The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, July 29, 2003 Volume XII, Number 29
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The City of
Carthage will be spraying for mosquitoes this week,
Mon.-Fri., July 28th-Aug. 1st. Your area will be sprayed
in the evening of the day that your trash is picked up,
between 8:30-11:30 p.m. You may want to turn off any
attic or window fans while the sprayer is in your area.
Did Ya Know?. . .You can now
adopt some of the Carthage Humane Societys cutiest
kittens at Central Pet Care Clinic. Stop by their office
anytime during regular business hours or call 358-1300
for details.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Jasper High
School Booster Club is holding a Golf Tournament on
Saturday, August 9, 2003 at the Carthage Municipal Golf
Course. It is open to all golfers. The two person
scramble begins at 1:30 p.m. with a shotgun start. The
entry fee is $100.00 per team. The fee includes
tournament play, golf cart, tournament prizes, and food
served after play. The tournament is limited to the first
50 teams that sign up. For more info call Lloyd and Cindy
Chapman at 417-394-2364.
today's laugh
I just saw six people under an umbrella
and not one of them got wet.
How come?
It wasnt raining.
Im the decisive
typeIll always give you a definite maybe.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
John Monroes
Good Position at San Francisco, California.
John Monroe, who leaves tomorrow for
San Francisco, has a position as stenographer for the
government at Ft. McDowell at that place. He secured it
through a civil service examination, which he passed
successfully, and the position is for life if he chooses
to so make it.
In addition to his work as stenographer
he will play flute and piccolo with the 13th infantry
band at the fort till the place is regularly filled by
enlistment. The position is a fine one and pays a snug
Miss Maggie Bryan, of High Point, will
leave in a few days for Louisville, Ky., where she will
be bridesmaid at the wedding of a friend and will also
make an extended visit with friends and relatives.
Today's Feature
Candidates For Sheriff Election.
With as the newly
appointed interim Sheriff, Democratic and
Republican parties have until August 21 to
nominate only one candidate for the special
election to be held September 30th.
Chairwoman of the Jasper County
Republican Central Committee Rita Hunter reported
that she has received only two inquiries. The two
are Greg Dagnan of Webb City and Jerry Neil,
current Chief Deputy.
Democratic Committee Chairman
Bill Kelley reported that there has only been
about three people that have shown interest in
running for the Sheriff position.
"Were requiring
resumes," said Kelley. "Itll take
people some time to make up their resumes."
There is no official files of
Independent candidates.
The Republican, Democratic, and
Libertarian party chairs have a little more than
two weeks to get the names of their candidates
back to the County Clerks office.
September 3rd will be the last
day to register to vote for the special Sheriff
Just Jake
Had one guy suggest
that those gettin ready to exit
the roundabout to use their turn
signal to let those waitin to
get on some notice. I suppose in
theory it would be the courteous
thing ta do. I havent been
through it since hearin the
suggestion but I give it a try.
Im not sure if Ill have
time to turn it on just at the right
time so as not to confuse the other
entrance points.
Most Ive had
a chance to talk to think the dang
circle thing just might work.
Course come Marian Days
well find out.
One advantage
Ive noticed is folks are able
to turn around and head back where
they came from. Instead of
pullin off into a parkin
lot and gettin back in traffic,
they just make full circle and head
to their intended destination. Great
when ya forget ta pick up the milk.
This is some fact,
but mostly,
Just Jake
Sponsored by
McCune- Brooks Hospital
Weekly Column
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
disconcerting having to take a number of
medicines that have different instructions:
"with meals," "on a full
stomach," "on an empty stomach,"
"before meals" or "after
meals." To add to the dilemma are warnings
not to take some drugs at the same time as
others. I can handle the "before or
after" instructions, but for the others,
Ill just have to wing it. S.C.
ANSWER: I cant argue with
you. Pill-taking sometimes becomes a full-time
occupation. "Before meals" is the same
as "empty stomach." "After
meals" is the same as "on a full
stomach." Not taking incompatible drugs at
the same time can be solved by having all your
drugs filled at the same pharmacy. The pharmacist
will give you explicit instructions on which
medicines should not be taken together. If the
pharmacist doesnt do so, ask
its your right.
17-year-old girl who dreams of having hair that
grows to my waist or even longer. I cant
get it to grow past my shoulders. Why? I see many
women who have very long hair. Is there a vitamin
I could take to make it grow? B.R.
ANSWER: No vitamin, no mineral,
no medicine can make your hair grow any longer
than it has been programmed to grow by your
genes. The normal life span of hair is two years.
Thats enough time to get it to your
shoulders, but not enough time to get it to your
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