laugh On the first day of Spring Training, a baseball
scout brings a race horse with him to add to the starting
lineup. The coach asks, "What the heck did you bring
that horse here for?"
The scout replies, "Wait until you
see him bat."
All the players are laughing, until the
horse comes to bat. At this point, the horse grabs the
bat and everyone quiets down. They stare at the horse.
The pitcher, just shrugs his shoulders,
and throws the ball toward home plate, when
astonishingly, the horse hits the ball deep into the
The horse just stands there and does
not move. The manager then yells at the baseball scout to
tell the horse to run to first base.
The scout looks back at the manager and
yells back, "If he could run, he’d be at
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
James Stickney and Sam McReynolds of
this city who are attending college at Radford, Va., will
spend the Christmas holidays in Washington, D.C., and
through their school connection and "F. F. V."
acquaintances, will be the guests of Senator Daniels of
Virginia while there.
They will also visit U.S. Naval Academy
at Annapolis, and will be the guest of Arthur Caffee of
this city while there.
Anticipate Expansion
of Business.
The M. S. Parsons Implement Company
have taken a $1,000 option on the 50x100 foot lot just
north of their present building site at the old ice
It is the intention of the implement
company to purchase the additional lot to make more room
when the business demands expansion.
Today's Feature Hospital
The City Council will meet this
evening in City Hall for their regular meeting at
7:30 p.m. The Council is scheduled to vote on CB.
11-44, " an Ordinance authorizing the City
of Carthage, Missouri to approve a hospital lease
agreement by and between Mercy-Carthage, McCune
Brooks Regional Hospital, and the City of
Carthage, Missouri and approving the creation of
a restricted account (McCune Brooks Hospital
Board and Staff)."
"During the Agreement
Term, Mercy-Carthage agrees to pay to Lessor, as
rent for the Leased Property for each Contract
Year of the Agreement Term, and Lessor agrees to
accept, an amount equal to the sum of (i) the
debt service requirements under the Bonds due and
owing by Lessor (taking into account any
refinancing of the Bonds), provided that there is
an outstanding amount owed under the Bonds (the
"Bond Debt Service Payments"), and (ii)
Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00)
(the "Additional Renf’). The Bond Debt
Service Payments, together with the Additional
Rent, shall be referred to herein as the
"Rent." (each year).
County Jail Count
175 November 18,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I’ve never figured out
folks who complain about a tv show, and then
commence to tell you all the details of why.
It usually becomes apparent that they
regularly tune in to the program.
There are plenty of tv
shows that I don’t like, I don’t
watch ‘em.
Back when there were only
three networks and we could only get decent
reception on two of ‘em, I wasn’t
near so picky. ‘Course I was just a kid
too. Didn’t know no better. (or Mom was
in control of the room.)
Fact is, now I can find an
endless number of tv shows I don’t wanna
watch. The fact that I can determine in three
seconds whether or not I’m interested
sometimes annoyin’ to others in the room
who don’t have a remote however.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue,
Disorder Is Emotional Seesaw
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: How serious
is bipolar disorder? Can you control it yourself?
Is the brain lacking some element? -- L.R.
ANSWER: Bipolar is a disorder
in which people experience spells of deep
depression alternating with spells of great
energy and unbridled enthusiasm. It’s an
emotional teeter-totter. In the high-energy
phase, people feel invincible, are constantly on
the go, can do with little sleep, have grandiose
and unreasonable plans and are overly sociable.
They become impulsive and make hasty and poor
decisions. Sometimes they hallucinate, seeing
things not present and hearing things not spoken.
In the depressed phase, the opposite holds.
People become reclusive, feel that all is
hopeless, don’t want to get out of bed and
are reluctant to interact with others. Those
extremes are the two poles of bipolar disorder.
Yes, it is a serious illness.
It can disrupt a person’s life.
Brain chemistry is involved,
but the exact mechanisms are not completely
understood. Genes have a major role too. Bipolar
disorder runs in families.
explain the proper care of a person who contracts
shingles. Is it contagious? My doctor didn’t
want me in his office. Other doctors say
it’s not contagious.
I received the drug Famvir at
the start. Now I take Lyrica and Percocet. I am
miserable. How long is recovery? I have a mild
case. I pity anyone with a difficult case. --
ANSWER: When the shingles rash
is brand-new and consists of many small,
fluid-filled blisters, virus is present in those
blisters. You do realize that shingles is the
reawakened chickenpox virus that lives in the
body from the time of infection to the time of
You don’t have shingles
now. You have the dreadful shingles complication
-- postherpetic neuralgia. It’s pain coming
from the nerve that the shingles virus traveled
down on its journey to the skin. You are getting
the appropriate medicines. The pain is usually
gone in months, but it can linger for years.
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.