laugh His girlfriend’s father was interviewing
Young Charles. "So," said that impressive
personage, "you want to be my so-in-law, do you?
"Not particularly," said
Charles tactlessly, "but if I want to marry your
daughter I haven’t much choice, have I?"
"Now, that looks like a happily
married couple." Remarks the husband.
"Don’t be too sure, my Dear.
They are probable saying the same thing about us."
Replied his wife.
While attending a Marriage seminar
dealing with communication, Jack and his wife, Barb,
listened to the instructor. "It is essential that
husbands and wives know the things that are important to
each other." He addressed the man, "can you
describe your wife’s favorite flower?" Jack
leaned over, touched his wife’s arm gently and
whispered, "Its Pillsbury isn’t it?"
She called the obituary department,
"This is what I want to print: Bernie is dead."
The man at the newspaper said, "But you are allowed
to print six words." "OK. Print: Bernie is
dead. Toyota for sale."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Chas. Hudson and wife of Carterville
passed through this city today on their bicycles bound
for ElDorado Springs. Mr. Hudson is a druggist at
Carterville. He formerly lived at ElDorado Springs and
the couple are going there for a visit with his parents.
The distance from ElDorado Springs to Webb City is about
75 miles. The young couple left Webb City after dinner
and made the trip to Carthage in an hour. They expect to
reach Lamar tonight and Eldorado Springs sometime
They do not expect to rush however and
Mr. Hudson carried a fishing pole strapped inside the
frame of his wheel so they can stop and fish if they
desire to break the monotony of the trip. Both were
attired in regulation cycling costume and were equal to
anything in the wheeling line.of eighteen track layers
are busily engaged in re-laying about a mile and a
quarter of track west of town.
Today's Feature Master Gardeners
Plant Sale.
The Ozark Gateway Master
Gardeners will hold their 2011 plant sale on
Saturday, May 7 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
Powers Museum, 1617 Oak Street.
The sale is the only fund
raising project for the group. The sale will
include a wide variety of plants, trees, shrubs,
annuals, perennials, ground covers, berries,
house plants, hanging baskets, yard art, books
and lots of gardening magazines. The magazines
are free.
The Master Gardeners ongoing
projects include maintaining the Carthage Library
Garden, the C.A.N.D.O. Senior Center garden, the
Crosslines Garden with the produce going to the
food pantry, and the demonstration garden at the
Wildcat Glades Conservation and Audubon Center.
The organization also mans the Volunteer
Information Center at the Extension Office in the
Carthage Courthouse. The Center is staffed from 9
a.m. to 1 p.m. daily through the fall and is a
public service for a variety of information on
Shoppers are reminded to come
early for the best selection.
Just Jake
This is the time a year
when the rubber hits the road as far as the
Council is concerned. That’s ‘cause
it when the money gets spread around to the
various departments and the nondepartmental
‘Course ever year
there is a scramble for the dollars
"granted" or in more legal terms,
paid in contracts for various services.
It must be a humblin’
experience for those on the receivin’
end. Not that anyone makes a big deal about
justifyin’ expenditures, but the reality
is that the Council can make a major
difference in the fundin’ decisions they
make. The fact is that most of ‘em take
the job of watchin’ the citizens money
pretty serious.
‘Course that makes for
some real life drama when it comes down to
the final cuts.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.’
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To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue,
Plays Many Roles In Body
blood check showed that my potassium was high. I
was told to stop eating bananas and drinking
orange juice. I also was told to return to the
doctor’s office the next week. I did. They
took another blood sample. They told me nothing
What happens when potassium is
high? -- F.H.
ANSWER: Potassium has many
important jobs. It keeps the body’s
electrical charges balanced. It’s involved
in transmitting nerve signals. It’s needed
to keep the heart beating and muscles
contracting. It takes part in keeping the body
neither too acid nor too alkaline.
High blood potassium raises
blood sugar, weakens muscles, causes nausea and
vomiting, and triggers erratic and dangerous
heartbeats. When the level is very high,
potassium paralysis and death occur. Your
potassium must not have been all that high. You
had no symptoms.
The causes of a high blood
level include kidney illnesses, nonworking
adrenal glands, a lack of insulin, sudden death
of body cells, overuse of potassium supplements
and medicines like beta blockers.
The blood level of potassium
can be read erroneously as high when the patient,
during blood collection, keeps clenching and
unclenching arm muscles. It rises when blood
cells break apart in their journey from a
patient’s arm to the laboratory. It could be
your reading was high because of either of these
It’s hard to come up with
an explanation that indicts an illness with
raising potassium on one occasion and not keeping
it raised for a short while.
The electrolytes -- sodium,
potassium, bicarbonate and chloride -- are not
well understood by most people. Yet they are
responsible for many body ailments.
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.