laugh You are very clever, if I may say so.
You may say so, but not in front of
these people.
You are very clever, but not in front
of these people.
Policeman- "Have an accident,
Reveler (who has collided with lamp
post)- "No, thanksh-just had one."
"It was so cold where we
were," boasted the Arctic explorer, "that the
candle froze and we couldn’t blow it out."
"That’s nothing," said
his rival.
"Where we were the words came out
of our mouths in pieces of ice, and we had to fry them to
see what we were talking about."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
His Brother is Dying.
J. L. Pentzer, the popular clerk in
Wells’ drug store, left this morning for the bedside
of his brother, J. W. Pentzer, who is dying of
consumption at his home in Wilton, Ia.
What a Dollar Would
It has been figured that the earning
power of a dollar is greater than the earning power of a
If a man were to work every day,
getting a dollar a day for each working day and live for
400 years, never taking a vacation and never having a
sick spell that would force him to knock off from work,
at the end of four hundred years he will have earned
$135,200, while a dollar put out at ten per cent, and the
interest compounded every six months would amount in the
course of 400 years to some $333,000,000,000.
Today's Feature
Dollar Incentive.
This week, the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that up
to $1 billion will be awarded to innovative
projects across the country that test creative
ways to deliver high-quality medical care and
save money. The Health Care Innovation Challenge,
funded by the Affordable Care Act, will also give
preference to projects that rapidly hire, train,
and deploy health care workers.
The Health Care Innovation
Challenge will award grants in March 2012 to
applicants who will implement the most compelling
new ideas to deliver better health, improved
care, and lower costs to people enrolled in
Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s
Health Insurance Program, particularly those with
the highest health care needs. The Challenge will
support projects that can begin within 6 months.
In addition, projects that focus on rapid
workforce development will be given priority when
grants are awarded.
Interested parties of all types
who have developed innovations that will meet the
initiative’s goals of improving care,
lowering costs, and creating health care jobs are
welcome to apply.
County Jail Count
178 November 17,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I suppose there are those
livin’ in these parts that aren’t
accustomed to the cold weather that comes
through on occasion, but it always seems
strange how much time tv news programs spend
tellin’ ya how to keep warm. One
reporter summed up a two minute spot with the
profound advice to "bundle up."
"Put some clothes
on!," I yelled to the tv set. How dense
we in tv land must be to need this kind of
scolding from strangers. I’m surprised I
wasn’t instructed to check the
thermostat to make sure the heater was on, or
to not run around barefoot when there is ice
on the ground.
Other bits of wisdom: The
best way to keep from bein’ hungry is to
eat somethin’. If you stick your hand in
a fire, it will burn. Now there’s a real
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
artCentral’s last opening
night occurred this past Friday with Theresa
Rankin as our presenting artist in the last
exhibition of the 2011 season here at Hyde House
Gallery. This show, entitled, "IN THE
LIGHT." features 23 representational
paintings reflecting soft realism with
Theresa’s excellent use of color and light,
and includes a number of subjects. Additionally
Theresa has brought a group of framed prints
displayed in our Member Gallery. This exhibition
will remain in both galleries through December
4th, weekends, Friday- Sunday noon to 5:00,
closed Thanksgiving weekend. I am pleased to
already have sold several paintings from this
show and hope to sell additional ones as it
progresses. Next up will be our first kids
"Candy House Building" class on Sunday
afternoon the 20th, and I am pleased to say this
class is now full. I would consider a wait list
if you still have a student aged 7-14 who might
be interested. I would also note at this time, in
addition to our own art exhibition, there are
additional displays of some of our member
artists’ art at both Koka Gallery downtown,
featuring work by Steve Binam, and Cherry’s
Gallery and Frame featuring paintings by Jason
Sacran. Our town is very fortunate to have three
places that art can be viewed at most any given
time, and that is not counting personal galleries
of several local artists who welcome patrons by
appointment. I know that Jerry Ellis, Bob Tommey,
Andy Thomas, Lowell Davis, Bill Snow, Robin
Putnam and Larry Glaze all have personal work in
their gallery-studios on display most any time. I
would also recognize and welcome a new
professional studio on the square, featuring work
by Helen Kunze, Sarah Hall Huntley and Stacy
Smith in a joint venture they call
"Drawn" Together. It is upstairs on the
west side of the square, is a working
studio-gallery, and viewable by chance or
appointment. Carthage is gaining in the art
business, and we are proud of it!
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.