The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 Volume XX, Number
did ya
Did Ya Know?...Carthage Business
Women of Mo. have Black Walnuts, Pecans for sale.
Walnuts, $10 lb, Pecans, pieces/halves $13 lb.358-3505.
Did Ya Know?...The Carthage
Crisis Center will have their Thanksgiving Day Family
Dinner from noon to 2 p.m. at their location at 100 S.
Main. Free - Everyone is welcome that needs a place to
laugh Two Martians land on a dark country lane. One
asks, "Where do you think we are?"
The second Martian says, "We must
be in a cemetery. See that gravestone? That man lived to
be one hundred and six."
"What was his name?"
"Miles from Toledo."
There’s so little trust in this
country today. Yesterday I heard a politician confess
that he’d lied, and I didn’t believe him.
There’s one thing I like about a
TV commercial. There are no interruptions.
An orthopedist and a tree doctor met
and started to discuss business. The orthopedist said,
"Oh, by the way, yesterday one my patients ran into
one of yours."
A dog saw a sign, WET PAINT, and he
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Cured and Returned to
Mitch Hutton, one of the prisoners in
the county jail who was sent to the city quarantine
hospital with smallpox, was taken back to jail yesterday
to serve the remainder of his sentence, he having fully
recovered. He has forty-one days yet to serve, for
assault. He has been at the hospital since March 6, and
his time spent there counts on his sentence the same as
if he had spent it in jail.
The other man sent to the hospital,
Herman Emmett, was turned loose as soon as he was well,
as his jail sentence had expired.
Two more peace disturbers were brought
in from Joplin yesterday for commitment at the county
jail. They were Wm. Underhill and F.R. Ropp.
Mrs. Dora Imhoff, of Kenomo, Mo., is
spending a few weeks with the family of R.A. Herdman, the
Chestnut street grocer.
Today's Feature Pardon Us .
Patients, guests and visitors
at McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital can help
pardon two turkeys from Thanksgiving dinner. Fred
and Ethyl currently reside in the MBRH courtyard
and are asking for your help. The hospital is
sponsoring a Christmas toy drive and according to
Fred, "If you bring a toy or donate
monetarily in the cafeteria or Human Resources
office, our landlord, Bob Copeland, hospital
C.E.O. will pardon us on Nov. 23rd at 10am in the
gift shop lobby. Ethyl and I enjoy our new home
and even though we are getting fat and sassy, we
would prefer to continue to entertain everyone at
MBRH and provide insect control for the
gardens." Fred and Ethyl have made their
home in the hospital courtyard since early
summer, sharing the area with Bonnie and Clyde;
the resident duck pair and numerous unnamed
quail. They all get plenty of attention from
hospital visitors and have delighted pediatric
and adult patients at McCune-Brooks.
The public is invited to
participate in the toy drive and to attend the
pardoning; the pardoning ceremony will be held in
the hospital gift shop lobby at 10 am on November
23rd and is sponsored by the MBRH Healthcare
County Jail Count
169 November 22,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I never was around bass
boats and the such when I was learnin’
ta fish. Folks mostly went cat (fish)
A friend a my dads taught
me and my brother how ta tie the simple knot
to keep a hook on the line. Don’t
remember for sure, but he prob’ly showed
us how to weave a worm on the hook too.
I can’t ‘member
who introduced us to stink bait, but I
didn’t use it much ‘cause worms
were free for the diggin’.
I’ve helped run some
bank lines in the creek and used a lure or
two, but the most fun was at the pond
pullin’ out perch.
I was lettin’ the kids
try their luck, and after a while they were
droppin’ the line in without any bait.
The perch started hittin’ the bare hook
flickerin’ in the sun. Catchin’
always was more fun than cleanin’
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
JoAnn Derson
• "Mineral oil will
take off a fake tattoo nicely. Use it liberally
on a cotton ball just before bath time. My kids
love fake tattoos, and this way, they don’t
stay on too long." -- T.L. in Montana
• "An easy way to
store plastic grocery bags so that they are handy
when you need them is to stuff them into a tissue
box. They come out one at a time and are easily
stored in a cabinet or even in your car." --
P.W. in Missouri
• "I have one of
those wax-melt burners that uses tea lights to
heat a block of scented wax. I ran out of tea
lights, but had one votive candle that I could
use. I cut the bottom of the votive off to make
it the right height, then I used a square of
aluminum foil under it to catch the drippings. It
worked just fine in a pinch." -- D.S. in
• "JoAnn, here’s
a tip for your indoor and patio gardeners out
there: When filling a pot with soil, first make
sure there is a drain hole at the bottom. Then
instead of putting stones or broken pottery on
the inside bottom hole of the pot to allow for
drainage, place a coffee filter over the hole and
then fill the pot with your potting soil. I
discovered this filter will not only provide more
room for root development but will effectively
allow for proper drainage. Also, the filter will
not let any muddy soil or dirt to run out the
bottom of your pots and mess up your windowsill
or patio decking. It really works!" -- T.G.
in New Jersey
• Fix tomato sauce
that’s too tart by adding a pinch of baking
soda. It neutralizes the acidity and gives the
sauce a milder taste.
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.