The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, June 7, 2002 Volume X, Number 249
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Masonic Lodge #197 will be
visiting the Rainbows at Sarcoxie Lodge on Sat., June
8th. They will depart from Carthage at 8:30 a.m. All
Masons are encouraged to attend.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Lincoln
Ladies Federated Republican Women will meet at noon on
Mon., June 10th at All Occassions Florist & Bakery in
Carthage. All interested ladies are invited. For more
information call 358-6346.
Did Ya Know?. . .Sign-ups for a
"Mysterious Summer" are being taken at the
Carthage Public Library YPL desk.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society has the perfect pet for you. Pick from a
variety of loving animals. Call 358-6402 ASAP if your pet
is lost.
Standing by the
entrance of a large estate in the suburbs of Dublin are
two huge dogs carved out of granite.
An Englishman going by in a motor
thought he would have some fun with the Irish driver.
"How often, Pat, do you feed those two big
"Whenever they bark, sir," was the
straightforward reply.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Young Lawyers Debate
Lynch Law and Hold an Election.
The Webster club held a very
interesting meeting at the home of Montelle Coe last
night. The program consisted of a debate between Dillard
Parker and Bond Haughawout, Jr., on the subject,
"Resolved, That Lynch Law is Justifiable."
After the prinicipals had offered their opinions the
subject was left open to the meeting and each member
delivered a few brief, but excellent remarks. After the
debate there was a business meeting at which the club
elected officers for the next term.
The new officers are: President, Bond
Haughawout, Jr.; secretary, Clyde Whitlock. The next
meeting will be held at the home of the newly elected
president on Saturday evening, June 21, and the program
will consist of various numbers, such as essays, orations
and addresses.
Today's Feature
Wizard Is Back.
Stones Throw Theater will
present a stage production of the Wizard of Oz
June 20 through June 23 and June 27 through June
30. Tickets, which include dinner, are $17 and
$16 for those over 50 or 16 and under. The play
is directed by Robert Moritz and involves a cast
of 24 actors.
While staying true to the
spirit of L.Frank Baums book, the Wonderful
Wizard of Oz, and keeping the original music from
the 1939 film, the dialogue is slightly different
from the movie but offers the same plot.
The play is described as
"having all of the dazzling spectacles,
vibrant colors, and memorable characters and
songs to bring this fantastic journey to
Moritzs goal is to
respect and honor the original piece as people
remember it, but at the same time create a play
that stands on its own terms, so the audience
will not be inclined to compare every image to
the film.
Stones Throw is a
not-for-profit organization that has operated for
the last 18 years in Carthage through the help of
Just Jake
The Mornin Mail crew
will all be involved in the Carthage Acoustic
Festival tomorrow doin this and that,
tryin to keep things movin along.
Although I personally may be singled out as
puttin effort into the project, our
small but energetic staff has also gone the
extra mile to help get this off the ground.
With the comin of
June, the Mornin Mail is gettin
ready to celebrate our tenth anniversary of
bein on the street ever week day
since June 18, 1992. For some reason folks
keep pickin up the paper everday,
so we keep makin more.
The Mornin Mail crew
is gonna have a blast tomorrow at the
Festival. If ya get a chance come by and see
what all the hubbub is about. Its a
community event were proud ta be a part
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Oak Street health & herbs
Weekly Column
by Mari An Willis
So much
happening in Carthage! I am happy to be a part of
this community. As a plant lover who leans
towards the bouquet of natural weeds, herbs, and
domestic plants gone wild, this spring show has
been fabulous. For those of you who want to know
what the mullein plant looks like, just drive
down River St. by the water plant and look east
up the railroad tracks and you will see a fine
display of young plants. I can only imagine the
simple beauty if these are allowed to grow to the
flowering stage. An artists interpretation of
mullein with live plants to enhance the
understanding of this primary lung herb are
visible on the corner of Oak & McGregor.
According to Sheila Bullock in Naturally Yours,
Mullein has "helped breathing problems, hay
fever, reduced coughs, spasms, and swollen
glands. Great pain killer." Native Americans
were known to use it as an expectorant herb.
For further enjoyment of the
herbs and flowers, check out the gardens on the
library lawn. The Bill Snow sculpture of Alice in
Wonderland is surrounded by a well tended garden,
which looks almost fairytale like. Whoever
planted and tends the area does an outstanding
job. As one of the many who hated to see the fine
Carthage homes being removed from that square
block, I have to admit it is an enjoyable area to
visit. Hopefully the fountain at the park will
see some improvements...remember the beautiful
water lilies that used to be in that fountain?
Wish the graffiti it now sports were at least
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