The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, February 14, 2001 Volume IX, Number 168

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .February 14th, 2001, is the target date to join Main Street Carthage, Inc. Become a "Main Street Sweetheart" by calling Beth Simmons at 358-4974 or by stopping by the office, 335 S. Main.

Did Ya Know?. . .The GFWC Women’s Service League will host a Mardi Gras Dance & Dinner on Feb. 24th at the Precious Moments Convention Center. All proceeds are donated to the Community Clinic of Carthage. Cajun Shrimp Boil Dinner will be served from 6:30-8:30 and Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band will provide music from 9:00-12:00. Advanced tickets are $20, and $25 at the door. For more info call Nancy Sanders at 358-3560 or Gloria Gubser at 358-6886.

today's laugh

"Doesn’t it ever rain around here?" a motorist asked one of the natives in the far west. "Rain?" The native spat. "Rain? Why, say, pardner, there’s bullfrogs in this yere town over five years old that hain’t learned to swim yet."

And this is the good law today in old Kansas: "When two trains approach each other at a crossing, they shall both come to a full stop, and neither shall start up until the other has gone."

Money - The mint makes it first and it’s up to us to make it last.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

L. S. Durham Y.M.C.A. President.

Unanimously Chosen at Yesterday’s Monthly Meeting.

At the Y.M.C.A. directors’ meeting yesterday at 5 p.m., Lee S. Durham was unanimously elected president in recognition of his services in the recent membership contest, as well as his general fitness for the position. Dr. Flora is the retiring executive. Mr. Durham was not present yesterday and will be inaugurated at the next meeting.

Secretary Spencer’s monthly report was heard at yesterday’s meeting, and Sec’y Spencer and Dr. W. S. Knight were elected delegates to the Moberly convention. Sec’y Spencer left last night, but Dr. Knight will not attend.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Newell had the automobile out yesterday afternoon for a run to the golf links.

  Today's Feature

How Rates Might Change.

The City Council met with members of the CW&EP Board of Directors and staff to hear a recommendation for rate adjustments.

A rate study completed last year for the utility shows that revenue requirements for the electric portion of the operation is approximately 9% less that the existing rates charged. The Board is recommending a rate decrease for electricity.

Another study of water and wastewater rates showed that those portions of the operation have been lower than necessary to cover expenses. The Board is recommending an increase for those services.

The net result to the utility, according to documents presented to the Council, would be less than a point two percent increase overall.

Small businesses and large use residential customers would see the largest percentage increase. A residence with an average total utility bill of $125 could see a 6.33% increase. A small business with an average total bill of $219 could increase by 8.16%.

Industrial users with heavy electrical use could see a 5% drop overall, and industrial heavy water users could see a 5% raise.

Just Jake Talkin'


A friend a mine just got one a those "free" puppies.

It began by learnin’ the choices cuts of various pieces of furniture. Those chewy morsels that never quite look the same after a few weeks of dog trainin’.

If ya notice, owners are always asked to attend obedience classes along with the dog. I’ve often wondered exactly who was bein’ trained. ‘Course dogs learn fast, just like kids. They know what they can get away with and eventually the owners come to understand the relationship also.

This new pup will have a good home and probl’y get away with enough to make ever’one happy. I’m gonna wait a few weeks ta visit so as ta not disturb the ritual of gettin’ into the routine.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



Carthage Printing Services

Weekly Column


by Donna Erickson

Put an extra dose of love in family life this Valentine’s Day with these silly and frilly ideas.

• Make a heart-shaped paper garland. You’ll need a 20-inch by 4-inch length of construction paper, heavy gift wrap or leftover wallpaper. Fold the length of paper into 5 equal sections, accordion style. On the top panel, draw a large heart that extends to the side edges. Cut around the heart shape through all thicknesses, making sure to leave a hinge on both edges of the heart. On the first heart write "I Love You Because..." On each cutout, write or draw a picture of things you love about the person receiving the garland. Decorate each section with lace, stickers, tissue paper and ribbon. Hang the chain of hearts on your valentine’s bedroom door or window on Valentine’s Day.

• Make a special Valentine rubbing. Fold a piece of white or light colored construction paper in half for a basic card. Place one or several keys under the top sheet of the card. Make firm strokes with a crayon on the top sheet of paper over the key(s). To embellish the card, make crayon rubbings in contrasting colors using doilies and lace. When the rubbings are complete, remove the items. Write "You are the Key to my Heart" on the front of the card. Add a special message inside, tuck in some tiny heart candies and sign your name.

• Make a clever Valentine bookmark. At the bottom corner of an envelope, draw a large heart. Use the envelope corner as the bottom half and point of the heart. Cut out the top half of the heart through both layers of paper. Glue a small school picture of yourself on the heart, decorate the borders and write a short Valentine message. The heart-shaped bookmark will slip over the corner of a page.

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