The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, March 12, 2002 Volume X, Number 187

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Masonic Lodge #197 will have a free Hunter Education Class on March 20th, 22nd & 23rd at the Masonic Temple, 215 W. 7th (behind the library). To reserve your seat call the MO Dept. of Conservation at 417-629-3423.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Humane Society will have an open house at 6:30 p.m. on Tues., March 12th, 13860 Dog Kennel Lane. Come find out what you can do to help Carthage’s neediest animals.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Family Literacy Council has Chocolate Covered Easter Eggs for sale. Eggs will be available for $2 each at local Carthage business or may be ordered by calling 358-5926.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Friends of the Carthage Public Library will have their quarterly meeting at 1:30 p.m. on Wed., March 13th, in the Library Annex.

today's laugh

The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.

Did you hear about the fellow who stayed up all night wondering where the sun went? It finally dawned on him

After examining the contents of the employees’ suggestion box, the boss complained, "I wish they’d be more specific. What kind of kite? What lake?"


A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


Sam Zane’s "Hitch" Chased a Colt Up and Down Grand Avenue.

Postman Sam Zane’s horse ran away with his mail cart this morning and cut a peculiar caper by chasing a colt up and down Grand avenue.

Zane left the horse standing in front of Robt. Moore’s just as a Center Creek farmer drove by, with an unweaned colt jogging by his team. The mailman’s horse struck out after the colt, chased it clear to the top of the hill at Thirteenth street and when the colt turned and ran back the horse whirled and followed it back to Balfour’s store where the colt stopped and the horse proceeded to fondle it with his nose.

"Acts as if he never saw a colt before," apologized Sam in mortification to the assembled group, "guess I’ll have to buy him one."

  Today's Feature

More Fireworks and Liquor.

Council To Vote Tonight.

The City Council is scheduled to meet for their regular meeting this evening at 7:30 in City Hall.

The Council agenda includes a vote on Council bill 02-13 which would allow the sale and discharge of fireworks within the City between the dates of July 1 and July 4.

Also scheduled for a vote is Council bill 02-12 which would limit the enforcement of the current regulation requiring an establishment selling alcoholic beverages to be located at least 300 feet from a church or regular place of worship. The bill would reduce the distance to 100 feet if the church or place of worship was located within a business zoning.

A related but separate bill on the agenda is also scheduled for vote that would set the criteria for defining a church or place of worship.

The Council agenda also includes a vote on an adjustment for the Main Street Carthage Lodging Tax line item to allow the organization to spend $1,200 for a billboard to be located on Chapel Road.

Letters to the Editor
Opinions expressed reflect those of the writer
and not necessarily those of the Mornin' Mail.

I am pulled both ways on the fireworks issue.

1. If we allow fireworks within the city limit, that make's it ok for the young men up the street from us to fire the fireworks at our garage and vehicles. Does it?

2. If we do not allow fireworks within the city limit, they will just keep it up anyway and when the officers came patroling by after being called by a concerned citizen for the safety of property and children, the young men just drop everything and say it wasn't them.

3. I do get tired of finding somewhere in the country for my children to shoot off their fireworks, but then again, I would not want them shooting them off at others or their property.

We may not have much, but we have worked hard for what we do have and hate to see if all go up in smoke due the irresponsiblity of young men. I am talking about 18-25 year old men who stand in the road throwing fireworks at cars driving past or shoot that at neighbor's homes and kids.

This is a hard decision to make for the residents and council of Carthage. Please voice your opinions on this issue and make sure your council members understand all options.

Could we possibly open up Kellogg Lake on 4th of July and have rules on the kind of fireworks allowed. Just think all the litter would be confined to one area, not all over town or on top of resident's homes.

Burt and Athena Hughes

Dear Editor,

I love fireworks! The resplendent colors exploding gloriously in the night sky, the excitement of those moments when time seems to stand still in breathless anticipation of the next boom, the sheer joy and carefree abandon that one can experience witnessing such a riotous symphony of sights and sounds are moments of pure magic. When my son was a toddler, he thought the fireworks looked like sparklingly stars but it always came out "parkly tars". The times I have had the privilege to view fireworks with my son are cherished memories forever etched in my heart. One has not truly lived until you watch the face of a child experiencing "parkly tars" for the first time. Our family takes advantage of every opportunity to enjoy them.

