laugh In October, the Indians asked their chief if the
coming winter was going to be cold or not. Not really
knowing the answer, the chief replied that the winter
will be cold and that the members of the village should
collect wood to be prepared. Being a good leader, he then
went to a phone booth, called the National Weather
Service and asked, ‘Is this winter to be cold?’
The man on the phone responded,
‘This winter is indeed going to be very cold.’
So the Chief went back to encourage his
people to collect even more wood to be prepared. A week
later he called the National Weather Service again, and
asked again, ‘Is it going to be a very cold
‘Yes,’ the man replied,
‘it’s going to be a very cold winter.’
Two weeks later he called the Service
again. ‘Are you absolutely sure that this winter is
going to be very cold?’
‘Absolutely’ the man replies,
‘the Indians are collecting wood like crazy.’
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Pittsburg Clerks at
The retail grocery clerks of Pittsburg,
Kansas, had a very enjoyable picnic at Lakeside park
yesterday. The party, numbering about 300 persons in all,
came over in a special train on the Memphis to Webb City,
arriving there about 9 a.m. The electric line had cars in
waiting and conveyed them in a body to Lakeside park,
where they spent the day. At noon a big basket dinner was
During the day a great many of the
visitors took a ride to Carthage and admired the beauties
of the city. They returned to Webb City and took the
special train home about 8 o’ clock in the evening.
It was a nice crowd and enjoyed itself
thoroughly. Not a single accident occurred during the
day. The visitors were particularly well pleased with the
park and all expressed themselves as having a good time.
Today's Feature Tax Amnesty Bill
Passed House.
Members of the Missouri House
of Representatives gave unanimous approval Friday
to legislation sponsored by state Rep. Tom
Flanigan, R-Carthage, that would authorize a
period of tax amnesty for delinquent taxpayers.
Flanigan also added language to the bill that was
requested by the City of Joplin to authorize tax
increment financing to assist in disaster
recovery efforts.
"The state’s
commitment to disaster-impacted areas is in the
hundreds of millions, and this amnesty program
will help to ensure that other important areas of
the budget are left unscathed in the coming
months," said Flanigan. "It also comes
as no surprise that the full House agrees that
recovery efforts will be best served by allowing
our communities to have all economic development
options on the table."
The tax amnesty provision of HB
2 would allow delinquent taxpayers who pay their
tax bills between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29 to waive
interest and penalties. The state has previously
authorized tax amnesty periods that brought in
approximately $74 million for fiscal year 2002
and $42 million for fiscal year 2003. Flanigan
said he anticipates similar revenue numbers if HB
2 becomes law.
The tax increment financing
language added to the bill would allow tax
increment financing in areas that have sustained
severe damage as the result of a natural
disaster. Flanigan said the language was
requested by the City of Joplin and would be an
important component to funding the rebuilding
effort in the city.
HB 2 was approved by the House
by a vote of 150-0. It now moves to the Senate
for consideration.
County Jail Count
? September 12,
Including Placed out of County
Just Jake
I came to the conclusion
several years ago that the tough part of
bein’ a publisher or editor isn’t
figurin’ out what to put in a
publication, there’s lots a stuff that
might be fit ta print. The really tough calls
are figurin’ out what not ta put in.
That’s why, for
instance, we don’t print letters to the
editor that aren’t signed. There have
been several that have arrived in unmarked
envelopes that were well written, and made
valid points. I just wish whoever wrote
‘em would stand up and take credit so we
could print the things.
We also get suggestions
ever now and then of some investigative
reportin’ that oughta be done. Most are
based on one rumor or another that has been
embellished for effect. Some sound like
interestin’ stories all right, just
aren’t based on much fact.
And, after all, this is at
least some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
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To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue,
Know the Signs
of Heart Valve Trouble
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: For the past
five years I have known that I have aortic
stenosis. I have no symptoms and no restrictions
on what I do. My doctor says I need no treatment.
I’m happy about that. Will I have a
shortened life? I’m 55. --- S.B.
ANSWER: "Stenosis"
indicates narrowing. The aortic valve closes when
the heart pumps blood out and into the aorta and
the entire body. Closure of the valve stops blood
from leaking back into the heart. Because the
valve and its opening have constricted, the heart
has to pump harder to empty itself. That strains
the heart, and, in time, leads to heart failure.
Stenosis is relative. Its
danger and its consequences depend on how narrow
are the opening and valve. Doctors can get an
accurate picture of the valve’s dimensions
through an echocardiogram, a sound wave picture
of the heart.
When the valve and its opening
reach a critical size, decisions are made about
the best treatment. Often, it’s surgery with
the installation of an artificial valve.
If a severely narrowed valve
goes untreated, three symptoms develop: chest
pain on activity (angina), shortness of breath
and fainting spells. Death occurs within three or
fewer years unless a new valve is put in place.
Surgery is usually performed well before these
signs make their appearance. You might never need
a correction if the narrowing process stops.
You probably wonder how you
acquired the valve problem. You might have been
born with a valve that had minor defects, which
promoted narrowing. Calcifications could have
settled on the valve. Or you might have had
rheumatic fever as a child, which caused valve
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