laugh Father Murphy walked into a pub in Donegal, and
said to the first man he meets, "Do you want to go
to heaven?"
The man said, "I do Father."
The priest said, "Then leave this
pub right now!" and approached a second man.
"Do you want to got to heaven?"
"Certainly, Father," was the
man’s reply.
"Then leave this den of
Satan," said the priest, as he walked up to
"Do you want to go to
"No, I don’t Father,"
O’Toole replied.
The priest looked him right in the eye,
and said, "You mean to tell me that when you die you
don’t want to go to heaven?"
O’Toole smiled, "Oh, when I
die, yes, Father. I thought you were getting a group
together to go right now."
Remember, half the people you know are
below average.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Big Spider.
In the east show window of McMillan
& Durham’s store is a huge, hairy, red
tarantula, a wicked looking old fellow. Lee Durham
brought it in this morning from the McNerney quarry north
of town, where it was captured by Tom Gatlin.
It was no easy matter to get this spry
and poisonous old fellow. Tom picked him up on a shovel
and kept him there with a heavy stick. Lee got an old can
with the lid half open, and with sticks they pushed the
spider into the can. In pulling the stick out the spider
clung to it. Lee pushed him back with a cob and snapped
the lib shut at the same time.
The four-year-old child of C. O. Wine,
living northwest of Carthage, fell from the family
carriage yesterday and the loaded vehicle passed over it
just below the ribs. Dr. Whitney was called but found no
internal injuries.
Today's Feature Public Safety:
From the Minutes.
Wendi Douglas was present to
advise the committee of an Art Walk being put on
in conjunction with the Convention, Visitors
Bureau and asked that the hours at City Hall and
the Civil War Museum be extended to stay open
until 8:30 p.m. on Friday April 15th and open
Saturday April 16th between the hours of 10:00 am
and 3:00 p.m.
Ms. Douglas also advised the
committee that July 22nd and 23rd another Art
Walk would be held.
In addition on July 23rd, the
Annual Greater OZ British Motoring Club will be
holding their car show and would request
permission to set up barricades for the show in
conjunction with the City sidewalk sale.
Barricades would be setup after 3:00 p.m. on July
Permission to close the
internal part of the square and the South side
was requested and to allow the cars to be backed
into their parking spots.
Mr. Greninger made a motion to
allow the extension of the lobby hours at City
Hall on Friday April 15th & July 22nd for the
Art Walk along with being open on Saturday April
16th and July 23rd. All were in favor, motion
Just Jake
I’m thinkin’ they
oughta put no passing lanes in the grocery
Right turn only at the
intersection of isles might be helpful also.
After a complete stop of course.
I don’t think they
need speed limits, but possibly some 15
minute parkin’ zones. If ya can’t
find what your lookin’ for in 15
minutes, ya gotta push your cart around the
block and try again.
Of course a main part of
the problem with negotiatin’ through the
stores is the fact that things aren’t
ever in the same spot for more than a week or
two. Folks aimlessly wanderin’ through
the store lookin’ for that bottle of
salad dressin’ they got here last month.
Bound to be some collisions from people
rubberneckin’ as they pass the isles.
Now there’s a reality tv show.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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ART NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
Hard to believe that we are
facing the last weekend of our wonderful first
show of this year, the paintings of Carthage
artist Brenda Sageng! If you have not yet been
by, please make an effort to do so sometime
between noon and 5:00 this coming Friday,
Saturday or Sunday. Monday, I will be replacing
some of the fine work of Ken Southwick at the
Atrium Gallery in the Carthage Sirloin Stockade
with some of the paintings from Brenda’s
display, so if you miss her here you can catch
some of the highlights over there. Meantime, we
are planning for the next exhibition to begin
April 1st here in the Main Gallery, that being
paintings by Crane, MO artist Dianne Baum in a
new show entitled "Whimisical
Watercolor." Dianne is a fairly new
artist-member of artCentral and shows a lot of
work in various galleries in the Springfield
area. She is surely to bring to us a fun and
interesting group of pieces and this show you
will not want to miss! As we continue to
"sproose up" the gallery upstairs, I
look forward to our first show in the newly
painted Member Gallery, and hope for anyone
interested to hold a small show of their work to
contact us if they want to consider it. It is not
necessary to have a lot of work for that smaller
space and even two or more artists could go
together if you wish to show. I am always happy
to talk to interested artists, so give me a call
if you have a desire. I am currently drawing up
the letter to mail to my kid’s artCamp
teachers asking them for their new ideas for
classes for camp 2011, which will occur this year
July 18-30th daily, except Sundays. If you have a
child who is 8-14 and is interested in being on
our mailing list, I will be glad to add them to
our current list of former students if you will
give me their/your address. Call 358-4404 or
email Those kid
mailings should go out in early May. Hope to see
you this weekend at Hyde House!
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.