Now, having said that, allow me to state my position on the private discharging of fireworks. I am not a fan of government acting like "big brother" controlling every aspect of our private lives and property. However, when it comes to matters of public safety and minimizing the potential harm to the general population, then it is sometimes necessary for elected officials to restrict certain personal liberties for the greater good. Fireworks are dangerous if not handled properly. Fire, injuries and even death can occur in an instant. Generally, people are in closer proximity to their neighbors living within the City limits than people who live "out in the country". So the potential to harm yourself and/or your neighbor, destroy property and disturb the peace and tranquility of your neighborhood increases dramatically. I will concede the point that when fireworks are handled with care, discharged prudently under adult supervision by persons exercising both common-sense and common courtesy then it can be a relatively harmless endeavor. Unfortunately, common-sense and common courtesy are not always "common", thus the need for intervention by public officials. Our individual rights regarding our private lives and property do not give us the authority to trample on our neighbor's rights in our unrestrained "pursuit of happiness". Thus, I am in favor of leaving the current ordinance in place regarding the ban on the private discharge of fireworks within the City limits.


Lujene G. Clark

Mayoral Candidate

1803 S. Maple

Carthage, Missouri 64836

(417) 358-2331

Martin "Bubs" Hohulin
State Representative, District 126

This week were finally allowed to debate an election reform bill in the House of Representatives. This is something we had been pushing for since last year’s debacle in St. Louis. In case you forgot, last year in St. Louis, people were allowed to vote after the polls were supposed to have been closed. Jesse Jackson was making prerecorded telephone calls telling people to get to the polls and the first plaintiff in the lawsuit to keep the polls open longer was a dead man. Despite all of this, we were not allowed to take up election reform until this year.

Now that we did get to take up the bill, I figured we would debate it in a bipartisan fashion. After all, elections affect everyone. Boy, was I wrong! Apparently, the House democrats are taking their marching orders from Gov. Bob Holden and Speaker Jim Kreider. One of the amendments we offered would have required voters to present identification before being allowed to vote.

Acceptable identification would have included a voter identification card, picture Ids, or even personal knowledge of the voter by the election judges. It seemed like a no brainer to support this amendment, yet it was defeated by a party line vote.

Another amendment that failed was one that would have required the governor to call special elections in a timely manner.

One of the favorite tricks of Gov. Carnahan and now Gov. Holden is to not call special elections to fill vacancies that occur in republican districts.

A few years ago, we had a republican representative die just after taking office. Even though there were almost 2 years left in the term, Gov. Carnahan refused to call a special election to elect a replacement. The people of that district went without representation for almost 2 years. Gov. Holden has proved to be a quick learner on this subject as well. This year there have been four resignations in the House. Three were democrats and one was a republican. In the case of two of the democrats, Gov. Holden called for a special election the very next day. In the case of the other democrat he called it five days later. In the case of the republican, it has been over a month since he resigned and Gov. Holden still has not called for a special election to replace him.

This is the man that spent millions on an inaugural ball to promote his theme of one Missouri, one bright future. Apparently Gov. Holden thinks republicans are not allowed to participate in the future of Missouri. After the vote, I went back to the House Lounge to get a cup of coffee. As I was pouring it, a couple of democrat representatives walked in behind me. One of them said to the other, "That seemed like a pretty good amendment. Why were we supposed to vote against it"? Good question, I am kind of curious myself. Governor, any answers?

As usual, I can be reached at House Post Office, State Capitol, Jefferson City, MO 65101, or 1-800-878-7126, or for your questions, comments, or advice.

Just Jake Talkin'


If ya take a look at the letter’s to the editor today, you will see what I think might be a good compromise on the fireworks issue, Kellogg Lake or one of the other parks in the City.

The idea as I understand it is to open up the Kellogg Lake area for a day or so and let folks shoot fireworks till they drop.

Onea the only legitimate problems I’ve heard is that folks who want to have a little crackle and pop can’t find a safe place to go out in the county.

Now those who work to keep our parks clean will likely not be excited about this idea cause of the litter and risk of fire. The thing is, those same objections are raised when the whole town is opened up for poppin’ but don’t seem to get much attention. Guess it depends on who’s back yard it is.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



McCune- Brooks Hospital

Weekly Column

Health Notes

by Judith Sheldon

ANOTHER SMOKING HAZARD: By now, you probably know that cigarettes can cause cancer, cardiovascular complications, respiratory ailments, premature aging, and many other physical problems.

Now there’s one more reason not to smoke: the possibility that you can suffer severe burns from aerosol hair sprays.

Apparently, this happens far too often and people who use aerosol sprays need to be reminded that these can explode in the presence of a flame or even an ember.

If you still smoke, please don’t do so while using hair spray or any aerosol product. Also, since teenagers are among the nation’s fastest growing group of smokers, and since they also tend to use hair sprays, they need to be cautioned not to do so while smoking.

UNDERWEAR ALLERGIES: The latex that lines the waist and leg openings of some styles of underwear can cause allergic reactions in people who have a chemical sensitivity to various rubberized materials. When these linings or leg openings are stretched, the latex may come in contact with the skin, which can cause itching and inflammation, as well as teary eyes and sneezing. Dish washing gloves, hot water bottles, and even rubber bands can set off the same allergic reactions.


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