laugh Some men go on a hunting trip. During the day,
they separate into pairs. That evening, Willy returns
with a twelve-point buck slung over his back. A hunter
asks, "Where’s Jimmy our partner?"
Willy says, "He tripped a couple
of miles back and couldn’t move another foot."
"You left him there and brought
back the buck? How come?"
Willy says, "Well, I figure
nobody’s gonna steal Jimmy."
A vacation nowadays fills most of the
year. You go away in January, you get the pictures back
in February, your bills in March, your health back in
April, and your luggage back in May.
The tooth fairy, a low-priced attorney,
and a high-priced attorney were in a room. On a table was
a thousand-dollar bill. Who ended up with it?
The high-priced attorney. The other two
were merely figments of his imagination.
My turtle wears
"people-neck" sweaters.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Escape From Death of a Badly Battered Miner at Oronogo.
Passengers coming to Carthage yesterday
evening on the Frisco inter-urban train report that a man
got on the train at Oronogo junction, in a limping
condition, with one arm broken and his face and head much
He said he had fallen off a hoister
platform, and that when he hit, his head and shoulders
extended over the mouth of the shaft.
He was about to slip head first into
the shaft when one of his fellow workmen caught him and
saved him from death. The man did not state his name nor
the shaft at which he was working, but it is thought he
got off here and probably lives here.
Today's Feature City-wide Leaf
The City-wide leaf pickup
program will run from November 1 through December
30, 2011. Citizens should call the Street
Department at 417-237-7020 to be placed on the
list for leaf pickup when the leaves are ready
for removal.
Leaves should be placed in a
narrow pile or row, in the grassy area between
the sidewalk and the curb, but not in alleys. If
the area is without curbs, leaves should be
within five feet of the street. Leaves should not
be raked into the street or into drainage ditches
or swales.
Leaves should not be in cans or
in plastic or paper bags. Only loose leaves will
be collected. Areas should be free of tree limbs,
rocks or other foreign objects.
Parked vehicles should be at
least 15 feet away from the pile. City workers
will not return to leaf piles that are passed
over due to vehicle obstruction.
If leaves are not collected
immediately the City asks that residents remain
patient. A collection order will be observed all
week, despite inclement weather or unforeseen
County Jail Count
? November 3,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
An old sayin’ in the
antique business is that anything is worth
exactly what someone is willin’ to pay
for it. It works with antiques, the stock
market, and in puttin’ in streets.
Goin’ out for bids on
big projects for the City is time
consumin’ and a hassle for the bidders.
It does however, seem ta keep prices in line
and keep those pencils sharp.
What always seems strange
is how sometimes the bids are so far apart
for the same work. Most of the time there are
pretty tight bids in the mix, but ever’
now and then they are all over the board.
Tryin’ to outguess
bidders seems ta be next ta impossible. All
you can do is play your game and hope for a
little luck.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
Theresa Rankin returns after
two years to Hyde House Gallery with a new group
of oil paintings in a show she has entitled,
"IN THE LIGHT." Theresa has shown with
us before in a dual presentation in 2008 with
fellow artist April Davis, and their joint
presentation that year was very well received.
Her beautiful paintings reflect soft realism with
her excellent use of color and light, and she
paints all subjects from the human figure to
landscape and still life equally well. Born in
Hollywood, CA, this artist knew she wanted to be
an artist at 6 years old. Formal studies began at
the University of Hawaii and University of Utah
and continued with hard work. "I have always
believed that art should speak to everyone.
Capturing a place in time, an event or moment,
and infusing it with emotion . . . are my highest
priorities. To draw the viewer into this world, I
tell the story through shapes of color and light
expressed with brushwork and a solid design. The
subject matter is unimportant . . . it is a
subtle mixture of mystery, ongoing, light, beauty
and a bit of un-reach ability that gives me the
emotional reaction that in turn inspires me to
paint." Residing currently in Carthage, she
is a member of Oil Painters of America and has
worked with artists John Burton, Jeff Legg, John
Pototschnik and John Budicin and has had extended
studies with Barbara Courtney and internet
studies with Richard Schmidt via Katie Swatland.
Her work has won numerous awards locally and
nationally, and we are so glad to have her back
with another beautiful display of new work. This
exhibition opens Friday, November 11th at 6:00
with the artist’s reception, and will
continue through December 4th. Come out and be
with us to welcome Theresa, have some
refreshments, and maybe cross off a few names
from your holiday buying list!
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.