The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, August 9, 2006 Volume XV, Number 38

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The VFW Post 2590 Men’s Auxiliary will hold United We Stand Day, August 12th starting at 1:00 p.m. Pool Tournament, Shuffleboard Tournament, Horseshoe tournament, Bar-b-que Beef and Pork Dinner. Dance starting at 8 p.m. Country Express Band in the VFW Hall, 16759 Inca Road, Carthage. Everyone Welcome call 358-8816 for more info.

Did Ya Know?... A blood drive will be held at the Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand, Carthage on Thursday, August 10 from 1:30 to 7:00 p.m. and Friday, August 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please bring photo ID.

today's laugh

Murphy’s Laws:

Love letters, business contracts and money due to you always arrives three weeks late, whereas junk mail arrives the day it was sent.

The least experienced fisherman always catches the biggest fish.

As soon as the flight attendant serves coffee, the airline encounters turbulence.

The hardness of butter is in direct proportion to the softness of the bread.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

She Repented Her Secretiveness.

A certain young lady who has recently come into possession of a diamond ring had cause to repent of her selfishness in too faithfully guarding her secret. She chose to announce matters at a certain gathering of intimate girl friends, but so thoroughly well guarded had been her secret that for many embarrassing moments nobody would believe that the ring was her own.

Moral - If you have a good secret push it along.

Steve Marsee Arrested.

A constable from Joplin arrested Steve Marsee here today on a charge of petit larceny and took him to Joplin where he gave bond. A Joplin barber is the complaintant. Marsee says he can easily prove his innocence.

I am ready to give lessons in Indian bead work, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at my home. - Ruth Stebbins


Today's Feature

Surface Defeated.

Incumbent Presiding Commissioner Chuck Surface has placed third in a three way race to hold his position. John Bartosh defeated Surface and candidate Jim Spradling with a total of 3,949 votes in yesterday’s election. Spradling took the second highest count with 3,290 votes and Surface concluded his term with 3, 010 votes.

Carthage attorney David Mouton won his bid for Division 3 Circuit Judge by defeating Chuck Lonardo and Donna Kitchen with 62% of the votes.

Former County Clerk Bonnie Earl defeated opponents Connie Mosbaugh and Jack Stults with 50.08% of the votes for that office.

The closest race of the day was between candidates Karl Blanchard and Gayle Crane for Circuit Judge Division 1. Crane won by 384 votes and about 52% of the ballots.

According to Circuit Clerk Ron Mosbaugh 16% of the 75,787 registered voters cast ballots in the election. He says that there were some problems with the new voting machines early in the day, but spare machines were dispersed and overall the election went well.

Stench Report:

No Stench Reported on Carthage Square

Just Jake Talkin'
I suppose for those of us raised in this part of the country, the idea of bein’ careful of unnecessary confrontations was pretty well a part of life. "Pick your battles." The sayin’ strikes me in that it goes way beyond just conservin’ energy and a few metaphorical scars. For one it makes the prob’ly correct assumption that there will be plenty a battles to choose from.

The idea also assumes that there will prob’ly be other folks to fight at least a few of ‘em that could be considered worthy.

I’d reckon there will always be wrongs to right and judgements to be reversed. Sometimes there just isn’t a choice, but most times there is a consideration of time and place that can make a major difference on the outcome of any disagreement.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Mornin' Mail
Here's A Tip
By JoAnn Derson

• According to researchers, you’ll burn more calories on the treadmill than on other cardio machines. Next in line, in order, are stair-climbing machines, elliptical trainers and stationary exercise bikes.

• "Reinforce reading by requiring a set amount of reading time before any other electronic media are used. Be sure to discuss what was read in order to bolster comprehension and speaking skills." -- A teacher, via e-mail

• "File it under gift ideas! To keep family members happy when occasions for gift-giving come along, whenever we see a picture or hear of a product that we would like to have, we clip the photo, note any additional information and stick it in the gift idea file we have set up for each family member. When birthdays, holidays and special occasions roll around, it’s easy to remember what types of things that person might want to have." -- L.H. in Florida

• "Be careful about signing up for automatic payment plans that deduct a regular amount from your checking account or credit card. Gym memberships that go unused, for example, could cost you hundreds of dollars a year before you get around to canceling. Review all automatic bills monthly to determine if it’s worth it." -- K.W. in New Mexico

• A nuisance paper cut can be sealed up with regular household glue. Just dab a bit on the cleaned and dried paper cut and let it dry.

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