The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, January 4, 2002 Volume X, Number 140

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The Friends of the Carthage Public Library Saturday Booksale will be held on Sat., Jan. 5th, 2002 in the Carthage Public Library Annex, 510 S. Garrison Ave. Public Preschool storytimes will begin again at 10 a.m. on Wed., Jan. 9th.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Chamber of Commerce will hold a "Business After Hours," for the Carthage Medical Rehabilitation Center, 1901 Buena Vista, from 5- 7 p.m. on Tues., Jan 8th, 2002. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please RSVP by Jan. 7th, 358-2373.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Humane Society have pets that need loving homes. For more information call 358-6402.

today's laugh

First Farmer- "I crossed my hens with parrots to save time."
Second Farmer- "Why did you do that?"
First Farmer- "I used to waste a lot of time hunting for eggs. Now the hen comes up to me and says, ‘I just laid an egg—go get it.’"

Today, kids don’t have to learn only the ABC’s—they also have to learn the NBC’s and the CBS’s. . .


A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Big Woodman Meeting Tonight.

The meeting of the Modern Woodmen tonight will be a very important one, as a vote will be taken on the question of the general reserve fund of the order. Every member of the order is entitled to one vote on this question, and that vote is counted regardless of the way the majority of his lodge votes. It is to be a vote of individual members, not a vote by lodges.

It is therefore urgently reguested that every member of the lodge turn out this evening, no matter what his sentiments on the question, and cast his vote and let it be counted for what it is worth. It is desirable to have a full expression of the membership on this important question.

Mrs. Mortz Schmidt and Mrs. W. G. Stevens were in Carthage last evening to attend the wedding of their sister, Miss Edith Thompson to Gurley Stanley.

  Today's Feature

Long Monday Agenda.

The City Council Public Services Committee faces a long agenda for its regular monthly meeting next Monday at 7 p.m. in the Parks Department maintenance building.

In addition to reviewing bills submitted for work at the Fair Acres Sports Complex and Memorial Hall, the Committee will begin discussion on several other projects.

The new business agenda begins with consideration and discussion of the construction of a pavilion at Kellogg Lake. The funding for the project, provided by the Boylan Foundation, has been in place for some time. The project was postponed until it was considered by the ad hoc Kellogg Lake Committee. That committee took several months to recommend what design should be used or the best placement for the structure.

Also set for discussion is the proposed expansion of the Over 60 Center. Property has been purchased adjacent to the existing structure for expansion and state grants are being pursued for assistance in funding.

The feasibility of a roller blade/skateboard park is also scheduled for discussion.

2002 Here We Come!

by Robion Putnam, artCentral

It's truly amazing how fast the last year has gone by !! We are very happy with our growth over the last twelve months!

Nothing better than changes !! As long as they are in a positive direction. The end of this month will mark the beginning of our fourth year here in the Hyde House !! How exciting is that !! We got city council approval to operate here and then just a few short months later we opened with our first exhibit.....Spring River Artists !!

We have accomplished quite a bit in our three years here. Katherine's home never had so many visitors !! Or so many kids running around in the summer.......And all the sounds of joy and laughter coming from the kitchen during openings !! We hope she would be pleased with what we have done.

Our classroom upstairs over the pottery room has come in of our very talented and active members has been taking advantage of the long walls covered with peg board. Matt has hung 2 sixty foot long canvases up there so he can paint these giant murals. Once finished he will send them off to be installed in a cruise ship docked at some tropical location. We all envy him when it's time for the installation as he must suffer through going to a lush tropical island to oversee the operation !!

Last fall we had activity in our pottery room with private lessons being taught by one member to another !! That's what the whole idea was about. Offering the space and equipment to our members for their own use or for helping others !! Our last goal for that area is to get running water out there. A bathroom would be considered a luxury to some but trust me those artCamp kids think of it as a necessity !!! So do the teachers !! We'll see what happens over the next 12 months !!

Our 2002 calendar is full and a lot of artists are taking advantage of the Member's Gallery. We have a few more openings if anyone is interested in booking a show in that space. It's sort of like a stepping stone to exhibiting in the main gallery. Some artists don't have the volume of paintings necessary to fill the main gallery and so they opt for the smaller Member's Gallery.

We normally book eight shows per year in the main gallery and are booking the Member's Gallery shows to coincide with the openings downstairs. That means if we work hard at filling the upstairs gallery we will be able to bring you around sixteen exhibits per year !!!

And then there is our new "satellite" gallery.......the walls at Shellie's........a new restaurant just off the square !!

We are booking about four exhibits there per that adds up to ......exhaustion.......BUT WE LOVE IT !!!!!! We sold two paintings out of there and it was just the first exhibit !! Coming up next will be four wonderful artists.......Trisha Courtney, Mary Ellen Pitts, Nancy Colaw and Paula Giltner. Check it out after January 6th !!

For more info just call 358-4404. Hours are Tues - Sat. 9am - 3pm. Or check out

Just Jake Talkin'


One smoker I know jokes that he’s gonna start a restaurant and make ever’one who doesn’t smoke stand outside.

With the debate over public smoker/nonsmoker in the evenin’ paper letters to the editor, it appears that both sides are at a boilin’ point.

Some restaurants now allow cigarette smokin’, but ban cigar or pipe smokin’. I’ve yet to encounter a cigar only or pipe smokin’ only restaurant.

Another nonsmoker I knew swore that one day he would take one a his old greasy machine rags to a club dinner. He says when ever’one lights up their cigars, he’s gonna light the grease rag and wave it around in the air. He says it ain’t no worse.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



Oak Street health & herbs

Weekly Column

Natural Nutrition

by Mari An Willis

MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is a naturally occurring element which our bodies utilize for a variety of daily functions. In a recent article by Dr. George Gillson, M.D., Ph.D., printed in the BIO/TECH NEWS, he explains MSM in layman terms. You may have heard about it on a few of the T.V. talk or news shows in the recent past. Dr. Gillson states that MSM helps allergies & asthma "by moderating the response to all types of allergens including the things we eat, breathe and touch. " MSM has been effective for the relief of stomach pain, indigestion, and bloating: "it may eliminate the need for antacids and prescription acid-blocking drugs. It can normalize bowel function." Dr. Gillson goes on to state the benefits he has seen in those suffering from leg cramps, arthritis, tendonitis and healing of wounds. He has seen especially dramatic results in those suffering from psorasis.

Sounds too good to be true until you realize that it is another of the nutrients which is no longer available in our foods, but our bodies require. It is available in very fresh foods which have been watered by the rain, not the garden hose. Unfortunately, most of us eat the vegetables which have been picked green and shipped in refrigerated trucks then maybe sprayed with ethylene oxide to ripen them. No MSM there.

MSM should not be confused with "sulfa". This is not the same element and there is no evidence to back allergic reactions to MSM. We have seen some remarkable results in our family with skin conditions and achy joints.


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