The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, April 8, 2002 Volume X, Number 206
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The City of Carthage Recycling Drop-Off
Center and Composting Lot, 1309 Oak Hill Rd., hours of
operation are now from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Tues.-Sat.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society has a large selection of puppies who all
need loving homes. If your pet if missing call 358-6402
Did Ya Know?. . .The
"Missouri Mules" traveling exhibit will be
featured at the Powers Museum, 1617 W. Oak St., now
through late April. Admission is free.
"Is this a healthy place?"
asked a stranger of a native of a certain region of the
"It sure is," replied the native. "When I
came here I couldnt utter a word. I had scarcely a
hair on my head. I hadnt the strength to walk
across the room, and I had to be lifted from my
"That is wonderful," exclaimed the stranger.
"How long have you been here?"
"I was born here."
Why are you racing through town at this
My brakes are out of order and I wanted to get home
before there was an accident.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Club and Guests.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Durham entertained
the Matrimonial club and a number of invited guests in a
most delightful manner at their pretty home on south Main
street last night. Bid euchre was the feature of the
evening, Mrs. W. S. Crane and F. W. Steadley proving most
proficient and winning the ribbons.
At 10:30 a dainty lunch was served at
the card tables.
Those present besides club members were
Messrs. and Mesdames W. S. Crane, F. W. Steadley, W. K.
Caffee, A. F. Beneke, Paul Davey, Capt. A. B. Deutsch,
Mrs. C. W. Rinehart, Misses Cora and Alice Beneke.
A graphophone added to the pleasure of
the evening, with music and amusing speeches.
Lawrence Daniels, a graduate of the
Model City Business college, has taken a position with M.
S. Parsons.
Today's Feature
New Council On The Way.
The City Council is scheduled
to sear in one new member and four returning
members during the regular Council meeting
Tuesday evening at 7:30 in City Hall. Mayor
Kenneth Johnson will also be sworn in for his
second four term.
Claude A. Newport ran unopposed
for the 1st Ward seat vacated by Larry Ross.
Incumbent Jim McPheeters will return as 4th Ward
representative after defeating Carey Murphy in a
close race for that seat. Council members Bill
Fortune, 2nd Ward; Jackie Boyer, 3rd Ward; and
Don Stearnes, 5th Ward also ran unopposed.
The new Council will elect a
Mayor ProTem and be appointed to committees.
Under new business the Council
will hear the first reading of several Council
bills including 02-27 authorizing a contract with
Wadsworth Golf Construction in the amount of
$1,430,829.16 for renovations to the Municipal
Golf Course.
Also in first reading is a
Council bill authorizing a contract with John and
Carolyn Phelps to convey real estate owned by the
City in exchange for an agreement to reconvey
portion needed by CW&EP.
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Just Jake
Havin served a couple
a years with City Council member Larry Ross
(on the Council), Id have ta say the
community was well served durin his
four years on the Council. He spent his time
workin for those things he believed
were best for the City. Im sure his
observations and ideas will be missed by the
9 other members he has worked with.
Im lookin
forward to seein the 1st Ward
bein represented by Mr. Claude Newport.
Its always good ta see someone step up
and accept the responsibility and challenge
of bein a Council member.
Course those who have
been on the Council and returnin should
get a thank you also. With any sense of
community duty already accomplished, they
might easily leave. Mayor Johnson also took a
second scoop. First since the 1940s.
Now its back to work.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
Super Handyman
by Al & Kelly Carrell
Many spring projects involve
hammering stakes into the ground - which helps
you learn who your friends are, because whether
you are mapping out a new deck or securing a
newly planted tree, you probably are going to
need someone to hold the stake while you pound it
If you cannot find a willing
assistant, you can use a broom. Place a rubber
band around the brooms bristles down toward
the bottom. Then lay the broom flat on the
ground. Stab the stake through the bristles. The
stake then should stay in place while you go at
it with your hammer. If you miss, you will hit
only the broom, not jeopardize a friendship or
Dear Al & Kelly: I have a
roll of Day-Glo tape that I have used for lots of
things around the shop. One thing I always do for
safetys sake is to run a band of it around
all the containers in my shop and home that
contain dangerous chemicals. At a glance, I can
see them and so can the kids if there is any
doubt. - P.L.
A SUPER HINT - Weve seen
some pretty fancy - and expensive- handles that
fit over the tang of a file to make it easier to
use. You can make one from a scrap of garden
hose. A piece 3 or 4 inches long would fit right
over the tang.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.