laugh Everybody has to chip in today in the house. I
just found a part-time job for our parrot.
I know a fellow who’s so
egotistical, he believes that God only gave him the Ten
A tourist was asked what he thought
about warm English beer. He said, "I think they
ought to pour it back into the horse."
A motorist stops at a tiny gas station
and says, "What’s this place called?"
The attendant says, "By whom? By
the folks who live in this dang-blasted, filthy,
one-horse dump? Or those who are just going to enjoy our
rustic charms for a short spell?"
Success used to go to your head. Now it
goes to the IRS
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A proposition is being considered by a
Carthage citizen to build a fine two story brick building
covering two lots at the southwest corner of the square,
to be occupied by Ramsey Bros. dry goods store.
One of the two lots being considered is
the vacant lot of Thomas Gray, and the other is the
corner lot next west of it, owned by Mrs. Helen T.
Bartlett. The latter lot is occupied by Wm.
Weesner’s store and what is known as the Bartlett
block on Main street.
If the plans culminate, the building
would front on the square and have one of the finest
corner show windows in town. It would extend back to
Fifth street and would have one or two side entrances on
Main street. The Weesner building was put up under a five
years’ lease and this has now expired, and the
ground is now being occupied, it is said, on a month to
month contract.
Today's Feature FIRE TAX PASSES.
The 1/4 percent increase
in sales tax to benefit the Carthage Fire
Department passed with 496 yes and 298 no votes.
Fundraiser Contributions.
"Music is really
important. Any time you can expose children to
music you can really open their minds,"
local artist and jazz lover, Lora Waring said.
Waring said she heard about the CJHS Band chili
supper and decided to donate a pencil drawing she
made while listening to jazz. Band members Lauren
Dewald and Elle Lanham accepted the work of art
on behalf of the band.."Art and music always
go together," Waring added.
Art and jazz will, again, be
intertwined during Carthage Jr. High’s
Second Annual Chili Supper/Silent Auction. The
band will host an evening for all who love jazz,
chili and supporting young musicians Monday,
November 14, beginning at 5:00 at the Fairview
Christian Church in Carthage. Those who attend
can expect Cloud’s chili, salad, desert and
a drink accompanied by performances from the
Crowder Jazz Orchestra and the CJH band & CJH
Jazz band.
County Jail Count
? November 8,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
There seems ta be this
propensity for folks gettin’ married. A
recent niece’s weddin’ sticks in my
I suppose ever’one
that attends a weddin’ has a different
perspective about it.
The young folks admire the
commitment, the middle aged the innocence,
and the older bunch the courage.
I think no matter what the
age, most of us still have trouble
realizin’ that people you still think of
as bein’ in diapers are standin’ up
there gettin’ hitched. Makes ya ponder
Mark Twain’s words about bein’ a
shame that youth has ta be wasted on
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Carthage Printing |
JoAnn Derson
• "I have to wear my
hair tied back for work. With all the ponytails,
I get lots of little broken hairs that stick up
all over my head when it’s very dry or very
humid -- especially when I go from a wet, yucky
outside to a dry, heated inside. I have tried
lots of styling products that don’t work
very well. Then a co-worker suggested a
fabric-softener sheet. I can’t believe it,
but it works." -- P.G. in Michigan
• If you have an ink stain
on fabric, try blotting it with hairspray.
Saturate the ink spot with hairspray, and blot
using a clean white cloth or non-decorated paper
towel. Repeat until all the ink is gone. Make
sure you test on an inconspicuous area first.
• For every degree you
lower your thermostat during the heating season,
you generally reduce your energy costs by 3
percent. Also, turn down the temperature setting
on your hot-water heater.
• Here’s a no-fail
strategy for raking up leaves: Rake leaves into a
single long line, preferably onto a sidewalk.
Then turn a large garbage can on its side and
sweep the leaf pile into the can, taking breaks
to empty leaves into bags as needed. The raking
goes much quicker when done in
"stripes." And bagging is faster as
• "I have one of
those big wall calendars for work. When the year
is over, the kids like to cut up the months into
bingo cards. They use stickers to create both the
bingo cards and the puller’s cards (the
individual days and the different kinds of
stickers). It’s a fun craft that uses their
brain cells -- and recycles the paper
calendar." -- Y.R. in Arizona
• If you have a box, you
can cut arm and leg holes in it and draw a grid
on all sides. Fill in the squares with different
colors to make a RubikÕs Cube. (Thanks to F.S.
in North Carolina.)
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.