The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, October 26, 2004 Volume XIII, Number 91

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The Fear Factory Haunted House will be open October 22-31. Hours Sunday through Thursday 7-9 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Halloween starting at 7 p.m. Admission $5, Tuesday 2 for 1. From the roundabout, east on Airport Drive 1.8 miles. North side of the road.

Did Ya Know?. . .The First Church of the Nazarene is sponsoring a Family Festival Wednesday October 27 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the church parking lot, 2000 Grand, Carthage. Hot air balloon rides and horse rides. Food and activities free. For more information call 358-4265.

Did Ya Know?... The Carthage Chapter of Soroptimists is seeking applicants for the Violet Richardson Award. For more information or to apply, contact: Renay Minshew at 622-8000, Pat Bearden at 525-4436, Ann Carter at 358-3632, or Stephanie Hensley at 358-6326. Deadline is Dec. 1st.

Did Ya Know?... Eminence Chapter # 93 Order of the Eastern Star will meet Tuesday, October 26 at the Masonic Temple 7th & Maple. Regular meeting 7:30pm.

today's laugh

Boswell, dining one day with Dr. Johnson, asked him if he did not think that a good cook was more essential to the community than a good poet.
"I don’t suppose," said the doctor, "that there’s a dog in the town but what thinks so."

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Matrimonial’s Pleasant Meeting.

The Matrimonial club and one invited guest, Mr. Tom Franks, of Wichita, spent a most enjoyable evening with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Greenwood last night. After a splendid dinner at 7 o’clock, of which quial was a feature, bid euchre was indulged in for a couple of hours, the ribbons being won by A.A. Ramsay and Mrs. John McMillan.

Partners for dinner were selected by each lady writing on a card the thing for which she was most thankful. These were shuffled and passed to the gentlemen who each took one and so aptly was the characteristic thankfulness expressed by each that the gentlemen had no trouble in picking the partners they had drawn.

After cards a lively half hour was spent with music and dancing. The club will be entertained next week by Capt. and Mrs. John McMillan.


Today's Feature

Schrieber Requests Zoning Variance.

The Carthage Zoning Board of Adjustment met Monday afternoon and approved a request by Schreiber Foods for a height variance for a "contemplated" addition to their plant located at 1112 West Fairview Avenue. The addition as proposed includes a high bay area which would reach approximately 132 feet in height.

Carthage City Code specifies that no building shall exceed 75 feet in height or 6 stories.

Mayor Kenneth Johnson, City Economic Development Director Max McKnight and City Administrator Tom Short attended the meeting.

Schreiber Engineering Team Leader Robert Nielsen told the Committee that the high bay would house an automated storage system. The expansion would create 80 jobs.

Carlene Neihart Concert Cancelled.

The Carlene Neihart Organ Concert scheduled for Tuesday, October 26 at the First Presbyterian Church has been cancelled. Neihart sustained injuries to her back from a fall in Kansas City and will be unable to perform.

Just Jake Talkin'


Just killin’ time.

Brings ta mind sittin’ on the porch with a stick and a dull knife, feet propped up on the porch rail waitin’ for somethin’ to happen. Maybe a warm breeze ever’ now and then to rustle the trees.

Nowadays "they" tell us most folks don’t do enough of it. Ever’one has places to be and people to see. And are in a big hurry to get it done.

I suppose most are still just killin’ time, they’re just workin’ a lot harder at it. Gettin’ somethin’ actually done takes a lot more than just bein’ in a hurry. As the old sayin’ goes, "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get."

I only made the mistake of tellin’ my folks I was bored a couple a times. Seems my dad always had somethin’ that I could be doin’. I kept plenty busy, just killin’ time.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



McCune- Brooks Hospital

Weekly Column

To Your Good Health

Dr. Paul Donohue, M.D.

Don’t Rely on At-Home Test for Alzheimer’s

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My husband forgets everything. Is there a way I can check him for Alzheimer’s? — K.R.

ANSWER: Have your husband draw the outline of a circular clock. Then tell him to add the hands of the clock at a time specified by you, say 9:20. The clock test is a reliable indicator of mental function.

A second test is for you to give the names of three items out loud. Let three minutes pass and ask your husband to repeat those items. I must admit, when testing, I write down the items so I remember what I said.

Any mistake on the clock test indicates that mental processing is not at peak performance.

Recalling just one of the three cited items gives a person a passing grade for brain function.

There is no test that identifies Alzheimer’s with certitude, but an evaluation by a trained professional carries much more weight than home tests in predicting the presence of Alzheimer’s disease. What will you do if your husband fails these tests? My point is that it would save you time and possible error to have the family doctor evaluate your husband.

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