Did Ya Know?. . .The Fair Acres Family YMCA is holding a "Holiday of Hope" benefit auction at 7 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 16 at the Broadview Country Club. All proceeds go to the YMCA scholarship fund. Entertainment will be provided by Standing Ovations. Tickets may be purchased at the YMCA. For more info call 358-1070. Did Ya Know?. . .Carthage Masonic Lodge #197 will have a regular meeting at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 14th. The lodge will be working extensively in the 2nd degree, and will be planning a wives/ Eastern Star ladies appreciation dinner. All Masons are encouraged to attend. Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Salvation Army will be accepting applications for bell-ringers. Applicants should be able to stand for long periods of time and withstand cold weather. Applications will be taken Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. starting Mon., Nov. 11th at 125 E. Fairview. For more information please contact Crystal Thompson at 417-358-2262. |
laugh Why did Humpty-Dumpty
have a great fall? If everyone owned a horse, this country would be more stabilized.
Mrs. Dyer Says She Was Drugged. Mr. And Mrs. Mark Whinery, of Muscogee, I. T., parents of Mrs. Pink Dyer, the woman who has been asleep at the poor farm for two weeks past, started with her today for the trip to Muscogee overland. They believe she was drugged by her husband and state he gave a man named Blurton and his wife $55 to dispose of her. Mrs. Dyer roused up last evening more completely than ever before and was able to tell something of her history to Supt. Nall and County Physician F. W. Flower. She stated her husband had forced her to take some medicine a number of times and after the last time she remembers nothing until she found herself at the poor farm. Mrs. Dyer is much better than she was when brought to the poor farm and was able to sit up last night. She seems to have lost the use of her neck and her head falls forward as though her neck was broken.
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