The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, February 6, 2003 Volume XI, Number 163
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .St. Anns
Chili Dinner will be held from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 5-7
p.m. on Thurs., Feb. 6th at the St. Anns School
Gym, 1156 Grand Ave. Adults $4.50, Children $2.00. A Bake
Sale & Book Fair will also be featured. For more info
call 358-4902.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Lincoln
Ladies Federated Republican Women will meet at 6:30 p.m.
on Mon., Feb. 10th at All Occasions Bakery. Current
members are encouraged to attend and new members are
always welcome. Membership dues are $10.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Sanctuary
Choir and friends will present "God In Us" at
8:00 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. on Sunday, February 9th at the First Church of
the Nazarene, 2000 Grand and Fairview.
"How did Freddie
lose all his money? Preferred stocks?"
"No, preferred blondes."
"Hey, lookthe barometer is
"Tsk, tskprobably wasnt nailed up
"Some people thirst after fame,
some after love, and some after money."
"I know something that all thirst after."
"Whats that?"
"Salted almonds."
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Rathbone Sisters
Install Officers in Beautiful K. of P. Hall.
The Rathbone Sisters met in their
quartersbeautiful K. of P. Halllast night for
the first time.
The newly elected officers were
installed as follows: Mrs. W. S. Shuler, M E C; Mrs. C.
Roach, E S; Mrs. J A Sigler, E J; Miss Julia Clark,
Manager; Mrs. A P Knowles, M of R & C; Miss Lottie
Henkel, M of T; Mrs. James Reno, O G; Mrs. Clara Lowry,
A drill team with Mrs. Walter
Harrington and Mrs. Alex Hill as captains was organized,
and Mrs. Shuler was selected as drill master.
Three applications for membership were
filed and Mrs. M J McClurg was elected to membership.
Today's Feature
The Public Works Committee meet
Tuesday evening for their regular meeting. The
meeting included discussion on a plan of action
for the engineering department due to the recent
resignation of Director of Engineering Joe
After discussion with Kevin
Sprenkel, an engineer from Sprenkel and
Associates, a decision was made not to hire a
professional engineer and to continue with
outside engineering services. According to
Sprenkel if Carthage was going to hire a
professional engineer they would have to also
hire an entire staff to keep up with the demands
of the city.
After looking at comparison the
Committee decided hiring a professional engineer
would not be cost effective for Carthage.
Committee Chair Bill Fortune
made the comment that even though the city is not
changing their engineering department, it was a
good idea to review options as the Committee has
According to the job
description the city is looking for someone with
a college education with completed courses in
engineering and urban planing with five years
experience in the fields of engineering, land
surveying, building construction and prior
municipal experience. A qualified person for the
job will also have to have the ability to deal
effectively with builders, engineers, architects,
and the general public, as well as the ability to
read and interrupt maps and blueprints.
The complete job description is
available at the City Administrators office.
NASCAR to the Max
The 2003 NASCAR season marks
its unofficial beginning this weekend with the
Silver Anniversary of the Budweiser Shootout at
the Daytona International Speedway. The Shootout
is a non-points paying event designed for drivers
who won a pole position (fastest qualifier)
during the last season and drivers who are
previous winners of the Shootout. This year will
also mark a couple of firsts for the event; the
first time it is being run on a Saturday and the
first time it will be run at night.
By NASCAR standards the race is
considered a sprint with the featured distance
being only 70 laps or 175 miles around the
2.5-mile high-banked tri-oval. In an effort to
reduce the number of cars continuously running in
the lead pack, NASCAR reduced the size of the
fuel tanks allowed at Daytona and Talladega which
will require more pit stops and more strategic
decisions. With the new small tanks, two pit
stops will likely be required with the
possibility of three if a team isnt
maximizing its fuel economy.
Fifteen different drivers won
poles last year and will be joined by four
previous winners of the Shootout who did not win
poles last year bringing the field size to 19.
Drafting, the practice of two or more cars
running in a single file line thereby allowing
all cars to go faster, is at a premium at
Daytona. In a normal race teammates will often
times team up to form their own draft and
challenge for the lead. With only 19 entries
there are only a few multi-car teams represented,
making them the favorites. Tony Stewart has won
the two previous Shootouts but wont have
the benefit this year of a teammate. Jeff Gordon
and Jimmie Johnson will both be likely candidates
for the win with Gordon being a partial owner of
Johnsons team. No matter what alliances are
made, whether between teammates or similarly
performing cars, they will go by the wayside with
about five laps remaining when it becomes every
man for himself literally making it anyones
Just Jake
I played
tourist last weekend. You know, drive around
in an out-of-state community, lookin
here and there. Slowin down to nearly a
stop ta look at some interest or another.
Im sure all the locals got a real kick
out of it.
Sometimes I wonder if folks
such as myself take advantage of the
"tourist" badge to do things they
wouldnt think of in their won
community. Parkin on the wrong side of
the street, stoppin in the middle of an
intersection to read the street signs, that
sorta thing.
I suppose thats part
a the fun in bein a tourist. Ya know
that if ya tic someone off, youll never
see em again anyway. I did try ta pull
over if I saw a big line a traffic behind my
creepin auto. They all made real
friendly gestures as they passed me by.
This is some fact, but
Jake Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Metcalf Auto Suppy
Weekly Column
Click & Clack
By Tom & Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom &
I have a 1982 Mazda B2000
pickup truck, which has been the most reliable
vehicle I have ever owned. It is all beat up, and
its now primarily used for trips to the
dump and miscellaneous hauling. It has almost
100,000 miles, but it only gets driven about
2,000-3,000 miles a year now. The steering has
been groaning lately, and my mechanic says the
ball-joint boots cannot hold the lubricant. He
said the ball joints and associated tie rods
should be replaced. He said the cost of this
repair is likely to be far more than the truck is
worth. He also said that for as little as I drive
it, I could probably get by without making the
repair; it would just be noisy and sticky to
steer. But I found that if I drown the ball
joints in WD-40, the groaning goes away and
steering is easier for months at a time. Is this
safe? Can I just continue to use the WD-40 as the
ball-joint lubricant indefinately?
RAY: I wouldnt, Richard.
Our general rule is: You dont mess with
ball joints.
TOM: The lubricant that belongs
in there is a very heavy-duty, high temperature
grease. And youre replacing it with a
household spray that isnt really even a
lubricant. It obviously has lubricating
properties, but WD-40 is really a desiccant, or
water remover.
RAY: And, given the
stakesif a ball joint breaks, a wheel falls
offits not something you want to mess
around with.
TOM: Id go ahead and
change the ball joint, Richard. Its
probably only one of them thats bad. And
they only cost 100 bucks. Cmon. Youve
had this truck since 1982, it hasnt given
you a lick of trouble, its the best vehicle
youve ever owned, and you wont drop
100 bucks to keep it running?
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2003 by Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.