laugh Universities are full of knowledge; the freshmen
bring a little in and the seniors take none away, so the
knowledge accumulates.
A little old lady was on a park bench
in the Bronx. A neighbor admired her two little
grandchildren and asked how old they were. The little old
lady said, "The lawyer is four and the doctor is
Lawyer - "Well, if you want my
honest opinion—"
Client - "No, no. I want your
professional advice."
The cannibal chief has a plan.
"Let’s declare war on the territory next to us.
The UN will step in and ask for a cease-fire.
They’ll refer the matter to the Security Council.
The Security Council will send an arbitrator, and
we’ll eat him."
I always used to wonder where my wife
was all the time. One day the TV set broke down during a
ball game, and there she was.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Robbery and a
Wednesday night S. Jiles of Claflin
Kansas, was robbed of $20 by a pickpocket on the Frisco
depot platform. He had a railroad ticket to Witchita in
his pocket with the money, but the thief missed it.
Yesterday afternoon a Mrs. Gibbs was
shot in the back of the hand with a 22-calibre rifle by
Mrs. Mary Parks. They both occupy rooms in the same
house. Mrs. Parks had visitors, and Mrs. Gibbs
couldn’t resist the temptation to eavesdrop at her
neighbor’s door. Mrs. Parks caught her at this and
with deliberate aim she fired a bullet into Mrs.
Gibb’s hand. The wound was not a very serious one.
Since then the women have made up and are apparently on
good terms.
Today's Feature Free CPR Class.
Free Friends & Family
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Class -
November 9th, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the large
conference room at MBH. This class is geared
toward babysitters, parents, caregivers or those
who have family members with medical problems so
that they will be aware of what actions to take
in case of an emergency.
Infant CPR is included. This
class does not provide certification in CPR.
Reservation required - call 359-1351 or 359-1350.
Treats on the
All Carthage area children are
invited to trick-or-treat early and safely on the
Historic Carthage Square! Treats on the Square
will be Monday, October 31, 3 – 5 p.m.
Carthage SkillsUSA would like
to invite you to join us for the 39th annual
Carthage Christmas Parade. The Carthage Technical
Center’s SkillsUSA Chapter will be hosting.
The Carthage Christmas Parade will be held
Monday, December 5, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. This
year’s parade theme is "Jingle All The
County Jail Count
? October 28,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
With the first of November
fallin’ on a Tuesday, Thanksgivin’
will come early in the month this year, the
24th. That means we’re only a little
over three weeks from Turkey Day. That will,
of course, mean that there will be nearly a
full extra week of Christmas promotion after
the feast.
With Christmas and New Year
fallin’ on Sunday, there prob’ly
won’t be any stretchin’ to a four
day weekend.
None a this news is
prob’ly anything urgent, but with the
holidays on the horizon, the pace always
seems to move up a notch or two. ‘Course
there is also always the chance we might
actually have a winter sometime durin’
the next couple a months.
Oh yeah, ya might start
keepin’ your eye open for calendars,
2012 is creepin’ in.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
By Samantha Mazzotta
Space Heaters Are Handy, But
It’s that time of year
again. As temperatures cool down and Jack Frost
makes an appearance, homeowners start looking for
efficient ways to heat their homes. It’s
also when the number of fires caused by
improperly used portable electric space heaters
begin to climb.
Yet we can’t abandon space
heaters entirely -- they provide decent
supplemental heat to individual rooms, and in
some parts of the U.S. are the only source of
heat during cold snaps. So, careful selection and
the observance of safety rules is the best
solution to the dilemma of whether or not to use
a space heater.
If you’re using an older
model, check it thoroughly for problems -- a
frayed cord, damaged heating elements, dented or
rusted casing and so on. Damaged space heaters
should be replaced as soon as possible.
When purchasing a new electric
space heater, make sure it has the
Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) label attached
to it. Avoid heaters that feature
"open" heating elements (heating
elements protected only by a mesh grille). An
estimated 6,000 people a year are treated in
hospital emergency rooms for burns caused by
contacting the hot surfaces of room heaters.
Heaters that circulate warmed liquid or oil
through a closed system are a safer option.
Although most space heaters
rely on convection (the circulation of air) to
heat an entire room, some rely on radiant
heating: infrared radiation that directly heats
up objects and people that are within the
heater’s line of sight. Radiant heaters are
a more efficient choice when you’ll be in a
room for only a few hours, but you must stay
within its line of sight.
Set up the space heater at
least 3 feet away from furniture, drapes, bedding
and other combustible materials. Do not place or
prop it up on anything; put it flat on the floor,
away from foot traffic. Be especially careful to
keep children and pets away from the heater, and
operate only when adults are in the room. When
you go to bed, turn the heater off -- stay warm
underneath the covers instead.
If you use an extension cord
with the heater, make sure the cord is marked No.
14 or No. 12 American Wire Gauge (AWG) -- this is
printed on the label attached to the extension
cord when purchased.
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.