The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, March 4, 2002 Volume X, Number 181
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The last chance to sign up for the Carthage
Spring Season Soccer League will be from 5-7 p.m. on
Tues., March 5th at the 1st United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall. The cost is $15 per participant.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Family
Literacy Council has Chocolate Covered Easter Eggs for
sale. Eggs will be available for $2 each at local
Carthage business or may be ordered by calling 358-5926.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Public Librarys "Record Breaking Readers"
and "Hobbits and Hot Chocolate" winter reading
programs will end on March 11th. Awards day will be at 10
a.m. on Saturday, March 16th in the Library Annex.
Kid: Mama, can I go out and play?
Mama: With those two holes in your socks?
Kid: No, with the kids across the street.
Two western men travelled together two
days in a train without a word ever passing between them.
On the third day one of them at length ventured to remark
that it was a fine morning.
"And who said it
wasnt?" was the reply.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Boy Preferred
"Hoeing His Own Row" to Hoeing Weeds.
A 10-year old boy named Clark ran away
from the farm of Owen Weeks, northwest of town yesterday
afternoon, and Mr. Weeks was in town today looking for
He had put the boy at work hoeing weeds
and at supper time he had proved to have jumped his job,
taking $1.35 from a purse containing $8 of Mr. Weeks
Investigation shows that he spent the
stormy night at the home of Billy McDaniels, a stone
cutter, in town, and this morning asked Officer Drake the
way to Joplin. He took the next car for the mining
metropolis, and Mr. Weeks decided not to follow him
there. He evidently prefers hoeing his own row to hoeing
someone elses weeds.
The lad, an orphan, was brought here
from Duenweg by Mr. Weeks, who undertook to raise him.
Howard Gray is the boys guardian.
Today's Feature
Long Meet Scheduled
The City Council Public
Services Committee faces another long agenda this
evening at its regular meeting in the Park
Department office in Municipal Park.
The meeting is scheduled to
begin with updates on the ongoing Golf Course and
Memorial Hall projects. A meeting is scheduled in
May for public input on the proposed Golf Course
renovation. The Council approved initial plans
and are now waiting for a more detailed plan for
the improvements from the architect.
The Committee is also scheduled
to consider and discuss:
bids on the surplus
generator located in the basement of Memorial
adjusting rates for Memorial Hall.
plans for the Over Sixty Center expansion
bids on kitchen equipment for Memorial
the agreement with Carthage Youth
the agreement with Carthage Youth Baseball
the agreement with Carthage Softball
Just Jake
The Public Service
Committee is also scheduled to have a closed
session this evening after the open meeting
to discuss hiring, firing, disciplining or
promoting of employees. With the oversight of
the Fair Acres project, the Memorial Hall
renovation, the Golf Course renovation, and
the regular day to day operation of the Park
system, the Committee definitely has its
plate full. With the addition of proposed
development of the Kellogg Lake area, the
plate is gonna have ta be a platter.
The Committee does depend
on staff for much of the footwork in these
projects, but staff is also bein loaded
with extra responsibilities that have little
to do with the day-to-day operation of their
departments. Havent heard any
complaints, just an observation.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
Super Handyman
by Al Carrell & Kelly
Shop Talk - Work gloves are
supposed to protect your hands, but sometimes you
need to "feel" what you are doing. Most
gloves that fit that snugly dont offer much
protection. Glove Boy latex gloves might be a
perfect fit for you. Their textured fingers and
palms are great for gripping, and the polymer
coating makes them resistant to most chemicals
and solvents. You can find them at hardware
stores, paint stores, auto-supply stores and home
Super Hint - Its always a
good idea to have your chimney checked each year
before starting the first fire. A creosote
buildup is hard for a novice to see, and can be a
real fire hazard if not cleaned out. Do it now
and beat the rush.
Q: I have several gouges and
scratches in my dark oak wood floor. Is there
some easy and inexpensive way to cover or erase
the damaged spots without refinishing the whole
floor? - L. C.
A: You should be able to find
wood filler in the same color as the floor. There
are some fillers that will accept a stain, which
could be applied with a small artists
brush. After the stain is applied, you should
apply a finish over the patched area.
Super Hint - To work on a
ladder that is standing in sand, use nails or
clamps, attach a couple of 1 X 4s to the
ladders feet, and it wont sink while
you are working.
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