laugh A vertically challenged psychic was arrested one
day. He escaped from jail and the newspaper headline
A man goes to see his lawyer to prepare
his will. At the first meeting, the lawyer takes all the
information down, and sends the man home, telling him to
come see him again in two weeks.
Two weeks later, the man comes back,
reads the will and signs it in front of three witnesses.
The lawyer says: "That will be $100."
The man pays him, shakes his hand and
The lawyer looks down in his hand and
notices not one but two $100 bills, and so, he faces a
serious ethical dilemma.
Do you know what the dilemma is?
- - -Does he tell his partner, or not?
I have not yet begun to
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Pleasant Surprise.
Carthage Land
Owners Find Rich Strikes of Zinc on Their Ground.
The party comprising Messrs. E.
O’Keefe, T. N. Davey, Paul Davey and County Clerk
Stuckey, who went to the vicinity of Smithfield yesterday
to look after their mining interest, found a very
pleasant surprise upon their arrival.
Both on Mr. O’Keefe’s eighty
acre tract and on the Stuckey & Davey 200 acre tract
have fine strikes of jack been made. Lee Holden has a
lease on the O’Keefe land and has run onto a fine
body of jack at 78 feet. Five new shafts are now going
On the Stuckey & Davey land a good
strike was made at a depth of 44 feet and when the owners
of the tract put in their appearance there was a great
clamor for lots. "We leased four lots
yesterday," said Mr. Stuckey, "and we could
have disposed of fifteen had been ready to let them
Today's Feature County Jail
The Jasper County Commission
toured the County Detention Center yesterday
morning, accompanied by several media
representatives invited to attend by Sheriff
Archie Dunn. The Sheriff accompanied the group,
but let Detention Center staff direct the tour
and answer questions.
The tour illustrated many of
the concerns that were outlined in the original
letter sent to the Commission by Dunn that was
published in the Mornin’ Mail last
Some basic maintenance items
such as inadequate shower facilities, plumbing
and lighting problems were addressed, but the
bulk of the presentation by Center staff centered
around the cell door locking system. Efforts to
eliminate serious security risks inherent in the
elaborate system have baffled experts that have
been brought for repairs.
The maintenance and security
problems are continually aggravated by the
population of inmates that hovers around two
hundred in the facility originally designed to
hold one hundred fifty-four.
Presiding Commissioner John
Bartosh told reporters after the tour that
repairs that needed attention would be addressed
in next year’s budget.
"If it takes two or three
hundred thousand to fix it, we will," said
Bartosh. "We can’t rent it out for
anything else."
Statistics obtained by the Mornin’
Mail show that inmate population and been on
a steady increase since 2008. Early that year,
the average population was around 165. Since the
latter part of April, approximately the same
population at the Center has been maintained, but
at least forty inmates have been place out to
other facilities. Early this year, the facility
had housed as many as two hundred thirty-nine
The atmosphere of the tour was
cordial but there was little interchange between
the Sheriff and the Commissioners. There is a
dispute as to how the cost of placing inmates
out-of-facility will be paid for.
Jasper County Jail Count
May 12, 2011
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I figured out this last
week end why they charge so much for small
trees. Somebody has ta dig the dang things
outa the ground.
Even transplanting a fairly
young saplin’ involves movin’ a
lotta dirt. Now once ya get past the obvious
gettin’ dirty part of the job, it can be
somewhat enjoyable playin’ in the soil.
‘Course the nice thing about dirt is
that it washes off fairly easily.
I’ve seen those
contraptions that look like a big ice cream
scoop that I’m sure the folks who move
trees for a livin’ use. Fact I was
startin’ to wonder just where to locate
one after ‘bout an hour of
Fortunately, diggin’ a
whole to put a tree in isn’t near as
tedious, but it does make the price
they’re askin’ at the tree shop
look a lot more reasonable.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
(sorry, this got reprinted
by mistake)
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ART NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
Invitations go out today!
Don’t miss our new exhibition opening at
Hyde House on May 20th with a group of the
Missouri Colored Pencil Artist Society. Local
artist members include Cheryl Church-Saving,
Michele DeSutter, Lora Waring and Dustin Miller.
I will write a bit today about three of these
artists, and pick up next week on the others that
round out this group who will be sharing their
work with us in this new show. Cheryl
Church-Saving is a Carthage resident, and teaches
art at Carthage high school. From the days of
Crayola crayon on the walls of the halls to the
paint on the canvas, there have been a lot of
things and people who have inspired her. Her
artwork reflects her thoughts and feelings,
displays symbolism, and personal feeling
generally dealing with life. She has dabbles with
other mediums, but always finds herself returning
to the colored pencil, the medium she has
certainly mastered if you have ever viewed her
work. Michele DeSutter, Carthage, also knew from
an early age that art was what she did best. She
took many classes while attending Jefferson City
high school, and continued with art at Central
Missouri State University, Warrensburg. It was
there that she received a bachelors of fine arts
degree and established her style that can be
found I her current work today, that of bold
color and playful subject matter. She has devoted
the last 5 years to colored pencil and mixed
media work. Dustin Miller, Diamond, grew up in
western Nebraska where he gained his interest in
art from his father and two brothers, all having
careers in the field of art. He received his
bachelors of science in art education from
Missouri State University, and taught art at
Diamond high school for 11 years, is currently
teaching at Neosho high school. These are just
four of a group of artists that will be bringing
their work to us at our next opening, so please
plan to be with us May 20th at 6:00 for this
great exhibition, which will then remain on our
galleries weekends noon to 5:00 through June 5th.
Next week I will tell you a bit about the
remainder of our displaying colored pencil
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