The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 Volume XIV, Number 37

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The Mens Auxiliary of V.F.W. Post 2590 in Carthage will have their monthly meeting on Thur., Aug. 11 at 7:30 p.m. All members, new and old are asked to attend. Nomination and election of officers for the coming year will be held.

Did Ya Know?... An American Red Cross blood drive will be held at the Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand, Thursday, Aug. 11 from 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday, Aug. 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please bring photo ID.

Did Ya Know?... A Back to School Bash will be held Wed., August 17 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the First Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand Ave. Entertainment includes hot air balloon rides, rock wall, horse rides and more. 358-4265 for more info.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Recycling & Composting Center’s hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday thru Saturday at 1309 Oak Hill Road.

today's laugh

Research by the Royal School of Veterinary Studies shows that dogs often get sick and may be allergic to their owners. However, my research suggests that dogs are often sick because they stay up way too late playing poker. - Jimmy Fallon

My parents only had one argument in forty-five years. It lasted forty-three years. - Cathy Ladman

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Good Run With A New Machine.

John Durby who is just getting the hang of running his fine new automobile, took a run-around yesterday which included a trip from here to Alba and from there to Carterville by way of Webb City, a distance of over 22 miles which was made in two hours including a stop of a half hour at Alba.

As Mr. Durby is a beginner at the automobile business, this was a good run. With Mr. Derby was a party composed of his daughter Miss Leta, Miss Garland and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lanyon. This vehicle is a 1905 model and it runs with great ease and little fuss.

Guy Harbin was fined $7.50 in police court this morning. The charge was fighting. He attacked Will Cooper the other evening and this was his offense. He refused to plead guilty and stood trial. His defense was that Mitchell owed him $1.50 and he had proceeded to whip him to get it. This defense did not count, however.


Today's Feature

Awaiting Installation.

The Budget/Ways and Means Committee heard an update on the computer system upgrade from City Clerk Lynn Campbell at the meeting Monday evening.

Camp bell told the committee that she had shown the bid from Worldwide Technologies to a Carthage Water and Electric Plant employee to get a second opinion from someone who is familiar with the specifications. The bid was said to be acceptable and the hardware was ordered.

Campbell said that the installation will begin in about two weeks. Worldwide Technologies recommended to Campbell that the network configuration should be set up by a private entity which would be available at short notice. The committee suggested that Carthage Water and Electric as an avenue to pursue for the job.

The committee also reviewed the sales tax numbers for August. The report shows sales tax down $32,252.73 for the month and $26,746.25 for the year. Committee members questioned the likelihood of the low figures being the result of a large business having filed late. The committee agreed that this has happened before.

Stench Report:

No Stench Detected

Just Jake Talkin'
I grew up hearin’ phrases like "If that’s all they’ve got to worry about, they ain’t got no worries," and "Worryin’ about it ain’t gonna fix it."

Today they say stress is a major contributor to all sorts of ailments. Got me worried. I got to wonderin’ how much worryin’ about stress strains the body.

I can’t help but think about those who lived in this part of the country when wolves, bears and big cats were roamin’ the neighborhood. Back when bein’ eatin’ or not eatin’ enough was more of a worry that bein’ a little overweight or havin’ to wait an extra five minutes at the fast food drive-by.

Now I’m not sayin’ that folks don’t have a little tension in their lives these days, it just seems that too much of the stress is self-inflicted.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Mornin' Mail
Weekly Column
Here's A Tip
By JoAnn Derson

• "When I am kneading dough for bread or pizza crust, I put sandwich baggies over my hands. The dough doesn’t stick to my hands, and it makes cleanup much easier." — I.L. in Ohio

• "Knee-high panty hose are great for more than legs. Stuff one inside the other, knot and use as a scrubbie for nonstick baking ware. They aren’t abrasive, but they work great to get off sticky food." — C.F. in New Jersey

• "If you get a splinter and it’s hard to get out, just cover it with regular household white glue. Let the glue dry and peel off. This works for me almost every time." — U.D. in North Carolina

• Beating bee-sting pain is a snap. First, scrape off the stinger with a credit card. (Don’t grab it and pull, as that will make it worse.) Then apply a dab of honey. It’s a natural antiseptic, and it will feel better almost instantly.

• Calm flyaways by washing and conditioning your hairbrush. Wash all types in soap and water, and if your brush is a natural-bristle brush, dip it in a cup of water with a little conditioner added. Let it dry, and brush away with no more static.

• "Keep used fabric-softener sheets for dusting. They eliminate static cling in clothes and then repels dust in the house. This works especially well on television or computer-monitor screens." — L.E. in Colorado

• "You can get your shower liner clean in no time at all by throwing it in the washing machine. I do mine once a month with a load of towels for extra scrubbing." — R.R. in Washington

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