laugh The National Game warden put out a warning to
all hikers in his area. Warning that they should wear
small bells on their boots so not to startle the bears.
To distinguish the grizzly bear the notice read-- small
bears droppings are small with nut and berries in it.
Grizzly bear droppings are much larger with nuts and
berries and little tiny bells in it.
"As I’m sure you can
understand," she started off with one of the first
applicants, "in a business like this, our personal
integrity must be beyond question." She leaned
forward. "Mr. Peterson, are you an honest
"Honest?" replied the job
prospect. "Let me tell you something about honest.
Why, I’m so honest that my father lent me $15,000
for my education, and I paid back every penny the minute
I tried my very first case."
"Impressive. And what sort of case
was that?"
The lawyer squirmed in his seat and
admitted, "He sued me for the money."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Pocketbook Lost and
Mrs. G.C. Kellogg lost her pocketbook
containing $42 in the gutter in front of the First
National bank this afternoon. Oran Henning picked it up
and left word a the bank and stores near by. A half hour
later Mrs. Kellogg recovered her property. She was
fortunate to recover it, as not everyone would have been
as honest in the matter as was Mr. Henning.
Dog Returned.
W.E. Hufft, one of the barbers at Ed
Murdock’s shop, is happy over the return of his dog,
"Sport." The animal has been missing since
Thursday morning, but came home today. It is supposed
that someone kept the dog tied up and that he only
escaped this morning.
‘Tisn’t safe to be a day
without Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil in the house. Never
can tell what moment an accident is going to happen.
Today's Feature Show-Me State Games.
This May, the Show-Me State
Games and Missouri Beef Industry Council are
offering a new fun and healthy event for families
in Carthage and nearby areas.
The Show-Me State Games /
Missouri Beef Industry Council Fun Run will be
held May 7 at the Joplin Regional Stockyards in
Carthage. These family-friendly 5K and one-mile
runs will include mud pits, hay stacks and trivia
along the way.
Runners will receive wholesome,
nutritious beef following the run.
The event is $25 for
pre-registered adults and $10 for kids 12 and
younger. In addition, runners will receive a free
t-shirt and participants can be a part of a
similar run in Columbia on June 11 for no
additional fee.
The one-mile family run will
begin at 10 a.m. and will be followed by the 5K
at 11 a.m. A beef meal will be served to runners
around noon. For more event details, visit
The Show-Me STATE GAMES was
established in 1985 as a non-profit program of
the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness
& Health.
Just Jake
At an auction a while back,
I accidentally got in on the biddin’
when I scratched an itch on my nose. I
didn’t want the thing and I had ta wait
until it sold to scratch again. You know how
it is, once you bid, they watch ya real
close, keep glancin’ at ya and
pointin’ like it’s your duty ta bid
again if ya bid once. I was even afraid to
twitch my nose.
I finally had ta turn and
walk away ta scratch, but the guy followed
me, pointin’ like it wasn’t legal
to leave after a bid.
When I wanna bid on
somethin’, I usually make a deliberate,
unnatural motion, so as not to be confused
with scratchin’. I always figured
scratchin’ my nose was a personal thing
anyway, I don’t want anyone
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Carthage Printing |
ART NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
To continue from last week, I
was preparing our viewers for the next show due
to open April 1st, watercolors by Dianne Baum
from Crane, MO. As I noted, Dianne joined the art
community a bit later, after her retirement from
a career of school librarian, but says she always
followed her artistic urges during that time,
creating and assisting artistically in school
activities. Beginning with the media of
photography, she explored a series of photos of
brightly colored lawn chairs lined up, called her
"chair series." She worked it up on her
computer, printed it, and it sold. "I did a
whole series of photos on chairs," she said.
Then, moving into watercolors, Baum allowed
emotion to help color the surfaces. Some of her
watercolors have subtle, "hidden
messages", usually Biblical or poetic
references incorporated into the scenery. Some
are more visible, becoming part of the primary
swirls and curls of color and movement. Baum has
incorporated her watercolor artworks into
beautiful handmade note cards and a unique line
of domino necklaces where an image of hers is
adhered to the back of an antique domino piece,
then drilled for a chain and signed to be worn.
"These were featured in December’s gift
buying guide in the Springfield Newsleader."
Baum told me. The month before, she was the
featured artist at FRESH Gallery in Springfield,
and the Newsleader did a feature on her then as
well, along with a number of colored images of
her work. "I sold a lot of art after this
was in the paper," she told me. "I sell
a lot of cards and I’ve sold some major
works as well as a result of this
publicity." She continues her pursuit of
"fresh art", designing and creating
colorful works to match a theme or series sparked
by her imagination. Showing in two major venues
in Springfield, she is obligated to produce quite
a lot of work regularly and in addition, create
the work that she will be bringing to her
exhibition here at artCentral! I look for a nice
selection of both small and larger works, along
with her jewelry and original greeting cards to
be displayed during her time with us, which is
April 1st through the 17th. Come and take a look!
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.