The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, September 16, 2003 Volume XII, Number 63
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Knights of
Pythias will have a Steak Feed at Family Night on Tues.,
Sept. 16th. Social hour at 6:00, meal at 7:00.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Community
Blood Center of the Ozarks has issued a Code Yellow Alert
for all blood types. A blood drive will be held at the
Carthage Health & Rehab Center, Carthage, 1901 Buena
Vista, from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 19th.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Veterans Alliance will meet at the V.F.W., Sept. 25th at
7 p.m. in order to plan the Annual Veterans Day Service
to be held on Nov. 11th, 2003. All Veteran Organizations
are invited to this meeting.
Did Ya Know?. . . "Team Up
& Read Up," with the St. Louis Rams for a Fall
Reading Program for readers 6-years-old and up. Program
runs from Sept. 15th through Oct. 31st. Call 237-7040 or
come by the Carthage Public Library YPL desk for more
today's laugh
One man spent thirty years writing a
book about jail. In fact, it took him twenty years to
finish one sentence!
"Who should we pay first - the gas
company or the doctor?"
"The gas company. What can the
doctor turn off?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Wilber F. Haughawout, administrator of
the estate of T. B. Haughawout, deceased, Saturday sold
the Westerheide abstract books to Mr. Grigg of Joplin.
The price is not stated.
T. B. Haughawout defended Mr.
Westerheide when he was charged with embezzlement about a
year ago, for which service the latter gave Mr.
Haughawout a bill of sale on the books and Wilber
Haughawout found this bill of sale among the late T. B.
Haughawouts papers.
The books had a mortgage of about
$1,400 on them and had passed into possession of Joplin
abstracters who had paif off the mortgage with
accumulated interest. Administrator Haughawout had to pay
some $1,750 to secure the books and then had to bring
suit to get the last one of the several volumes. He says
that the books are complete and up to last fall, and that
Mr. Grigg will open an abstract office in Joplin.
Today's Feature
Diversity Festival.
The third annual Festival of Friends will be held
September 20 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. in Memorial
Hall. The multicultural festival is designed to
celebrate the growing diversity of southwest
Missouri and increase awareness of different
cultures by sharing cultural displays, music and
Those attending the festival
will get a "festival passport" and have
the opportunity to meet and talk with local
residents representing their countries as they
travel from country to country.
The festival will feature
hundreds of unique artifacts, native clothing,
fine arts, tapestries, jewelry, photos, videos,
music instruments, books, woodworking, and
numerous other items on display.
This year there will also be
stage performances representing Native American
Indians, two groups of Mexican Dancers, and the
Marimba band Kufara which features music from
North Africa as well as others.
Last years event in
Carthage was attended by over 700 people.
Food samples, freshly brewed
Columbian coffee, and candies, will be available
courtesy of exhibitors.
Letter to the Editor
expressed reflect those of the writer and not
necessarily those of the Mornin' Mail.
Editor, In your recent
Dollars & Sense column regarding identity
theft, it repeated the frequent message of Not
giving ones social security number or displaying
ones social security number on checks or for
applications for credit. Have I misunderstood all
these messages which tell us not to use our SS
number as identification? I recently purchased(or
almost did!) a major appliance. When I went to
pay for this item they insisted I give them my
social security number. Of course, being the
attentive citizen I consider myself to be, I
offered other forms of identification explaining
that according to all I had read not to give that
number out for identification, only to be told by
the rather testy clerk that they could not take
my check without my SS #. Needless to say, the
next place is where I purchased my new
refrigerator without a social security number.
Any idea why we are told not to use our SS#, then
be forced into situations(such as credit card
apps) to supply it?
Looking for answers,
Marian Willis
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Just Jake
Its always
odd to run into folks ya know in a
place ya didnt expect to see
I happened upon
several at a bluegrass music festival
a while back. Some of em didnt
surprise me that they were attendin
the event, just didnt expect to
see em. Others I had no idea
they had an interest in such things.
Some were folks I hadnt seen
for several years, others I see ever
now and then around these parts.
Then there were
those that I was wantin to run
into that I never found. I know they
were there, just didnt make
There were also the
three or four folks I didnt
know, but kept seein em
at various times. I wasnt
followin them around, but I
wonder if they dont think I
was. Or maybe they were keepin
an eye on me.
This is some fact,
but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
McCune- Brooks Hospital
Weekly Column
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Veins Run in Families
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My mother had
varicose veins, and now I do. She had them taken
out with surgery. I dont relish going
through what she did. Are there any other ways of
getting rid of them? What causes them?
ANSWER: Varicose veins are
veins that have become stretched out of shape.
That results in blood pooling in those veins,
stretching the veins even more.
Leg veins in particular have a
daunting task. They have to return blood to the
heart, a task made formidable since gravity draws
the blood downward. Veins get the job done
because they have one-way valves that close after
blood has passed through them. The closed valve
stops the downward flow of blood that the force
of gravity encourages.
Incompetent vein valves are the
major mechanical factor in the development of
varicose veins. Without competent valves, blood
falls downward in the leg. The pooled blood
stretches the veins, and that renders the valves
even more incompetent and the varicose veins even
Family history is definitely at
work here. If one parent has varicose veins, the
children have a 40 percent chance of developing
them. If both parents have them, the children
have an 80 percent chance of also having them.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.