The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, August 9, 2005 Volume XIV, Number 36

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... An American Red Cross blood drive will be held at the Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand, Thursday, Aug. 11 from 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday, Aug. 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please bring photo ID.

Did Ya Know?... A Back to School Bash will be held Wed., August 17 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the First Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand Ave. Entertainment includes hot air balloon rides, rock wall, horse rides and more. 358-4265 for more info.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Recycling & Composting Center’s hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday thru Saturday at 1309 Oak Hill Road.

today's laugh

One CEO always scheduled staff meetings for 4:30 on Friday afternoons. When one of the employees finally got up the nerve to ask why, the CEO explained, "I’ll tell you why - it’s the only time of the week when none of you seems to want to argue with me."

There’s always one of my uncles who watches a boxing match with me and says, "Sure. Ten million dollars. You know, for that kind of money, I’d fight him." As if someone is going to pay two hundred dollars a ticket to see a fifty-seven-year old carpet salesman get hit in the face once and cry. -Larry Miller

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Seven Passed Examination.

The Substitute List for Clerks and Carriers at the Post office.

At the civil service examination held recently at the post office in this city, eight took the examination and seven passed. The report on the examination reached here yesterday from Washington. Wilfred C. Robbins passed the best examination and is put on the permanent list as substitute carrier. Phillip E. Hardman passed and is put on the list and is made special delivery messenger. He is on hand at all times to deliver letters promptly which have special delivery stamps on them.

People who have a note to deliver in town can thus get prompt service by mailing it at the post office with a special delivery stamp on it. This is a new departure at this post office - this thing of having a special delivery messenger who makes a specialty of making delivery of this class of matter.

Wm. R. Hethcoatt passed and is on the list as a substitute clerk. The others who passed were: Miss Dorothy Hampton, Miss Pearl Hampton, Ernest Jackson and Wm.A. Hemphill, who are eligible as substitute clerks for one year from date of examination should any vacancies occur giving them opportunities.

THE fact that Gov. Ferguson came to Carthage as the guest of the Chautauqua and of the city refused the remuneration customary in such cases when it was proffered him by the assembly management, makes it unfortunate that he should have been gratuitously insulted and ridiculed by a Carthage newspaper as was done by the local morning daily. It is true that Gov. Ferguson does not belong to the Democrat’s political party, but it would seem that a nonpartisan address given under the auspices of a public institution like the Chautauqua might have been spared the efforts of that paper’s roasting department.


Today's Feature
Procedure for Conflict of Interest.

City Council will hear the first reading of an ordinance this evening establishing the procedure to disclose potential conflicts of interest and substantial interest for municipal officials

The ordinance is instated every two years for every city with a budget over one million dollars. It is required by the Missouri Ethics Commission as a means of ensuring that council members understand what comprises a conflict of interest and know the appropriate actions involved therein.

The agenda also includes the second reading of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute the termination of a development agreement regarding the Precious Moments TIF. This ordinance would include the annexation of property into the City in relation to over $100 thousand to be paid by the City for eligible Precious Moments Projects.

The ordinance has been postponed from its second reading multiple times while the details of the agreement were being arranged.

Council will meet in the Council chambers of City Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Stench Report:

No Stench Detected

Just Jake Talkin'

Ever keep bumpin’ into the same person over and over again? I don’t mean a friend or acquaintance, but a complete stranger.

Sometimes it’s out on the interstate. Ya pass a car and later in the trip, ya pull out from gettin’ gas and there that same car is. Ya end up passin’ him again, somewhere down the road.

It happens in the grocery store too. Ya stop and let someone pass by, and a couple a rows down, ya almost run into ‘em for the second of third time.

It just seems that two random folks are for some reason on the same wave link or somethin’. The only way I’ve found to get around the situation is to break the rhythm of whatever it is you’re doin’. Pull off on the side of the road for a few minutes or stop to get a can of pop. There are some things ya just can’t fight.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

McCune- Brooks Hospital
Weekly Column
To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

Lymphedema Could be Cause of Swelling

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My 12-year-old niece has had swelling of her leg, ankle and foot for the past two years. X-rays and scans of her legs are normal. We would like to obtain a second opinion but don’t know what type of specialist to see. Your thoughts, please? — N.G.

ANSWER: One possibility for your niece’s swelling is lymphedema, a disruption of the lymph vessels. Those vessels siphon fluid that bathes tissues and cells and return it to the circulation. If there is an obstruction in those channels, fluid stays in the tissues and causes them to swell.

Such a disruption of lymphatic channels can be present from birth but not cause any trouble until early adolescence or even adult life.

Women who have had lymph nodes and lymph channels removed during surgery for breast cancer can develop a swollen arm postoperatively. That is another form of lymphedema.

There are treatments for lymphedema. Therapists who have had special massage training can often reduce the amount of fluid in swollen, lymphedematous limbs.

The kind of doctor your niece should see is a vascular surgeon.

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