The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, September 30, 2003 Volume XII, Number 73

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The Royal Rangers & Missionettes will have a Rummage Sale from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 3 and from 7 a.m-2 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 4 at the First Assembly of God Life Center, 1605 Baker St., Carthage.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Friends of the Carthage Public Library will hold their monthly Saturday used booksale from 8 a.m. til noon on Oct. 4th in the Library Annex, 610 S. Garrison Ave. There are books of every genre at bargain prices!

Did Ya Know?. . . The Carthage Shrine Club will have a Fish Fry at 6:30 p.m. on Wed., Oct. 1st at the Shrine Club, Co. Rd. 170 (3/4 Mile South of HH Hwy) Public is invited. $8 per person. Stag only.

today's laugh

This woman says to the butcher, "I’d like a steak but no fat and no bone."
The butcher replies, "We’ve been trying to grow them like that for years, ma’am, but they keep falling over."

Two hunters had just arrived at their camp and hadn’t even had time to load their guns. Suddenly, a giant bear reared up twenty feet away. One hunter asked, "What are we going to do?"
The other said, "Don’t know about you. But I’m about to start spreading the news to the rest of the country."

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

More Accidents at Oronogo.

The Cass mine at Oronogo was the scene of two accidents Thursday afternoon, and that evening the blacksmith shop of the plant was burned. Two men who were engaged in cutting ice in the mine, which is the property of the American Zinc, Lead and Smelting company, slipped and fell and were severely, although not seriously injured. Their names could not be learned.

Later in the evening the blacksmith shop caught fire and burned down, the loss being a total one. Fortunately some sticks of dynamite, sixteen in number, which were in the shop were got out before any explosion occurred, or the loss would have been much greater.

John Moran a substantial farmer of the Asbury neighborhood, has removed to Carthage to educate his children. He has rented property on South Garrison and expects to become a permanent resident.

  Today's Feature

Benefit for Tornado Victims.

A benefit concert will be held to support the Jasper County Long-Term Disaster Relief Committee Saturday, October 11 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Benefit will be hosted by Precious Moments and the concert will be held at the Fountain of Angels Theater on Chapel Road.

Local TV personality Gary Bandy will be featured as Master of Ceremonies. The concert will include the Precious Moments Singers, local entertainers and a grand finale featuring a free showing of the Fountain of Angels.

Included in the event will be a bake sale and a silent auction. All proceeds from the sale, as well as concession proceeds will be donated to the Committee.

Companies are encouraged to donate items for the auction and bake sale. Donations must arrive no later than Friday October 10 to be included in the benefit.

The relief Committee was established to support families devastated by the tornadoes that hit the count in May as well as provide relief for future disasters.

Send contributions to: Receiving Dept, Precious Moments, 4115 Chapel Rd., 64836.

Letter to the Editor
Opinions expressed reflect those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Mornin' Mail.

I don’t agree that the pee wee football team should be allowed to play on the soccer fields (even though they already are) because the soccer team has to pay to play at the complex for up keep and they do a good job of keeping it up. I am sure the football teams are not paying for the right to play.

I am also sure they would not let the High School Soccer team play or practice on their practice field. I don’t know if folks know how good the coaches and their soccer team is. They have gone to districts almost every year in the past 12 years. This past weekend JV won the tournament.

I think if they would just come out and watch a game they would be hooked on soccer. If you don’t understand some of the rules many of the soccer parents have been around for many years. I myself have had my kids in the program for 22 years all 5 of my boys started playing when they were 5-years-old.

I can’t say enough good things about coaches Huntley and Rogers. They are there for the kids to help them to be better adults, teach discipline and team work. There is no such thing as a one-man-show, as in some other sports.

Whether you agree or not, our Kids need your support!!

Thanks for you support,

Rick O’Dell

Just Jake Talkin'


Just a reminder that polling places have been combined for all wards in Carthage. Both precincts of each of the five wards will be served by a single polling place.

First Ward: Grace Episcopal Church; Second Ward: Memorial Hall; Third Ward: Carthage Fire Department; Fourth Ward: Fairview Elementary School; Fifth Ward: Fairview Christian Church.

The special election for County Sheriff is likely to not bring out a big number of voters, so your vote is even more critical. It is possible that ten or fifteen percent of the County’s voters could decide who will be elected.

For some in the rural areas, the drive to the poll might be a factor, but it shouldn’t be much of a problem in Carthage. Take the time to vote.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



McCune- Brooks Hospital

Weekly Column


By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: For some time I have been troubled with a feeling of lightheadedness bordering on being dizzy. The sensation is greatest when I stand up, lie down or roll over in bed. None of my doctors has offered a diagnosis or cure. Can you offer any help? — M.B.

ANSWER: If, by "dizziness," you mean a sensation as though you are on the verge of passing out, then a case can be made for orthostatic hypotension, a sudden drop in blood pressure upon rising.

When people rise from a seat, get out of bed or make any quick change from a horizontal or semi-horizontal position to a vertical one, the body must make rapid adjustments. Such changes cause blood pressure to dip because blood remains in the lowermost parts of the body. The heart does not have enough blood to supply the brain, and people complain of feeling woozy. Thankfully, a healthy body can keep blood pressure up when these positional changes are made. If it cannot, people feel woozy.

Doctors diagnose orthostatic hypotension by taking a person’s blood pressure seated and then taking it after the patient rises quickly to the standing position. Taking more salt, rising more slowly and elevating the head of the bed are sometimes the only treatments needed. At other times, the doctor must prescribe medicine.

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