The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, August 3, 2004 Volume XIII, Number 32

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .Golden Reflections morning coffee will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, August 4th in the McCune- Brooks Hospital cafeteria. Michelle Pyle from Carthage Eye Care will discuss "Eye Health." Refreshments will be served. Visitors welcome. Call 359-2347 for more info.

Did Ya Know?...The Edwin W. Wiggins Post # 9 of the American Legion will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 5th in the Legion rooms at the Carthage Memorial Hall. All members are invited to attend.

today's laugh

The foreman on a political job was bawling out one of his workers.

"I know the sort of fellow you are," said the foreman. "You’re the sort of fellow who’d like to stay in bed all day and get things done, just by pushing buttons."

"Not me," was the reply. "Who’d push the buttons?"

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Beaten by Their Own Testimony.


Mrs. Nancy E. Burch, through her attorney Chas. E. Burch, brought suit in Justice Woodward’s court Saturday afternoon to compel Mrs. Rosetta Ballard to pay higher rent and yield possession of the house on Garrison avenue belonging to plaintiff, which she now occupies.

Mrs. Ballard, through her attorneys Dryden & Bailey, claimed that the rent was only to be raised when certain improvements had been made upon the property; that she had tendered the usual rent which she refused; and that she was not legally notified to vacate.

The only witnesses examined were C.E. Burch and his father, John W. Burch, who by their conflicting testimony admitted all that the defense claimed and the suit was dismissed at their expense.

  Today's Feature

City Offices Closed for Funeral.

City Offices will be closed Wednesday August 4th from 1:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. for the funeral service of Joe Butler, former Carthage Director of Engineering. Services will be held at 2:00 P.M in Fairview Christian Church.


Election Tomorrow.

Elections will be held tomorrow for the County Primary and Constitutional Amendments 1 and 2 for the State of Missouri.

Amendment number 1 if approved will allow the licensing of floating gambling facilities on or adjacent to the White River in Rockaway Beach, MO with the provision that 50 percent of State revenues this year be used for salary supplement grants to high quality teachers in priority schools. Further information on the ballot states that the amendment will generate annual direct gaming revenue from 39.9 to 49 million dollars for the state and from 10.2 to 12.4 million dollars for the local government which is subject to local vote approval and licensing by the State Gaming Commission.

Amendment number 2 asks if the Missouri Constitution should be amended so that to be valid and recognized by the state a marriage shall exist only between a man and woman.

Polling places are as follows: First Ward, Grace Episcopal Church, 820 Howard; Second Ward Memorial Hall; Third Ward First Precinct, Fire Station, North entrance; Third Ward Second Precinct, Columbian School; Fourth Ward First Precinct, Junior High School; Fourth Ward Second Precinct, Fairview School; Fifth Ward, Fairview Christian Church.

Letters to the Editor.

Opinions expressed reflect those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Mornin’ Mail.

Taxes. Taxes. Taxes.

The Library just gave us a new tax to build another building. The Carthage Water and Electric raised our rates by about $100.00 The Carthage R-9 School Board conned us into a 67 cent tax raise, when they knew they were about to get new money from the State Government and neglected to tell us, until after the election. Now Fire and Police Departments want to increase their pension. Of course the rest of the City employees will want an increase too.

But I think they went a little overboard when they stated they would have a couple of hundred thousand extra that they can put into a general fund, so the City Council will have a little extra spending money. The Federal Government gives us a small tax break and the city wants to take it all away.

Thanks people.

Rudy J. Mueller

Carthage, MO.

Just Jake Talkin'


The votin’ has begun.

If ya haven’t been reminded enough, taday is your chance to speak your mind about who should be runnin’ for County offices. Time ta vote in the primary.

‘Course there is always about three-quarters of the registered voters that don’t take the time for various reasons. That brings all the decisions down to less than fifteen percent of the registered voters.

Ever’ vote that is cast represents around one in four voters, so if you think there might be three other folks in the County that think like you do, get out and cast your vote for ‘em, they aren’t gonna make it out today. If ya think there is one that might disagree with ya, get out there and stand up for what ya believe. Whatever the reason, get to the polls. Walk the walk.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



McCune- Brooks Hospital

Weekly Column


By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

Health Is Just a Step Away

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have read and heard that walking 10,000 steps a day is enough exercise to get you in shape, lose weight and keep your heart healthy. Is this real? Can plain walking be sufficient to do all those things? And are you supposed to count all your steps every day? That would drive me crazy. — M.M.

ANSWER: Walking can be an adequate stimulus to lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart, keep arteries clog-free, lose weight and restore pep.

How much walking and how rigorous the pace are matters of dispute.

The 10,000-step-a-day goal is not realistic for everyone. Most of us are not terribly active. The average person takes only about 5,000 steps a day, and sedentary people take less than 3,000.

If people increase the number of steps taken daily by 2,000, real health gains can be realized. That number of steps translates into about a mile and takes roughly 2.5 hours a week — a distance that almost everyone can reach.

And this amount of exercise makes the blood unlikely to form clots in a heart or brain artery (heart attack and stroke preventions), lowers blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and pares weight off the body.

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