The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, May 12, 2003 Volume IX, Number 230
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .Carthage
Business and Professional Women will Install 2003-2004
Officers at a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May
12th,at Vassanas Restaurant, 125 N. Garrison.
Interested persons are welcome.
Did Ya Know?. . .Eminence
Chapter # 93 Order of the Eastern Star will meet at 7:30
p.m. on Tuesday, May 13th, 2003, at the Carthage Masonic
Temple, 7th and Maple. There will be a regular meeting.
Did Ya Know?. . .Carthage Humane
Society needs your community club, church group or family
to help with upcoming adoption events. To volunteer call
358-6808. You can now make a deposit at Hometown Bank to
go towards an addition to the cat room at the Carthage
Humane Society.
today's laugh
Card in Florida Paper:
"Thursday I lost a gold
watch which I valued very highly. Immediately I inserted
a want ad in your lost-and-found column, and waited.
Yesterday I went home and found the watch in the pocket
of another suit. God bless your paper."
"Look here, I want my money back,
this flute you sold me is full of holes!"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The Guest of His Old
Friend T. K. Irwin
Enthusiastic Roosevelt Man.
Ex-Congressman W. H. Wade, of
Springfield, arrived in Carthage last night to visit with
his old friend T. K. Irwin. Col. Wade is a staunch
Republican and represented this district in congress from
1885 to 1891 in the days when Green county was in
this district. Col. Wade secured the appointment of Mr.
Irwin as postmaster for Carthage under President
Harrison. He is an old friend of Hon. John N. Schooler,
of northeast of town, they having served in the state
legislature together, and as soon as Mr. Irwin received
notice that Col. Wade was coming he immediately sent word
for Mr. Schooler to come in and join them.
The ex-congressman is a tall, white
haired, well preserved, fine appearing man and is
evidently in the best of health. He still lives on a fine
farm near Springfield a fact which made him known
as Farmer Wade in the days when he was actively in
Col. Wade is an enthusiastic Roosevelt
man and not only thinks the president will be renominated
as the result of a practicall unanimous sentiment in his
favor, but thinks any other nomination would be
exceedingly ill advised.
Today's Feature
Carthage's Grand Ole' Christmas.
The Carthage Chamber of
Commerce, Carthage Convention and Visitors Bureau
(CVB) and Main Street Carthage have joined forces
to help promote the holiday season in Carthage.
"Carthages Grand Ole
Christmas" is a special holiday promotional
campaign that is scheduled to start in November.
"Ultimately the goal is to
promote our local holiday events along with our
various attractions and retail outlets well
enough to draw not only visitors from near by
areas, but from larger markets like Kansas City
and Tulsa," said CVB Director Teresa
"Were asking for
area attractions, community organizations and
businesses who host holiday events to send us
that information. We want all holiday oriented
activities to be part of this promotional
package, but first we need to create a detailed
calender of what celebrations and activities are
already planed for Carthage," said Director
of Member Services for the Chamber of Commerce
Debra Smith.
There will be grants available
to fund promotions for Carthages Grand
Ole Christmas campaign. Types of promotions
include brochures, flyers, inserts in local
newspapers, magazines and advertizing in regional
media outlets.
To submit your holiday event or
seasonal activity for Carthages Grand
Ole Christmas promotional campaign send the
event, date, time, location, sponsors and any
additional details (logos, photos, etc..) to the
Chamber of Commerce and The CVB at 107 E. 3rd,
Carthage, Mo 64836 or to Main Street Carthage at
335 S. Main, Carthage, MO 64836 in care of the
"Christmas Committee". Submitted items
are subject to approval by the planing committee.
Just Jake
This time a year is
when, as a kid, Id get my annual
blisterin sunburn. Typically the
worst would be on my shoulders, but the
nose and tops of my feet also seemed
particularly vulnerable.
Various remedies such
as vinegar and alcohol (rubbin not
drinkin) would offer temporary
relief, but mostly sufferin for a
few days was the only real cure.
I eventually learned
that havin a t-shirt handy at the
swimmin hole or at the ball field
was a necessary piece of equipment early
in the season. This allowed me to get a
little sun, but cover up if I felt the
sting of over exposure.
Some a that early
sunscreen, white grease of some sort, was
help for the nose but not particularly
appealin. These days its just
a lot easier to stay in the shade.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing
Weekly Column
By Samantha Mazzotta
A Toasty-Warm
Q: This winter I had to replace
my boiler, and someone also came to remove the
asbestos-laden insulation on the steam pipes in
the basement. I was told they didnt need to
be reinsulated because "warm air
rises." I know we all learned that in
eighth-grade science, but if you were in my
basement this winter, you would know by how
toasty warm it was (compared with the rest of the
house) that this aint necessarily so. Do
you think it is worth it to re-cover the pipes
with fiberglass insulation? The basement is not
"finished." Thanks. Iris T.,
Westfield, N.J.
A: Yes, I would. As you could
tell by the toastiness of your basement this
winter (which was probably very nice), the steam
pipes emitted plenty of heat, and much of it
stayed in the basement.
Warm air does indeed rise, but
it didnt have an expedient way to leave the
basement area. And because the basement is not
finished (I assume it has no insulation or wall
paneling), the heat that did escape took the
fastest exit, which may have been directly
However, the steam pipes for
your heating system are designed to carry that
heat up to all the living areas of your house.
The purpose of the old asbestos insulation was to
keep that heat contained within the pipes as the
hot steam rose upward, rather than allowing it to
radiate out immediately (into the basement
instead of your bedroom).
Insulating those pipes will
cool off your basement and warm up the rest of
the house. This will also lower your heating
bill, as it will take less energy (electric, oil
or otherwise) to generate the amount of steam
heat necessary to keep you comfortable. You may
not have noticed a tremendous change in heating
costs even with a brand-new boiler that is
probably much more efficient. However, when you
run the heat with insulated pipes, you should
notice a drop in the operating cost.
Compressed fiberglass
insulation (rather than foam) is the best type to
use with steam pipes, which can get rather hot.
And its quite inexpensive
youll probably spend less than $20. Measure
the length (from boiler to ceiling exit) and
width (or diameter) of the pipe and then purchase
the wrap-on type with a half-inch thickness at
any hardware or home-improvement store.
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