The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 Volume XIII,
Number 82
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Saturday
October 16 the Carthage Democrats will host a
Meet the Candidates Reception at Democratic
Headquarters following the Maple Leaf Parade.
Did Ya Know?... The Pink
Leaf Ball, a McCune-Brooks fund-raising event
will be held at Memorial Hall October 15 from
8:00 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $10.
Did Ya Know?... Good
Shepherd Lutheran Church, Parish Nursing Program,
in partnership with McCune-Brooks Hospital, is
sponsoring a Health Fair on Oct. 12. 8am-10am at
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, located on the NW
corner of HWY 96 and 171. Everyone is welcome to
come for very low priced blood tests, fitness
assessment and good food. For information call
Good Shepherd at 358-1325.
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
Veterans Alliance will meet Thursday October 14th
at 7 p.m. in the V.F.W. to make plans for the
Veterans Day program, which is to be held on Nov.
11. All Veterans Organizations are invited to
attend this meeting and the Heartland Band at
Memorial Hall.
Look here,
Archie," said a father to his little son,
who was naughty, "if you dont say your
prayers you wont go to Heaven."
"I dont want to go
to Heaven," sobbed the boy; "I want to
go with you and mother."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
It Was
Attempted Suicide.
Ben Graves, Who Shot
Himself at Webb City Yesterday, Is Brought Here.
Ben Graves, who shot himself in Webb
City yesterday morning, was brought to Carthage late
yesterday afternoon to the home of his father, Thadeus
Graves on West Eldorado street back of the woolen mill.
He is still living but there is said to be little hope of
his recovery.
The shot was fired with suicidal intent
and Graves admitted it. He says he had trouble with his
wife, who he charges had left him and was keeping the
company of another man.
Graves had been away from home for
several months and had returned to Webb City a week ago.
The prostrate mans wife says that when her husband
left her she was in destitute circumstances with only 50
cents to the house and that he sent no money while gone,
hence she left him.
Board Presents.
The Budget/Ways and Means
Committee met on Monday evening and discussed the
expansion to the Public Library. The committee
heard from the Library Director Jennifer Seaton
about the status of the pledge drive and the
plans for implementing the funding for the
construction and maintenance of the new addition.
Marty Nohe, the Citys
financial advisor stated that the library has
raised over the 2 million dollars that comprised
their portion of the funding. The money was
raised mostly through securing pledges, some of
which are long-term ranging up to 10 years. The
Library Board plans to take the pledges to a bank
and secure a loan using pledges for collateral,
however, it was stated that in ten years the loan
will have gained interest. Nohe reminded the
Committee that the City agreed to help with
operational costs, and said the Library board
considers interest to be an operational cost.
Committee members Ronnie Wells
and Bill Johnson were of the opinion that the
Library should have made the need for additional
funding known to the public before the tax issue
went to vote. Committee member Mike Harris and
committee chair Jackie Boyer said they felt that
most people would expect an increase to
operational costs with any expansion. Harris
added that he did not consider interest on a loan
to be an operational cost.
The committee approved a motion
to accept donations made to the library and to
present them to City Council at Tuesdays
meeting. Harris persuaded that before hearing a
motion concerning the payment of interest the
committee should have something concrete to
either approve or disapprove. Marty Nohe asked if
the Committee and the Library Board could get the
issue resolved within the next 30 days and both
parties agreed. If the Committee decides that
interest payments are not an operational cost the
Library will have to find another funding
mechanism to cover the costs.
Just Jake
The main
problem with the cruise control bein
available on cars today is that folks,
includin myself, dont want to
disengage it once its turned on.
I dont know bout
everone else, but the odds seem to be high
that I will be movin up on a slow
movin car at precisely the same time that a
car will occupy the left lane next of me.
In a hundred mile trip, I can
expect for this to happen at least once, more
likely two or three times. I suppose I could
alter the odds by drivin a little slower or
a little faster, but I cruise at a comfortable
speed. Just fast enough so as ta not get a ticket
I suppose. Ive heard the comment that
Im a half-fast driver. Somethin they
dont teach in drivin school I
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
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Heritage Publishing
Weekly Column Here's A Tip
By Jo An
"Ever have a problem with smelly leftover
coffee grounds in your kitchen (or office, den,
bedroom)? Heres your solution: Line a
34.5-ounce coffee can with a 1-gallon food
storage baggy, and dump the filter and grounds
into it every day. Keep the lid on. At
weeks end (trash day), tie up the baggy and
trash it, putting a new baggy in for another
week." E. OB. in Dover, Del.
"We had some old
coats to donate, and my son came up with a great
idea. We kept a few of the warmer ones and put a
few dollars, a paperback book, a bus token and a
shelter information pamphlet in the pockets. We
then put them into plastic grocery bags and put
two in each car. When we see someone who could
really use one, we just give the coat to them,
along with the contents of its pockets. We hope
they can make their way to the shelter and stay
safe and warm." A Reader, via e-mail
Baby-food jars make
great organizers for junk drawers. They are
small, so they dont take up much space. And
its easy to see the jars contents.
"The best marker
for the bottles or sippy cup you send with your
child to day care is nail polish. Use a bright
color. It stays on forever and wont wear
off with washing." K. in Orlando,
"I have odd-shaped
cabinets in my pantry, and it isnt always
easy to see what I have on hand. I make a list
and hang it on the inside of the door. When I use
something, I cross it off. When I buy something,
I just add it to the list. I look at the lists
when I am planning my menu." H.O. in
Culver City, Calif.
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