The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, May 30, 2003 Volume IX, Number 243
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Friends of
the Carthage Public Library will host "Bess, A
Missouri Treasure," presented by Eileen Hacker at
1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 4th, in the Library Annex,
510 S. Garrison.
Did Ya Know?. . .If you would
like to make a donation for a luminaria at the Relay For
Life, go by The Wright Gift & Antique Place, 2303
South Garrison, Tuesday - Saturday and complete a form.
Each Luminaria is a $5.00 donation. All money goes to the
American Cancer Society.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society is having an adoption day from 10 a.m. to
noon on Saturday, May 31st at the Carthage Family YMCA.
Volunteer help is needed. Please call 358-6808 for
today's laugh
When I was a kid our house was hit by a
flash of electricity.
Flash of electricity? Dont you know the difference
between electricity and lightning?
Yes, you dont have to pay anything for lightning.
Think it will rain this afternoon?
I wouldnt be surprised. Ive got a new hat, a
fresh shoe shine and Ive just had my car washed.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Hutchinsons Departure Eventful Socially.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Spenser Hutchinson, who
are to leave for Boston a week from Saturday, are having
an eventful farewell social program tendered them.
Last night Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Briles
gave a 7 oclock dinner for them, having Dr. and
Mrs. Whitney, Miss Ruth Whitney, Rev. and Mrs. J. B.
Toomay, Mrs. Toomays mother and Mr. Gould.
Tonight the Pastime whist club gives a
bid euchre for them.
Governor Dockery has signed the bill
prohibiting the buying, receiving or taking of any
personal property, goods, wares or merchandise of any
value by any pawnbroker, junk dealer, dealer in
second-hand goods or merchant from any minor without the
written consent of their parents or guardians.
Today's Feature
Keep Off The Grass.
Public Service Committee Chair
Jim Woestman reported to the City Council last
Tuesday evening that an ordinance is being
considered to help keep vehicles from driving on
the grass at Kellogg Lake. The ordinance would
make it easier to discourage damage to the
Public Works Committee Chair
Bill Fortune reported that the Committee and City
Attorney felt it was not advisable to wave
building permits for a Methodist youth group
scheduled to be in town this summer. The group
wants to provide free repairs and cleanup for
local homeowners. The group will be encourage in
clean up efforts, but repairs will still come
under City code guidelines.
Police Chief Dennis Veach and
Fire Chief John Cooper advised the Council that
several of their officers and fire fighters
provided volunteer service to surrounding
communities after the recent tornado damage. The
City did pay some overtime pay for personnel but
will receive reimbursement from FEMA for some of
the expense. Many Carthage citizens volunteered
their services.
New Work
Arriving at artCentral.
By Lee Sours, artCentral
New work has been arriving in
the gallery this week. We are getting
ready for the Membership Show which will run from
June 6 to July 11. The opening will be Friday,
June 6 from 6-8 pm. This is a great
opportunity to see a sampling of what everyone is
Also that weekend, the 5th annual Bill
Snow stonecarving weekend is coming up.
Mr. Snow is one of the most experienced,
respected and skilled stone carvers in the
nation. Some of his works that can be seen
locally include "Marlin Perkins" an
8 bronze located in Central Park in
Carthage, "Compassion", a 24
bronze at St. Johns Medical Center in
Joplin, "Alice in Wonderland", a
6 bronze in the Carthage Library Gardens,
and "Longhorn", 24 tons of limestone,
the largest in the nation at the Joplin Stock
Yards. This year we are also adding two more
classes. The Blacksmithing class will
cover basic forging techniques from building a
coke fire to working on projects. Joe Davis will
be instructing this class. He has a shop where he
makes hand forged ironwork that is elegant and
personalized. He has been making gates, fences,
railing, yard art, furniture, kitchen racks and
more. Also in our pottery studio, we will have
Jerry Long teaching Beginning Handbuilding
Ceramics. This class covers slab and coil
construction, the use of molds, and carving. He
formerly taught at Waterworks art studio in
Tulsa, OK.
The blacksmithing and
stonecarving classes costs are each $150
plus materials. The ceramics class is $80. We
still have a few spots left so pick one of these
great classes and call artCentral at 358-4404 to
obtain information and registration forms.
Registration is by prepayment. Participants must
be 17 or older.
HOURS: T F 11 - 5
Sunday 12 -5 Closed Mon. and
1110 E 13th 358-4404
Just Jake
The golf course -
formerly the Carthage Municipal Golf
course, oh yea, its still the
Carthage Municipal Golf Course, anyway,
it looks like the renovations are
bein appreciated by quite a few
golfers. Parks Director Alan Bull says
the course generated over $18,000 in
three decent days and a rainy Saturday.
Not bad.
City Administrator Tom
Short figures that the installation of
the fibre optic system that will tie all
the City departments together is about
95% complete. Course now the long known
fact that the Citys computers are
lackin is becomin a factor.
Some of the computers are not capable of
usin the internet and will have ta
be replaced. The idea is to eventually
have at least some City data available on
the internet for reference.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Oak Street health & herb
Weekly Column
by Mari An Willis
Another month has come and
gone. Have you accomplished almost half of the
things on your New Years Resolution list?
I just returned from So. Texas
and grapefruit season is in full swing. That
wonderful, juicy fruit is such a treasure right
off the tree. The grapefruit diet is a common one
among consistent dieters. Eat a half of a
grapefruit with each meal and you may shed lots
of pounds Drink 1/2 cup juice with each
meal...same results. But did you know that the
grapefuit seed extract has been studied for
its health benefits? Yep, the very bitter
seed itself is being used as a complimentary
About 16 years ago a
Yugoslavian physicist and M.D. who specializes in
finding natural "drugs" came up with a
liquid extract from the seeds. He found that it
had a negative effect on bacteria and viruses and
parasites. Dr. Leo Galland, M.D., a New York City
internist who has been giving the extract
says"There is just something unique about
this particular substance." Whatever it
does, it does without debilitating side effects.
"It has the advantage of being very
safe," says Galland. The only noted side
effects were mild stomach irritation and some
discomfort during the cleansing process. *
As in Peru, where grapefruit
seed extract is used to disinfect produce, that
has been my main usage also. I know from
consuming this product myself that it must be
diluted and never taken straight as it is very
strong. Somewhere, someplace there is probably
someone researching other valuable benefits of
the juicy grapefruit.
*article by Susan Resnick
Vegetarian Times
* This article is meant for informational
purposes only and is not intended as a substitute
for medical advice. Sources available by request.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.