The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, June 10, 2002 Volume X, Number 250
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Lincoln Ladies Federated Republican
Women will meet at noon on Mon., June 10th at All
Occassions Florist & Bakery in Carthage. All
interested ladies are invited. For more information call
Did Ya Know?. . .Sign-ups for a
"Mysterious Summer" are being taken at the
Carthage Public Library YPL desk.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society has the perfect pet for you. Pick from a
variety of loving animals. Call 358-6402 ASAP if your pet
is lost.
Why did the
three-legged dog return to Dodge City?
He wanted to find the fellow who
shot his paw.
Somebody said: Is our greatest problem
ignorance or apathy?
To which the individual replied: I dont know and I
dont care.
I heard a man being introduced the
other day like this:
This fellow must be a farmer because hes
outstanding in his field.
The first horse motel was opened to
provide animals with a stable environment.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Alleged Carthage Man
Badly Injured at Pierce City.
A telegram from Pierce City says
"James E. Long, of Carthage, Mo., a single man about
30 years of age, while walking by the railroad track
about 9:30 oclock this morning was hurt by a heavy
piece of casting from the engine or tender, hitting him
on the inside of the right leg a little, below the knee,
breaking both bones. The fracture was reduced by Dr.
Morley. The man seems to be doing well."
No such man as James E. Long is known
in Carthage, and his name is not in the new city
It is probable the man is not from
Carthage or that if he is his name has been gotten wrong.
Today's Feature
Food Service Program.
This summer, local
organizations will provide nutritious meals to
low-income children in the area through the
Department of Health and Senior Services
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Eligible
participants are encouraged to attend their local
meal service sites. Open service sites in
Carthage include Fairview Elementary, Columbian
Elementary, Steadley Elementary, Carthage Junior
High School, and the Carthage Technical Center.
For more information contact Pam Cary at
The open sites in Carthage will
be offered to all children age 18 and under who
want to participate in the meal service. The
program is also available to people over age 18
who are determined by a state or local
educational agency to be mentally or physically
disabled, and who participate during the school
year in an established school program for the
mentally or physically disabled.
"Children need nutritious
meals throughout the year to continue to grow and
learn," said Ann McCormack, chief of the
Missouri SFSP, "and we are pleased that
agencies in Missouri will be offering meals
through the Summer Food Service Program.
Just Jake
an asset can quickly become a liability.
I can remember the
adventure of bein able to ride my
bicycle out in country as a kid. Part of the
fun was seein how many miles could be
traveled in an afternoon. On one of those
five mile or so trips, a tire went flat. Then
I realized both tires were flat. All the
sudden that wonderful machine became a real
burden. Thinkin I couldnt show up
at home without the bike, and knowin I
couldnt ride on a the flat, I pushed.
Now walkin a bike on
pavement with the tires inflated is fairly
effortless, but pushin two flats on a
gravel country road becomes a chore after a
couple a miles. Ive learned to carry
patches and a pump.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
Super Handyman
by Al Carrell & Kelly
Painting can be a lot of fun.
One thing that really helps is having the right
When it comes to painting
something like a railing, whether its round
or carved, the best tool is a painting mitt.
Basically, its just a mitten with a fleece
covering on the outside. The fleece holds the
paint and makes it easy to apply just by grabbing
the piece and rubbing your hand over the
irregular surface. If youve got a pair of
old fleecy mittens that are ready for the scrap
heap, youve got a paint mitt.
Wear a rubber or latex glove
under the mitten to keep the paint from soaking
through to your hand.
Dear Al & Kelly: I recently
patched a small hole in my bedroom wall. I
speeded up the process by drying the compound
with my hair dryer. I used a low heat setting so
it wouldnt dry too quickly but was able to
do two coats of the stuff in just a couple of
hours instead of waiting overnight. I even
painted that evening, and you can hardly tell
where I made the patch. -S.C.
Be sure not to dry paint too
fast, or it might crack or shrink.
Dear Al & Kelly: This
spring we made our own stepping stones from
concrete. It was easy. The only hard part was
mixing the concrete, but we found as easier way
to do that. We put the mix and the water into a
small plastic garbage can with a lid that sealed
on tightly. Then we just rolled the can around on
its side until the concrete was mixed thoroughly.
The concrete poured easily into our mold. It was
fast and neat. The can just washed out with a
garden hose spray, and we use it inside again.
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