitchell’s residence
on south main street.
It is Roy, Erwin and Harry Doerner who
have the pretty little Shetland colt mentioned a day or
so ago. Their names were given wrong in the mention.
Today's Feature Sheriff Gets New
Line Item.
The Jasper County Commissioners
voted to amend the General Revenue Budget and
establish a contingency line item for the
Sheriff’s Department yesterday during their
regular weekly meeting.
The line item was created to
accommodate payments received by insurance
companies for damage incurred during the Joplin
Just over $24,000 was
transferred to the account to compensate for
damaged vehicles sustained by the Department.
Sheriff Dunn told the
Commission that another claim came in and others
may be expected. County Auditor Richard Webster
said the Commission would likely have to go
through this process several times over the next
few weeks. Webster informed the Sheriff that the
funds had already been placed in the account and
were available for his use.
The Commission adjourned to a
closed session meeting.
There was no mention during the
meeting concerning the law suit filed by the
Sheriff against the Commission.
County Jail Count
196 July 26,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I always got a kick outa
those commercials that have the multi-use
gadgets. Slices, dices, peels and mashes type
a gadgets.
\I grew up around gadget
uncles and other family members. I personally
always like to have good tools, but usually
tools that did one job and did it really
It always seemed like the
more uses a gadget had, the less likely it
would be to do any one thing as well as it
The knife with a spoon and
fork on it for instance. Lookin’ at it,
you’d think it was a great idea. The
problem is usually when I’m usin’ a
fork, I need a knife ta cut with. That’s
somethin’ that ya can’t do with
that particular gadget. So you’ve got to
choose; use the knife or use the fork. One of
‘em is gonna be useless.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Carthage Printing |
JoAnn Derson
• "To help our
children learn the placement of states, we glued
a map to a piece of cardboard, then used a razor
knife to cut each state out along its lines. This
created a puzzle. It made learning the states
fun. We wrote the capitals on the backs, so we
learned those, too." -- M.A. in Georgia
• Keep extra magazines in
the car to read when you have to wait or while
sitting in line at the bank or a fast-food drive
• "I love
self-sticking notes to stay organized. I use them
on my bathroom vanity mirror so that I can
preplan my day in my head while getting ready in
the morning." -- E.T. in Georgia
• "I purchased
extra-large safety pins and used scraps of fabric
to designate towels for family members. I wrote
each of our names in washable ink on several
‘tags,’ which are then attached to our
bathing towel. I can tell in an instant who has
left his or her towel on the floor/bed/etc. And I
am washing a lot less towels now." -- D.L.
in Ohio
• "I had a few old
mouse pads that were lying around. I used
embroidery floss to stitch a few together and I
use them as a kneepad in the garden. The bonus is
that it rolls up for storage!" -- A.C. in N,
• Keep and wash thoroughly
any vegetable or meat trays (discard broken ones
or pierced ones). They can be used as paint tray
for small projects around the house, or for the
• Need to chill some
drinks for a party fast? Pile on the ice, of
course, then add the secret weapon: water. Icy
water chills drinks quicker than placing them in
ice alone. The heat is transferred from the warm
drinks to the water because there’s total
• "At my child’s
day care, there is a ‘Where’s Mommy and
Daddy?’ board. Parents bring in a picture of
themselves at their job, and the children can see
the picture and know that it shows what Mommy or
Daddy is doing while the child is playing."
-- S.E. in Missouri
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.