laugh "This is Mr. Murphy, let me talk to my
The receptionist says "I’m
terribly sorry Mr. Murphy, but your lawyer had a massive
heart attack over the weekend and died."
Mr. Murphy says "Oh, OK" and
hangs up.
An hour later he calls back and says
"This is Mr. Murphy, let me talk to my lawyer."
The receptionist again tells him
"I’m terribly sorry Mr. Murphy, but I told you
that your lawyer had a massive heart attack over the
weekend and died."
Mr. Murphy says "Oh, OK" and
hangs up again
Abouty a half hour later Mr. Murphy
calls back and says, "This is Mr. Murphy, let me
talk to my lawyer."
The receptionist gets angry and says
"What is wrong with you, I have told you twice that
your lawyer had a massive heart attack over the weekend
and died."
Mr. Murphy says "I know, I just
like to hear it"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Severely Kicked by a
Mrs. Peter Galliger, living 6 miles
west of Carthage on the J. M. Burgner farm, was severely
kicked by a horse while gathering eggs in the stable last
morning. She was kicked in the side, and her injury is
regarded as very serious.
Prof. Whybark has returned from Golden
City, Mo., Mound City, Pleasantton, and Blue Mound, Kas.,
where he has been teaching vocal music.
Non-Commissioned Officers.
At the regular drill of the Light Guard
last night the following appointments were announced:
Corporal Chas. P. Wood to be sergeant; Privates Joe
Stebbins, Bert McCullough and Jas. Simpson to be
corporals. The appointments were made according to the
excellence of the papers submitted by the men in a recent
examination in drill regulations.
Today's Feature Marching Cobra
Tickets now available.
Willie Arthur Smith’s
Marching Cobra keepsake tickets are now available
at the Carthage Chamber of Commerce, 402 S.
Garrison and at UMB Bank locations in Carthage.
You may also purchase tickets from Maple Leaf
Festival committee members. Tickets are $5.00 for
adults, $3.00 for children ages 5-12, and free
for children under 5 (limit 2 free admissions per
paid adult). Tickets are nonrefundable.
Those who purchase tickets from
UMB Bank locations or committee members must pay
with cash or check. Tickets may be purchased with
cash, check or charge at the Chamber office
between 8:30 and 5:00 Monday thru Friday. Checks
should be made payable to Carthage Chamber of
Commerce with Maple Leaf in the subject line.
Tickets may also be ordered by telephone with a
credit card and delivered by mail until October
The Marching Cobras will
perform at the Carthage R-9 Auditorium at 714 S
Main in Carthage, Saturday, October 15, 2011 at
2:00 p.m. Box office and doors open 30 minutes
prior to the show.
County Jail Count
219 June 24,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I don’t know if
it’s function or attitude.
It hit me the other day
while tryin’ to negotiate the streets
durin’ the High School lunch hour. Used
ta be you could tell if a male and female in
a car was a "couple." The girl
would be sittin’ in the middle next to
the male driver. Now a days ya don’t see
that much.
Now the prevalence of
bucket seats in autos today could be the
explanation for this change in habits.
‘Course the other
explanation may be that young females today
are showin’ more independence. More than
likely, it was not this generation that made
the break from front seat coziness, but their
mothers. Yet another cultural change brought
to us by the 60’s, and a legacy to the
Volkswagon Beetle.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Carthage Printing |
Fairy Rings
Q: I believe that I have two
areas in my back lawn that are "fairy
rings." They have a center of green grass
that is surrounded by dead grass. Is there
anything I can do about this? -- Fred J., Toronto
A: Fairy rings are caused by
growth of a certain type of fungi (mushrooms),
which, above the surface, grow within the dead or
thin area of the circle. Below the surface, a
dense fungal mat is usually well established by
the time the characteristic "ring"
appears on the lawn. These measure a couple feet
in diameter but gradually expand over time, to as
large as 20 feet.
The rings are annoying and,
like most fungal growth, are very difficult to
control. However, there are options to try.
One method, which can be
undertaken quickly with minimal damage to the
lawn, is to reduce the influence of fairy rings.
Fertilize the area several times per year with
nitrogen-rich fertilizer to mask the fairy rings
somewhat. To stimulate grass growth in the dead
areas of the rings, you’ll need to aerate
and get water beneath the fungal mat (comprised
of weblike mycelium fungus) that’s causing
the problem. Do this by attaching a root feeder
to your garden hose. Punch holes in the dying
area about a foot apart and at least 12 inches
deep, then insert the root feeder into the holes
and saturate the ground underneath the mat with
water. Repeat often. The idea is to change the
soil moisture, increase airflow, and change the
chemical makeup of the soil to retard growth.
A more invasive option, which
must be undertaken carefully so as not to spread
the fungus to other parts of the lawn, is to
completely remove the affected sod, cutting out
an area 1 foot beyond the edge of the rings.
Then, dig out the soil to 1 foot in depth. Note
that the sod and soil must be completely isolated
from the rest of the lawn and disposed of far
Replace the soil with new,
unaffected soil. Then either reseed or resod.
North Dakota State University’s Agricultural
Extension recommends reseeding rather than
replacing the sod, as the risk of reintroducing
the fungi is much lower.
HOME TIP: Fungi are the most
common cause of lawn disease, but they can be
managed and prevented with routine lawn
maintenance, including proper watering,
fertilization, mowing and ensuring the soil is
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.