The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, June 4, 2003 Volume IX, Number 246

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The Friends of the Carthage Public Library will host "Bess, A Missouri Treasure," presented by Eileen Hacker at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 4th, in the Library Annex, 510 S. Garrison.

Did Ya Know?. . .Chances on a beautiful print of the courthouse, featuring local artists, are being sold to raise money for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. They sell for $1 a chance or 6 chances for $5. Drawing will be held June 6. If interested please call 358-2216 between 5-8 p.m.

Did Ya Know?. . .Golden Reflections will have their morning coffee at 10 a.m. on Wed., June 4th in the McCune-Brooks Hospital cafeteria. Bev Scroggins will speak about "Senior Benefits." Call 359-2347 for more information.

today's laugh

They used to believe that the radio would replace the newspaper, but it never happened.
No, you can’t housebreak a dog on a radio.

I suppose you read Shakespeare.
Oh, yes, I read all of his stuff as soon as it comes out.

The cheek of that conductor. He glared at me as if I hadn’t paid my fare.
And what did you do?
I glared right back as if I had.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Farewell for the Hutchinsons.

Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Howenstein gave a seven o’clock dinner last night as a farewell for Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hutchinson who are to leave soon for Boston, and in honor of Mr. Howenstein’s sister, Mrs. Rose, who has arrived from Chicago. The guests were:

Messrs. and Mesdames James Spence, E. F. Gould, W. S. Hutchinson, R. W. Webster, B. S. Briles, L. E. Whitney.

Planning an Entertainment.

The Woodmen last night accepted W. S. Foster, of McGregor street, as a member by transfer, and appointed a committee to get up an entertainment to be given in the near future, in conjunction with the Royal Neighbors.

The fifteenth series stock of the Jasper county Building and Loan Association is now on sale at its office 405 S. Main St.

  Today's Feature

More Fun, Less Money.

The number of Red, White & Boom July Fourth activities will actually increase this year even though the budget has been pruned. The main portion of the spending cuts have been in advertising and paying for carnival type rides.

Scheduled entertainment will begin at 3: p.m. with Branson’s American Kids. This group performed last year and are returning to provide a variety of performances that include music and dance. Entertainment will continue through the afternoon.

New to the schedule this year will be time for a limited number of participants in a showcase of Karaoke talent.

The traditional 5K run and fun walk will begin at 7 a.m. More than 100 entrants are anticipated. The event is sponsored by the Carthage Senior High School Cross Country Team.

A breakfast will be served in the Jasper County Youth Fair Building at 7 a.m. The event will honor area veterans and those area military men and women who are currently on active duty.

A number of food vendors will be on site for the day.

Letter to the Editor|

Opinions expressed reflect those of the writer
and not necessarily those of the Mornin' Mail.

Dear Editor, thought you might want a heads-up on a brewing story:

Governor Holden has decided to veto the Missouri State Legislature's balanced budget proposal and call for a huge new tax increase. The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and other concerned citizens statewide are chartering buses on Thursday, June 5th to join at the Capitol in Jefferson City in a statewide effort to turn public opinion against Gov. Holden.

Concerned Southwest Missourians have arranged for a bus as follows:

7:30 a.m., June 5 - Bus leaves Joplin, MO, from JC Penney parking lot on south side of Northpark Mall.

2:00 pm, June 5 - Group joins rally at Capitol Building

?:00 pm, June 5 - Bus returns to Joplin

— John Putnam

Just Jake Talkin'


The fact that there will be a number of activities goin’ on in Carthage this week end appears to have drawn the attention of the regional media. It appears that there will be mention for Carthage in the Joplin Globe and the Springfield Leader this Friday.

I’m sure there are those who feel there will be competition for audience durin’ the day, but I’m thinkin’ the more the merrier.

I’m guessin’ there will be folks who attend two or three of the events goin’ on Saturday. Why not attend the fishin’ day out at Kellogg Lake then drive out to the Art in the Heartland out at Red Oak II, then swing by the Humane Society motorcycle rally out at Muni Park? The Relay for Life will be goin’ on Friday evenin’ and Saturday, and ya still have time for Acoustic Music Festival on the Square. Good weather is forecast.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



Carthage Printing

Weekly Column


By JoAnn Derson

• Here’s a great tip from Grandpa George in Missouri: "I keep backup copies of grandkids’ digital photos on CDs. Since the ones that get e-mailed to us didn’t necessarily come in any kind of order or theme, it got hard to remember which pictures were on which CDs. So, we just created a CD for each child. We made photo stickers of each grandchild and stuck them on the top of the CD. Now when we get an e-mail, I just get the CD for that child and burn it on. It has made organizing the pictures easy."

• Tomatoes are great for tenderizing meat. Chop them up and use them as a marinade. They make a pretty tasty flavoring too.

• We all know that brown sugar gets clumpy in the cabinet. To keep it soft, store it in your freezer. If you already have some clumpy brown sugar, never fear. Stick it in the freezer for a bit and it will come out soft as ever.

• This great bubble-bath trick comes to us from Susan of Breckenridge, Colo.: "You can make a fun bubble-bath toy just by saving slivers of soap. Get together six or seven, depending on size, and tie them together in a brightly colored washcloth. Make a short loop with a piece of strong ribbon as a handle. You can then hang it from the faucet and as the water rushes out, it will pass through the soap. Instant bubble bath, and a money-saver too."

• Use toothpaste to get dark scuff marks off of white walls.

• Lynda of Macon, Ga., writes: "People aren’t the only ones who enjoy a milk bath. If you wipe down the leaves of your houseplants with milk, it makes them shiny and very pretty."

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