The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, June 3, 2003 Volume IX, Number 246
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Friends of
the Carthage Public Library will host "Bess, A
Missouri Treasure," presented by Eileen Hacker at
1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 4th, in the Library Annex,
510 S. Garrison.
Did Ya Know?. . .Chances on a
beautiful print of the courthouse, featuring local
artists, are being sold to raise money for the American
Cancer Societys Relay for Life. They sell for $1 a
chance or 6 chances for $5. Drawing will be held June 6.
If interested please call 358-2216 between 5-8 p.m.
Did Ya Know?. . .Area acoustic
musicians will gather to eat and make music at the next
meeting of the Ozark Wilderness Dulcimer Club at 5:00
p.m. on Tuesday, June 3, at the Park Plaza Christian
Church, 3220 Indiana at 32nd Street, Joplin. For further
information, call Judy at 417-624-2387 or Christina at
today's laugh
You are accused of shooting squirrels
out of season. Have you any plea?
Yes, your Honor. Self-defense.
My brothers got a job in an
electric shop he got hold of a live wire.
What happened?
I dont know but its
the only job he ever held on to.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
After the Finny
Dr. McClurg and Senator Sayler were
seen headed in the direction of Center creek this
afternoon with fishing poles protruding from the rear of
their road wagon, so it is fair to suppose they have
designs on the finny tribe, which is now said to be
biting well.
Two Carthage Boys
In the St. Louis Globe-Democrat of a
week ago was a page of twenty-three puzzle pictures for
the solution of which ten one dollar prizes were offered.
In the list of prize winners published in
yesterdays issue the names of two Carthage boys
appear, Frederick Beneke and Herman Cornell, each
receiving one dollar for their skill.
A paint and powder complexion only
imitates naturenothing real. When you get a genuine
Rocky Mountain Tea complexion it has come to
staynever comes off.
Today's Feature
Block Grant Hearing.
Main Street Carthage
and The City of Carthage will hold a public
hearing Thursday, June 5th, at 4 p.m. in the Main
Street office at 335 S. Main. The hearing is
required by the State as part of the Community
Development Block Application (CDBG) Process. The
hearing will allow citizens of Carthage the
opportunity to discuss a CDBG grant. The Maximum
(matching) grant amount is $300,000, with the
proposed budget of approximately $125,000. The
private, matching dollars are secured.
The City is proposing to make
infrastructure ( sidewalks and curbs)
improvements to the block on the west side of the
"We will record the input
of citizens present and will hopefully be able to
officially note the Carthage does care about the
downtown business district," say Main Street
Director Carol Green.
All citizens of Carthage are
invited to voice their concerns and questions
about the proposed application which has been in
process since October of 2002. The hearing will
also record a "needs assessment" as
determined by the citizens present.
Just Jake
Spent last weekend
around a lot a people, most of
em I didnt know. Lota
things goin on at a fairly fast
pace with little time for
thinkin bout what was
goin on. Its strange how
interactin with people is so
much different than just
watchin an event as a spectator
or watchin the tv.
The thing that is
most different is the day after. Bits
and pieces of the day before keep
floatin to the top of the mind.
It seems when ya actually participate
in some activity, the brain pays more
attention and in makes a more
lastin impression.
I suppose those who
worry bout kids playin so
much with electronic games and
watchin so much tv are
concerned with the lack of real life
interaction bein somehow
shallow or lackin in the human
experience. After all, nothin
compares with a good game a checkers
with grandpa.
This is some fact,
but mostly,
Just Jake
Sponsored by
McCune- Brooks Hospital
Weekly Column
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
At What Age Can Pap Smears
be Stopped?
73-year-old woman with two doctors who give me
different answers on Pap smears. One tells me I
dont need them at my age. The other says I
do. I dont want to risk letting cancer go
undetected, but I would like to stop having Pap
smears. Is there a safe age when they can be
stopped? K.M.
ANSWER: Every woman needs to
make a slight bow when she hears the words
"Pap smear." In 1943, Dr. George
Papanicolaou (the "Pap" of Pap smear),
a pathologist, devised this method for early
detection of cervical cancer. The cervix is the
necklike extension of the uterus. It is one of
the most common cancer sites in women.
Since introduction of the Pap
smear, cervical cancer deaths have decreased by
75 percent. Few other medical tests have done so
much for so many.
Your two doctors are not the
only ones who disagree. Many cancer experts say
that a woman is not courting danger by stopping
Pap smears at age 65 if her previous Pap smears
have been normal. Others say a woman should wait
until 70 to stop the smears. They can be stopped
then if the woman has had three or more smears in
the previous 10 years and they were normal. If
your smears have been normal, then both schools
would let you stop testing now.
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