Today's Feature
Searching For The Formula.
The City Council Public
Services Committee is scheduled to meet this
evening at 7 p.m. in the Park Department
administration building.
The agenda includes the
consideration and discussion of the hiring of an
architect to complete the design of the golf
course renovations. The recent $1.8 million grant
from the Steadley Trust and the loss of the
architect who helped develop the golf course
master plan is putting pressure on the Committee
to get the project moving.
Preliminary plans are to begin
construction in early summer 2002 and have the
nine hole renovations ready for the 2003 season.
The Committee is also scheduled
to discuss a resolution for submitting a grant
request to the Steadley Trust and the Boylan
Foundation for the 4th of July Celebration.
The agenda also includes
discussion of the Memorial Hall renovations and
the proposed walking trail at the Fair Acres
Sports Complex.
The Public Services Committee
oversees City owned buildings, the Park
Department, and other duties as requested by the
Mayor or Council.
ESC Joplin Location.
new release
Economic Security Corporation
of Southwest Area (ESC), the local Community
Action Agency, Chief Executive Officer, John
Joines, announced that ESC will be open for
business at their new office location at 302
Joplin Street, Joplin, MO, effective Monday,
December 17th. The phone number will remain the
same, 781-0352, but the phone access for
personnel and departments will be limited due to
the move from Monday, December 10th, until
Friday, December 14th.
Community Development Outreach
will be closed Monday and Wednesday, December
10th and 12th to facilitate staff packing and
moving. For clients seeking assistance, Tuesday,
December 11th, Outreach will be temorarily
located in the Joplin Head Start building at 1200
N. Main Street, Joplin, MO. Hours will be 8
a.m.-5 p.m. Outreach will resume regular hours at
the 302 Joplin Street office on Thursday,
December 13th. Their offices will be on the
second floor.
Womens Health
Services/Family Planning will close the Joplin
clinic for the week of December 10th through
December 14th. Clinics in Newton and McDonald
counties will be held as scheduled. For
emergencies, patients can call 781-0352. On
Monday, December 17th, the new phone number for
the Womens Health Services will be
781-4788. The clinic will be located on the first
"Bubs" Hohulin
State Representative, District 126
I hope everyone had a great
Thanksgiving and is gearing up for the holiday
season ahead. In Jefferson City, legislators are
gearing up for the 2002 Session, which starts in
only 5 weeks. Prefiling of bills can start the
first week of December. In the next few weeks I
will be writing about some of the bills that are
being filed.
This week, though, I will be
writing about yet another outlandish event that
has taken place at the University of Missouri
Columbia. You will remember that after the
attacks on the United States, a left wing whacko
professor at the Journalism School at MU by the
name of Stacy Woelfel prohibited the wearing of
patriotic ribbons by the staff of television
station KOMU, the station owned by MU. Many of
you responded to the call for help and wrote,
emailed, and called the MU administration. They
basically thumbed their noses at us. Now another
incredible development has happened.
The Student Senate has rejected
a resolution expressing support for the United
States and our military that is involved in
bringing justice to these cowardly dregs of the
earth. Thats right, the students have
turned their backs on the very country they are
citizens of! Where did they learn these values,
from Stacy Woelfel perhaps? Maybe they learned it
from the President of the University, Manuel
Pacheco, or the Chancellor, Richard Wallace.
These are the men that refused to take a stand
and do what is right the last time. Are the two
events unrelated? I doubt it very much.
The Speaker of the Student
Senate, Tiffany Ellis, said that this is a
very emotional issue for my generation and I
dont think it is right for the Student
Senate to take such a stand. Guess what,
Miss Ellis? It is an emotional issue for all of
us. That is seen in the outpouring of support for
our country, our leaders, and most of all, our
troops. I suggest that you and the rest of the
student senators come down off your falsely
moral, political high horse and support the
nation that allows you to make such a stupid
statement. It was further constantly reported
that it was a conservative student
group that was supporting the resolution.
Are they saying that only conservatives are
supporting the United States and our troops? I
love it when they get caught in their own words.
I wrote at the first of this
column that prefiling of bills start the first
week of December. I am not usually a big filer of
bills. It is my belief that we already have
enough laws. This time I will be filing
legislation regarding the University of Missouri.
Students like Tiffany Ellis and
professors like Stacy Woelfel have the right to
their convoluted opinions. However, they do not
have the right to your and my money. We are the
ones paying the bills for them. If they want to
embarrass the University and the citizens of this
state, they can do it with their own money. I
will be researching the budget for the University
and will be introducing legislation that attempts
to reduce the amount of your money going to the
University of Missouri. In the mean time, Miss
Ellis, grow up, and Stacy Woelfel, Manuel
Pacheco, and Richard Wallace, get out.
As usual, I can be reached at
House Post Office, State Capitol, Jefferson
City, MO 65101 or 1-800-878-7126, or for your questions,
comments, or advice.