The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 Volume XII, Number 1

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .Sign-ups for "Take Flight - Read!" and "Book Your Summer" end after Monday, June 23rd. Stop by the Carthage Public Library’s downstairs desk to pick up a folder and start logging that reading time!

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Masonic Lodge #197 will put 3rd degrees on a father & son to celebrate St. John’s Day at 4:00 a.m. on June 21st at the Masonic Lodge, behind the Library. After the meeting breakfast will be served. All area Master Masons are invited to attend. For more info call Rob Lewis at 623-7112.

Did Ya Know?. . .A Benefit Gospel Concert for Camp Quality will be held at 7 :00 p.m. on Friday, June 20th at the Victory Baptist Church in Carthage, MO. Featured guests include The Revelators, The Missourians, and Jerrad Tombley. Admission is free, and donations will be collected. For more information please call 438-7964.

today's laugh

A man went into a local golf shop and bought a dozen balls. The clerk asked the man, "Would you like these wrapped?"
"No, thank you," said the man, "I’ll just drive them home."

A lawyer is fellow who is willing to go out and spend your last cent to prove he’s right.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Cyclists Must Carry Lights.

Marshal Stafford is preparing to begin a crusade against the cyclists who persist in riding at night without lamps. Said he, "There is a city ordinance against riding at night without a light and as there has been many complaints about the practice I have determined to enforce it." Cyclists will take warning accordingly as failure to comply with the ordinance will lead to arrests.

Sent to the Industrial School.

Alice Ridge, the 16-year-old girl arrested Thursday night charged with vagrancy, pleaded guilty before Justice T. M. Garland and was committed to the Girls’ Industrial school at Chillicothe, Mo., to remain until 21 years of age.

She was not locked up, but remained at the Commercial hotel. Marshal Stafford left last night for Chillicothe with the girl in charge. She accompanied him willingly.

  Today's Feature

Police on the Square.

Police Chief Dennis Veach reported to the Public Safety Committee last Monday that there are exciting things planned for Carthage youth and adults for the Summer of 2003.

This Friday, June 20th, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00p.m., the Carthage Police Department C shift will host an interactive event on the Carthage Square. The activity will be displaying many different kinds of equipment including the radar trailer. The intent of the event is to interact with the kids up on the square and provide a positive environment.

"Our attitude up on the square is pretty much zero tolerance," said Veach, "we’re having a normal summer so far."

Another activity planned is Mudstock, said to be an "interactive event between mud and kids." Mudstock is very successful, usually bringing in 300-400 kids.

The National Guard 203rd Unit usually helps with the earthwork but because they are in Iraq, Alumbaugh Construction has agreed to help. Mudstock will be held on July 12th, from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. It is completely free of charge and refreshments will also be provided.

Just Jake Talkin'


I always made sure to wear my shoes when I was visitin’ my cousin’ in the "city" as a kid.

Bein’ used ta runnin’ on gravel roads and no sidewalks in the rural community I grew up in, I think my mom thought I was puttin’ on airs some. Not so. The city had somethin’ we weren’t used ta dealin’ with. Slugs. My feet were used ta goathead stickers and rocks, not the slimy, mushy feel of a slug ‘tween the toes. No sir, I wasn’t goin’ barefoot with creatures like that layin’ in wait.

As a kid I figured that why folks in the city always wore shoes too. No wonder the other farm kids thought the city folk were a bunch of sissies.

I wasn’t sure about that, but I figured that under the right circumstances, shoes weren’t such a bad idea.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



Carthage Printing

Weekly Column


By JoAnn Derson

• To save money on electricity costs, hang jeans and other heavy clothing to dry first. When they are mostly dry, pop them in the dryer to fluff.

• "Always be on the lookout for sale items that can be given as gifts. You can also check the sale rack for children’s clothes. Sometimes, I buy up to a year in advance for my child, since the deals can be so good. Just be sure that the clothing is the right season when your child will be able to wear it." — Matt in New Mexico.

• The best way to get a bloodstain out of clothing is by dousing the stain with hydrogen peroxide and washing as usual.

• "My husband and I have been doing a lot of painting. To help with lines and to minimize touch-ups, we always tape around the baseboards. We ended up putting four coats of paint on one of our walls before we got the color we wanted, and when we pulled the tape off the baseboards, my husband noticed that only the first coat of paint had leaked through, and he thought that the first coat probably made a sort of seal. He thought that maybe if we painted a little of the baseboard paint on the wall by the tape, only that color would leak through and therefore we’d barely have to do any touch-ups. We tested this theory on the next room we painted, and it worked like a charm — a near-perfect line, and none of the wall color leaked through. It’s a bit of an extra step, but it’s quick and easy (you don’t really have to be careful), and it saves having to go back and touch up all sorts of spots." — M. and A. Miller

• You can use Tang (or any citrus-flavored drink mix) to clean stains from the inside of your dishwasher. Just pour it in an empty dishwasher instead of detergent and let it run a cycle.

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