laugh My mother-in-law sent me two sweaters for
Christmas, so when she arrived on her visit, I was
wearing one.
She glared at me. "What’s
wrong, didn’t you like the other one?"
Some buffalo are grazing on the open
prairie when a cowboy rides up. Making a grim face, he
says, "Why, you’re the ugliest animals I ever
saw. Look at that matted fur, that ugly hump on your
back, the way you drool."
One buffalo turns to another and says,
"I think I just heard a discouraging word."
Mother was thrilled to see little
Mildred sitting so quietly and said, "Millie,
I’m so proud of you sitting like a little doll while
your dad takes a nap."
Millie said, "I’m watching
his cigarette burn down to his fingers."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
ONLY WANTS $40,000.
A suit was filed in circuit court
yesterday whereby Will Roberts by his next friend, Chas.
M. Roberts, his father, asks for $5,000 actual and $5,000
exemplary damages against G.E. St. John, L.B. St. John
and Ralph Wylie; also for $15,000 actual and $15,000
exemplary damages against Sheriff Warren and his bondsmen
- a total of $40,000.
The suit arises from an incident which
occurred last fall in which young Roberts was accused of
stealing $15 from Ralph Wylie and was arrested and put
through a sweating process to secure a confession.
Roberts now wants damages to the extent of the above
named amount.
Capt. J.F. Stephenson, of Kansas City,
purchased a car load of mules of Henry Tangner yesterday
and will ship them to Kansas City this evening.
Today's Feature Veteran’s
Day Schedule.
The annual Veterans’ Day
Program will be held today beginning at 10:30 in
Memorial Hall featuring the music of the
Heartland Band.
The program will start at 11
a.m. with the posting of the Colors and the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The National
Anthem and an opening prayer by Sonny Elder,
Chaplain of the Carthage VFW post will follow.
The Heartland Band will play
marching music of each of the branches of
military service. Veterans will be asked to stand
when the music for their branch of service is
Carthage American Legion Post
Commander Jerry Chapman will act as emcee and
introduce this year’s speaker, Mike Bayless,
Major, U.S. Army retired.
At the conclusion of the
Bayless remarks, members of the Carthage Veterans
Alliance will retrieve the Colors which will be
followed by taps.
Following the program the First
United Methodist Church (617 S. Main) will honor
all veterans and their families to an
appreciation dinner.
County Jail Count
? November 10,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I see where the major car
manufacturers are gettin’ ready to go
into production with the super gas mileage
cars. They say they’ll get 70 to 80
miles per gallon.
The technology is
combinin’ diesel engine with an electric
motor and generator. Stuff ya read about in
the 70’s in Popular Science. Even with
relatively low fuel prices, bein’ able
to go a thousand miles or so on a tank of gas
has some appeal. Give ya some real leverage
in shoppin’ for low prices at the pump.
A friend a mine’s dad
would drive miles out of his way to save a
few cents. Sometimes to the point of
havin’ to buy a couple a bucks worth of
gas to get back to the cheap station. With
these new outfits, he could just carry an
extra long extension cord.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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a Bump Up in Social Security
We’re about to receive our
first Social Security cost-of-living increase in
three years. But don’t rush out to buy
jewels, furs and vehicles with your new riches:
The increase will be 3.6 percent and will take
effect in January.
These past two years were the
first time since 1975 that there was no
adjustment, but the economy changed just enough
to trigger the small increase. The Cost of Living
Adjustment (COLA) is based on any increase in the
Consumer Price Index from one year to the next.
The average Social Security
check this year was $1,177. The 3.6 percent
increase of $42.37 will bring that up to $1,219
per month in 2012.
Per the Social Security
website, the earnings limit for those under age
66 is as follows: For those born in 1943 through
1954, the limit will be $14,640 with $1 deducted
from benefits for each $2 earned over that
amount. If you’ll turn 66 in 2012, you can
earn up to $38,880 without penalty, but will lose
$1 for every $3 you earn over that amount until
the month you reach age 66. These limits are
slight increases.
Then, too, there is the
possibility of an increase in Medicare Part B
premiums. (You should have gotten your Annual
Notice of Change in the mail.) Your Social
Security increase might be completely eaten up by
the increase in Medicare premiums.
If you haven’t filed for
Social Security, run the AARP Social Security
Benefits Calculator [] to get a
better idea of whether it will benefit you to
wait, or to keep working and file at the same
To save money, the Social
Security Administration no longer mails out
annual statements.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.