Did Ya Know?. . .The American Red Cross will have a Blood Drive at the Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand, from 9:00 a.m-2:00 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28th. A recognition gift will be given to all donors. Did Ya Know?. . .The Friends of the Carthage Public Library will hold their monthly used booksale from 8 a.m. until noon on Saturday, March 1st at the Library Annex, 510 S. Garrison Ave. Did Ya Know?. . .A new beginner P.A.C.E. (People With Arthritis Can Exercise) class starts on Monday, March 3rd at the McCune-Brooks Wellness Facility, 2040 S. Garrison. Classes run M-W-F at 1:30 p.m. Advanced classes meet M-W-F at 2:15 p.m. Call 359-2432 for more information.
Teacher: "Snooks, how is it that
your essay on "The dog" is almost word for word
the same as that of Jones?" Why cant two elephants go into the
swimming pool at the same time?| Why did the worm take judo lessons?
Missouri Pacific Cars Robbed. Freight cars at the Missouri Pacific were broken into Thursday night and a quantity of flour stolen. Today Jim Briggs and Chas. Roberts were arrested on the charge. Flour was found at their homes on Tiger hill. Wedding While You Wait. W.R. Gilmore of Galena and Miss Emma Fink of Barry County were married this morning at half past eight oclock by Rev. Geo. Barnhart at his store at Howard avenue and Fourth street. The couple accidentally stopped at the store to inquire where a minister might be found and were promptly informed that right there was the place. They were married, paid the fee and departed in less than ten minutes. Rev. Barnhart now thinks of hanging out his shingle to read: "Weddings speedily and satisfactorily performed."
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