Today's Feature
Council Tonight.
The City Council is
scheduled to meet for its regular meeting this
evening at 7:30 in Council Chambers in City Hall.
The agenda includes a scheduled
vote on ordinance 02-04 pertaining to license
requirements and payment of Lodging Tax. The
ordinance would allow the City to revoke a City
licence for any motel or bed and breakfast that
did not keep Lodging Tax payments current.
The Council is also scheduled
to vote on temporary golf fees that will offer
various incentives for players while the
Municipal Golf Course is under renovation. A
Seniors package will be offered and a
special rate for only nine holes of play. Other
special rates will also be offered.
Council bill 2-21 would reduce
Council members expense money from $75 a month to
$50 per month. The IRS has requested that any
payment of over $600 per year be considered as a
salary. The Charter forbids Council members from
receiving a salary but does allow for a sum for
Council bill 02-09 would
authorize the City to proceed with a grant
application for the expansion of the Over 60
Blunt Cautions
Two Week Delay Is the New Norm.
Officials in the administration
of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S.
Postal Service have informed Southwest Missouri
Congressman Roy Blunt and other congressional
offices that it will take an average of two weeks
or longer to receive first-class mail. New
security procedures to safeguard congressional
mail from biological attacks, like the anthrax
attacks reported last October, will require all
mail addressed to Capitol Hill to be re-routed to
irradiation sites in New Jersey and/or Ohio
before it can be delivered.
Blunt cautioned constituents,
"Please do not send time sensitive
information through the U.S. mail to the
congressional office in Washington. Such
information would be received and processed
faster if it was sent via e-mail, faxed to
Washington or mailed and/or faxed to my district
offices in Springfield and Joplin."
"According to House
administration officials, mail volume to
congressional offices has dropped 70% since the
anthrax attacks in October," Blunt said. In
addition, truckloads of mail sent to Congress
that arrived after the anthrax attacks in early
October were quarantined and subsequently
irradiated to kill the anthrax spores. Some of
that mail-more than three months old-is now
showing up in mail deliveries to Blunt's office.
It may be many weeks before the backlog is
"Communicating effectively
and responding quickly to the people of Southwest
Missouri is vitally important to the success of
your congressional office," Blunt explained.
"I will use every recourse to keep that line
open, including the use of town hall forums and
immediate access to my voting record and press
releases on my web site. The telephone or e-mail
are always good ways to communicate. My staff is
an excellent place to initiate contact whether
it's to let me know about ideas and suggestions
on legislation, a problem with a government
agency, or a situation our office needs to be
made aware of." Blunt added, "My goal
is to give the best possible help and informative
advice we can offer to everyone who contacts us
by any means."
"Bubs" Hohulin
State Representative, District 126
Hey kids; If you learn to use
vulgar language, belittle women, make fun of
policemen and promote drug use, you too might
grow up to receive an award from Gov. Bob Holden.
This week a rap music star by
the name of Nelly and his band, The St. Lunatics,
visited the Capitol and received an education
award from Gov. Bob Holden who held him out as a
hero and role model for the kids of this state.
His visit to the Capitol was arranged by the
Black Caucus.
Many of the lyrics of
Nellys songs contain vulgar language, make
disparaging remarks about women, taunt policemen
and make direct references to drug use. Under the
laws and Constitution of our great nation, he has
the right to record what he wants and if he can
sell it, so be it. That is the way our free
economy works. That being said, it sends the
wrong message for the governor and the
legislature to hold this man up as a hero.
During his visit to the
Capitol, elevators were shut down and elderly
visitors were forced to wait, walk clear across
the building to another elevator, or use the
stairs. In addition, about 2 dozen Highway Patrol
troopers were pulled away from their regular
duties to provide security for the rapper and his
entourage. When Mark McGwire visited the Capitol
last year there wasnt a tenth that much
When I questioned the need for
that much disruption and expense, I was told that
the crowds that Nelly attracts usually tend to be
rowdy and unruly and they were hoping to avoid
any potential problems. Rowdy and unruly? This is
the kind of crowds that are attracted to this
individual and we are to hold him out as a hero
for our kids? The very fact that he breeds the
kind of following that requires extra security
should give us pause as to whether or not this
guy is who we want for a hero.
Many of our problems that we
face as a society and as a nation center around
drug use, unwed mothers, disrespect for
authority, and lack of responsibility. These are
the very traits that are promoted in Nellys
music. There is not a day goes by that we
arent told we have to keep spending more
and more of your money to fix problems brought on
by this kind of behavior. Perhaps a simpler,
least costly solution would be to not glorify
those that sing the praises of those kinds of
Those that were promoting his
visit said that the kids would listen to him,
that he could get through to them. It sounds like
he already has. It might be time to look for some
new heroes.
As usual, I can be reached at
House Post Office, State Capitol, Jefferson City,
MO 65101, or 1-800-878-7126, or for your questions,
comments, or advice.