laugh When a man in Macon, Georgia came upon a wild
dog attacking a young boy, he quickly grabbed the animal
and throttled it with his two hands.
A reporter saw the incident,
congratulated the man and told him the headline the
following day would read, "Local Man Saves Child by
Killing Vicious Animal."
The hero, however, told the journalist
that he wasn’t from Macon.
"Well, then," the reporter
said, "the headline will probably say, "Georgia
Man Saves Child by Killing Dog."
"Actually," the man said,
"I’m from Connecticut."
"In that case," the reporter
said in a huff, "the headline will read,
"Yankee Kills Family Pet."
Wife: Let’s go out and have some
fun tonight.
Husband: Okay, but if you get home
before I do, leave the hall light on.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Accident On The
John Dermott of
Webb City Run Down By a Car This Morning.
John Dermott, a prominent citizen of
Webb City, and also well known here, was the victim of a
serious accident while driving across the electric line
track at the Bradford switch about 9:30 this morning. The
old gentleman is a trifle deaf and this, it is believed,
is responsible for the accident.
Motorman McCarty rang his gong and made
every effort to stop the car, but it was on a down grade
and could not be stopped. The car crashed against the
cart in which Mr. Dermott was seated, smashing it to
pieces and throwing him out. He was badly cut and bruised
and shaken and was taken up unconscious, but fortunately
no bones were broken. The cart is a total wreck and the
horse was also somewhat hurt. Mr. Dermott was taken to
his home on the car which smashed his cart.
Today's Feature Joplin
Designated Truck Routes.
The City of Joplin warns
residents to be careful as they move through
Joplin due to the number of large truck units
that are working in the affected residential
areas from the May 22nd tornado. With the
Expedited Debris Removal initiative beginning
soon, the City has established specific truck
routes for the government-funded contractors
hauling debris to the landfill in an effort to
alleviate traffic congestion in the center of
Trucks will travel east and
west on 20th and 26th Streets, and travel north
and south on Schifferdecker Avenue and Duquesne
Avenue. Because of this additional truck traffic,
general motorists are advised to use other routes
at this time.
Homeowners have expressed
concern about various "tags" left on
their homes. The City’s Building Department
officials explain this "tag" is not
stating condemnation of a structure, but is a
method to specifically address the safety of the
structure for occupancy.
During this structural
assessment period, there have not been any
residential structures condemned by the City of
County Jail Count
214 June 20,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I can remember the folks
frettin’ ‘bout bein’ able to
afford the $63 a month payment on our small
three bedroom brick home. The price for the
new house, with a basement was somewhere in
the $13,000 range.
I haven’t lived in a
vacuum all these years, but when I see
economy cars bein’ advertised for about
the same money today, I still somehow make
the comparison.
I have ta stop and realize
that the average family income for a month in
these parts, now around $2,000 I suppose,
would have bought a brand new Chevy with some
change back then.
I’m not makin’
some pitch about things bein’ better or
cheaper back then. It just always jolts the
senses tryin’ to get a handle on the
reality of value.
‘Course it still
shocks me ta see penny candy goin’ for a
dime these days.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue,
Degeneration Progress Can be Slowed
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have the
dry type of macular degeneration. I take
PreserVision with lutein tablets twice a day. I
hear lutein is very good for my eyes, and I would
like to take more than the 10 mg a day that I get
in my tablets. I don’t know how much is
safe. My doctor said he didn’t know. Will
macular degeneration leave me completely blind?
How long will it be before I cannot see anymore?
-- C.B.
ANSWER: The macula is a small,
round area in the center of the retina, the layer
at the back of the eye that transmits incoming
images to the brain so we can see. The macula is
essential for clear, central vision, the kind
needed to read, to drive and to recognize faces.
Off-to-the-side vision remains. You won’t go
completely blind.
Furthermore, dry macular
degeneration most often advances gradually.
It’s the more common variety, accounting for
90 percent of cases. It can stay at its present
level for years, even for life. Wet macular
degeneration comes about from the growth of blood
vessels beneath the retina. Those vessels are
fragile and leak fluid. It tends to advance more
Currently no cure exists for
dry macular degeneration. A combination of
vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene (or vitamin
A), zinc and copper appears to slow moderate
macular degeneration’s progression to a more
advanced stage. Your PreserVision is one such
Lutein is a plant product that
might aid in delaying the advance of dry macular
degeneration. At this very moment, a large study
is taking place to ascertain the place of lutein
in the treatment of this common eye condition.
The amount of lutein being tested in the study is
10 mg a day. Lutein appears to be a very safe
substance, but I would stick with the 10 mg dose
until the present study defines lutein’s
place and its optimum dose.
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.