The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, March 26, 2002 Volume X, Number 197

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Youth Softball League sign-ups will be from
6-8 p.m. on Mon., April 1st at the Fairview Elementary School.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Jasper County Health Department has a free Hepatitis A vaccine available for children 2-18 years of age. Call 417-358-3111 or 1-877-879-9131 to schedule an appointment.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Diabetes Support Group will meet from 4-5 p.m on Wed., March 27th in the dining room of McCune-Brooks. Debbie Herst, RD, CDE, will speak about National Nutrition Month.

Did Ya Know?. . .Eminence Chapter #93 Order of the Eastern Star will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26th, 2002 at the Masonic Temple 7th & Maple.

today's laugh

Q: Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
A: To make up for a terrible summer.

Myles: Suppose you loan Ralph $10 and he agrees to repay you at the rate of a dollar a week. How much money would you have after seven weeks?
Jay: Nothing.
Myles: Nothing? You don’t know very much about math.
Jay: You don’t know very much about Ralph.


A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


Fell in a Faint on the Street.
May Go to Poor Farm.

The police today found Mrs. George lying disheveled in the road on Limestone Street and took her to her tent back of Lamb’s. She has a crippled and consumptive son. She claims to tell fortunes and is also a peddler. The police have applied to send her to the poor house. Mrs. George is reported critically hurt. Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Wilbur are looking after her. President Waters of the charity union visited her today and fears she is fatally hurt. She was faint from illness and fell out of her buggy.

Principal H. C. Kilburn was at the Benton school again today after a week’s sickness as a result of ptomaine poisening from canned beef, which he took in his lunch to school.

  Today's Feature

Two More For Presiding Commissioner.

"I am filing for the office of Presiding Commissioner because of a concern for our democratic process" said former Eastern District Commissioner Ben Johnson yesterday. "The last County election saw the defeat of the only two remaining Democrat officeholders in Jasper County. I was one of those two. I believe very strongly in the two party system. A system which has served this nation very well for well over 200 years. I do not feel comfortable with any government entity which all of the officeholders represent a single political party."

"I would like to encourage all (especially Democrats) to file for county offices. We need a full slate to allow the voters a choice of candidates in the November general election. We have some fine candidates that have already filed for such public service. We need more. We need to rebuild the democratic process in Southwest Missouri. If you are of voting age it is your watch. Please help."

Republican Chuck Surface also filed yesterday for the office and will face incumbent Presiding Commissioner Danny Hensley and C.D. Baugh in the primary.


Martin "Bubs" Hohulin
State Representative, District 126

This week marked the halfway point of the Legislative Session. Your money, liberty, and happiness will be safe for a while as we will be out of Session for about ten days.

One of the bills we worked on this week was a piece of legislation that would mandate more insurance coverage in the area of mental health. As a general rule, I have been against more mandated coverage as it drives up the cost of the premiums. It seems odd that as we try to make insurance more affordable, we continue to make it more unaffordable by driving up the cost.

While I will be the first to admit there are legitimate mental illnesses, drug and alcohol abuse isn’t two of them. Ever since I have been in the House, I have fought against state funding of drug and alcohol abuse. I cannot understand why we should have to pay for someone that can’t keep from powdering their nose or pickling their liver. By paying for items like that, it uses up money that could, and should, be used for legitimate claims.

Part of this bill would have mandated more private insurance coverage for alcohol and drug abuse treatment. It would be a travesty if an employer had to drop coverage on their employees because of the cost being driven up by these extra mandates.

All during the debate we heard that science had proven this wasn’t a behavioral problem, it was an illness. Flu and the common cold are illnesses. Drinking oneself silly is not. This is just a continuation of the victim mentality we have developed over the past couple of generations. Nothing anyone does wrong is their fault.

Everyone is a victim of something. That way everyone can feel good about themselves no matter what kind of degenerate they are or how much they cost society with their actions.

There was an amendment offered to take that part of the bill out. There was quite a bit of debate on the amendment as one liberal after the other got up to wail and lament about how if this amendment passed, Missouri would be pushed back to the dark ages. That is one of the liberals’ favorite mantras. If we don’t agree with them, we are unenlightened and just next to cave men in our thinking.

Surprisingly, the amendment passed and common sense prevailed. It will be interesting to see if it stays that way as it continues on to the Senate. If it does, I guess we should expect to see cave men and barbarians walking around Missouri.

As usual, I can be reached at House Post Office, State Capitol, Jefferson City, MO 65101, or 1-800-878-7126, or for your questions, comments, or advice.

Just Jake Talkin'


Just a week away from the City and School Board Election. There will also be some road district elections out in the County. Time ta make up your mind then take the time to get out and vote.

If you have the inclination, the Chamber is sponsorin’ a Candidate’s Forum tomorrow mornin’ at the McCune Brooks Hospital Cafeteria to let ya meet those in the various races. It starts at 7:30, comes with a little to eat and costs $6 if ya get your money over to ‘em today. At the door it’s $7.

Ward Three is the only Council race between incumbent Jim McPheeters and Carey Murphy. ‘Course ever’one gets ta vote for mayor. Incumbent Kenneth Johnson and former Council member Lujene Clark.

Remember the vote on fireworks shootin’ in City limits tonight at 7:30.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



McCune- Brooks Hospital

Weekly Column

Health Notes

by Judith Sheldon

The Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has a warning for in-line skaters: Don’t depend on your wrist guards to prevent fractures.

It appears that while wrist guards can help protect against scrapes and abrasions, fractures can still occur.

Orthopaedic surgeons have several tips for in-line skaters to help them prevent the accidents that can lead to fractures:

1) Learn the basics of the sport, especially how to stop properly, before going into vehicular or pedestrian traffic.

2) Wear all your protective gear, including a helmet, wrist guards, and knee and elbow pads.

3) If you feel you’re going to fall while skating, try to fall on your left or right side instead of on an outstretched hand.

4) Do warm up exercises before skating, and warm-down exercises afterward.

5) Obey traffic signals; stay at the right side of the road; do not weave in and out of lanes; don’t skate in crowded walkways.

HEALTH NOTE: Some over-the-counter medications may contain substances to which you are allergic. Read labels carefully and check with the pharmacist if you don’t recognize an ingredient.


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